Changing Minds On Cannabis

in #weedcash5 years ago

There are millions of people who don't agree that everyone should have the freedom to consume cannabis. And they will be happy to support any state representative who agrees just the same. They aren't ready just yet to sit back and allow others to explore this freedom for themselves.

Slowly, these folks are changing their minds though, thanks to various efforts being made to try and battle the misinformation about cannabis that has been peddled for so long.

Different approaches work for different people.

One individual might be inspired to change their mind after seeing their own friend or family member struggle in health, then find healing with cannabis. For others, it might be a book about someone's personal cannabis story, or maybe a clever marketing ad that tries to dismantle the stigma. An argument attempting to highlight the immorality of prohibition for example, might sway some, but not all.

The common lies that have been spread about cannabis being a gateway drug, or that it promotes laziness etc, continue to be shattered by the many productive and healthy, functioning, cannabis users out there who are proving those misconceptions to be wildly ignorant.

Research on cannabis has shown that the majority of people who use cannabis will not go on to use other, harder substances.

Surprisingly, researchers have found the opposite, that cannabis might act as a terrific exit substance that many can take to help them get over their pill and alcohol addictions etc.

The regurgitated lie that cannabis is a gateway drug just isn't true.

Likewise, cannabis has been blamed and accused of contributing to lazy habits, but perhaps this habit of procrastination and laziness can't be blamed on cannabis. Cannabis is believed to help make working out and exercising more enjoyable and there are many cannabis users who pair their physical activity with their use. It doesn't promote a laziness for them, but rather the opposite. So no, it doesn't make everyone just want to sit on a couch and eat all day. For many, they report feeling more motivated to move around and exercise after they've been able to medicate.

Spreading information that can prove these claims to be false is going to help to educate people more on what cannabis is truly about and the potential benefits that it has and can continue to provide millions.

For one group of Jamaican women in Florida who are focused on spreading cannabis awareness, they too have decided to focus on educating their community on the lies that have been spread about this plant. This coming weekend they are expected to hold their annual community health and wellness seminar that they are hoping will be able to foster a positive conversation on cannabis.

"We will not discuss the morality or the right and wrong of cannabis. This conversation is about debunking the myths and separating the facts from the fiction of cannabis. Together, with the help of a panel of experts, we will explore the medical and scientific facts about cannabis. " - H. Creary

There are so many different groups and organizations, health professionals, farmers and individual cannabis users themselves etc, who are working hard to shatter the cannabis stigma.

Still there are many people who don't know that much about cannabis, what it could do for them, what the many uses of this plant could be in the market etc. And there are thousands. It can bring healing in a myriad of ways, to restore communities by contributing to wellness and fostering connection with others, to creating jobs and providing a variety of solutions and alternatives to everyday items and needs.

The more that those who are still against cannabis freedom can be educated on this plant, then we can assume hopefully that they will eventually reconsider their anti-cannabis stance to be one that's more accepting and supportive of the rights of others.

Adapt the narrative that's been fueled by fear-mongering and myths.

This education can come from a cartoon, a book, a song, a story, a personal experience; a diverse approach is the best approach to reach as many people as people.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


Spending Millions To Reverse The Cannabis Stigma


The US government has perpetrated intention lies and deception about marijuana since it was made illegal in 1937. In 1972 my class in high school was shown Reefer Madness a propaganda film put out by the government for this reason. I was actually in disbelief watching it because there was no truth to it period.

and to think they peppered us with lies for our safety no less.... the reefer madness is still alive and well! thanks for sharing about your experience with the propaganda ✌️

You may be right but there's an ambiguous nature to the perceived motives and it's hard to trust those who lie to us. Happy to share on this important subject.

I have never had a problem with other people having a problem with what I choose to do. And I have always had less of a problem with the government having a problem with what I choose to do.

Liberty is not dispensed by lawmakers. It is stolen by them.

you have been lucky my friend, others have had their lives ruined or lost because people had an issue with their medicating 🙏 and that's exactly right, all they can do is steal and violate liberty, they can't offer or protect it👍

I should clarify perhaps. When I say that I have never had a problem. I simply mean that I don’t care what others or the government think about my choices. I don’t mean that I haven’t faced consequences for having that attitude. Believe me. 63 years of being a rebellious contrarian does bring some backlash.

But having said that. I certainly have been fortunate. (I don’t care much for the word lucky). Fortunate that I was born a color that isn’t discriminated against nearly as much as some others by the thugs who enforce the arbitrary rules. Fortunate that I learned very early that if I minded my own business and maintained a low profile that I attracted less attention than those who simply want to be confrontational.
But mostly I am fortunate because I know that it’s easier to live with the condemnation of others and even some physical hardships than to compromise my principles and try to live with my own hypocrisy.

Whether Jefferson said it first or MLK makes no difference. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment.
We are obligated to disobey unjust laws.
If we can do so without being injured or caged. So much the better. But fear of punishment should never stop us from being true to our principles.

I simply mean that I don’t care what others or the government think about my choices.

that message came through the first time👌

for some, it wouldn't do them much good or their families for them to risk their freedom and end up handcuffed to a bed, suffering and alone, no matter how self righteous it might make you feel. I watched a talk previously from a teacher who spent time in North Korea and she had mentioned that at first she wanted to tell the students many things and perhaps wanted to encourage the thought of freedom for them, and liberty, but she knew that doing so would endanger them and their families. She knew that perhaps the risk wasn't worth it and would be too much, and I agree. If one person wants to stand up, fine but attempting to shame others for failing to act the same isn't very becoming, there are some who would rather live in peace enjoying their lives with their families, than live suffering as a martyr.

“Attempting to shame”? Where the hell did that come from?

Not sure what you mean? On the discussion of people disobeying or obeying unjust laws, there is often a sense of shame associated with those who aren't acting as others think they should. For example, some might consider it honorable when people disobey and dishonorable, shameful when they don't act according to their own standards. MLK contradicts himself in calling for people to obey just laws, and disobey unjust laws. Well, what are just? Who decides that? You? Me? A majority? etc.. which laws are just or unjust is highly subjective and one could argue that any contract, or laws, are unjust if they violate your consent from the beginning therefore all laws are unjust in the atmosphere that we have today because the ones enforcing the rules violated that consent, so there would be no just laws to be obeyed. But that is a subjective interpretation and MLK obviously believed there were some "just laws". You could give up your license today and go driving on the roads because you disagree with rules about licensing and find them unjust, but I don't think that would be a wise move... ✌️

We are slowly getting there, it’s for sure a marathon and not a sprint. If a state like my home state of Alabama can legalize CBD and is exploring medical is a huge thing. Luckily I now live in Oregon which is well, very green, lol. But there are still allot of people here that really doesn’t like it. Unfortunately it’s the old school, brainwashed thinking of the last 80-90 years of prohibition. Even my extremely conservative grandmother is opening her thinking to it because she has seen the good changes in me that it has done since I have lived in an area that I am not a criminal for taking care of myself naturally. I am trying to open her up to CBD, maybe one day, lol. Good read though!

@doitvoluntarily it was time for people to change their way of reasoning and seeing things. People have the right to experience and decide what they want to carry within their body.

@doitvoluntarily, Yes, for sure in recent days there is a huge change in Perceptions and Assumptions of people towards Cannabis and at the end of the day it's individual's choice how he/she wants to explore life. Stay blessed.

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