In The Name of Safety

Advocating that couples be separated, families be torn apart, and individuals be subjected to violence by a group that has given themselves a monopoly on inflicting violence upon society, being excused from displaying any morality, is an injustice that fosters pain, suffering, and in no way is about the safety of any individual on either side of a certain region.

It is easy to do it when it is out of sight and therefore out of mind, but imagine just for one moment the pain of being forcibly separated from those who you love.

A group gives themselves exemption from morality, allowing themselves to engage in actions that would be illegal for you or I to engage in, they do this regularly. They extort individuals daily, they suppress liberty continually and without pause, and when they do reach to limit liberty there is always an argument made for how the effort is carried out in the name of safety.

You have to repeat the lie often to have more chance of it being believed.

When you disregard the consent of those individuals you cannot be claiming to be protecting them in the next breath. Practice what you preach, because right now all the state is practicing is blatant hypocrisy.

If your personal preferences call on you to support state violence against peaceful individuals in the name of some imagined future threat, then you should perhaps revisit and recalculate those preferences. Support the liberty of all individuals in not advocating for violence to unjustly be used against peaceful people. Having concern for the liberty only of those who think, look, or act as you do, is only going to leave room for hate and fear to grow.

The fantasy that we need the state in order to survive is one of the most successful lies that has been perpetuated throughout "civilization".

We certainly don't need a group, who has given themselves the right to initiate violence upon everyone else, to be around to keep us away from what seems different; it's a poor excuse for the amount of extortion and violence that is initiated overall.


Thank-you @doitvoluntarily for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.
"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

Just ask what it's about... Money. Lawyers and court collect massive amounts of funds. And force families from being able to survive.

Watched my friend and his wife go through it all. Went from. Having a house life and being secure.... To the lawyers and courts got everything and the family on welfare and struggling.

And the children are forgotten by people bilking families of everything. Then saying they care...

Just like everything in America. The courts and government has taken any freedom you have.

You need permission and to pay for anything. Can't go fishing. Or driving or to the forest,beach, or work... Papers please...

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Well, this really is only one half of the story.

We gave exclusive use of force to the govern-cement.
However, we neglected to keep control over the govern-cement.

Before, when someone insulted your honor, you would challenge them to a duel.

Now we have the police/courts arbitrate disputes.

However, what happened is they went even further, as all bureaucracies do, and started filling the place for all self-defence. Even making self-defence illegal in many situations.

Lastly, until everyone can resolve disputes effectively by talking it out, we will have to defend ourselves. This requires shooting people who endanger our safety. Most people do not want to do this, even if they have every right (like self-defence) on their side.

In the Magnificent Seven the banditos should have road into town and bang, bang, bang... no more banditos. But the common person is afraid. The gladly give up their freedom for protection.

No "we" certainly did not consent 🤣

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