Largest Crematorium In Switzerland Now Offers Technology That Filters Precious Metals From The Body

One of the largest crematoriums in Switzerland, the Nordheim cremation facility that's located in Zurich, has introduced new technology into their business operation that is able to filter gold, silver, and platinum, from the bodies that are cremated at the facility.

It's estimated that roughly 6,000 bodies get cremated at this location every year.

Once the precious metals have been successfully filtered from the ashes, they then get sold to recycling centers and the family of the deceased has the option to opt out of this process if they wish.

Families don't often consider the precious metals that might be available in the form of fillings, staples, and implants etc, and commonly it's reported that crematoriums have kept the funds that come from the precious metals available after cremation. However, there are some cremation services/funeral homes that might provide contracts which specify who has the authority to keep the funds from any such precious metals.

As for the location in Switzerland, it's reported that all of the funds from the recycled metals will be going back to the state.

The families of the deceased aren't going to see any money from what gets recycled. It's estimated that they could be bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars by recycling these metals. As for the 6,000 that get cremated every year, it's estimated that 1/3rd of them have been interested in signing up for the program, to have the metals recycled. Not every crematorium offers this technique and traditionally, bodies have been prepped before they have been cremated and this has included having filings and other items removed. It's reported that there is only one other crematorium in the country that is currently offering the filtering technique and they've made tens of thousands in yearly revenue from recycling those metals.

For those who don't specify, or who don't have the opportunity to, whether or not they might like to retain the precious metals or be given back the compensation for them, crematoriums have often kept the funds for themselves or sometimes they've reportedly given it to charity. A great deal of people today prefer to be cremated after they die, it's estimated that for the United States in 2016, about 50.2 percent chose cremation.


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This is most bizzare!ahhh weird man

That’s nucking futs, dood

The very thought of this is creepy... what's worse is the crematorium or the state keeping the money!

i would rather my ashes be turned into either soil for a cannabis plant or a fiamond for my children to pass on as an heirloom.

I think this mineral extraction just a novelty but may come in handy in the future when populations want to recycle EVERYTHING even you

My first comment ;)
Interesting article and a good idea to recycle everything.

thx for stopping by.... and welcome to steemit! :)

i have a pretty sweet plate in my ankle. not gold though

hola amiga, wuao se ven tantas cosas ya nada sorprende
interesante tu publicación @doitvoluntarily

@doitvoluntarily I do not think it's good that the relatives of the deceased do not see the money from the resultant crematorium, but it's like everything, they'll deal with these types of things
Thank you very much for letting us know this news
I wish you a great day

you're right that is actually theft of a persons remains. They probably make you sign a waiver so they dont get sued.

Its crazy how people will enrich themselves on anything. I don't see why anyone would allow a company to take part of their loved ones remains to sell for profit... Sounds like we live on ferenginar in startrek

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