CBD Almost More Popular Than Pornhub

in #weedcash5 years ago

The CBD craze is real, today you can find CBD anything and everything just about anywhere. There are CBD gummies, chocolate bars, bath bombs, lotions, sprays, topical creams, oils, patches, vapes, drinks, and a myriad of other items.

You can find CBD, or cannabidiol, products being sold online, in dispensaries, in gas stations, and local corner stores. It's everywhere, leading some to wonder just how popular CBD truly is and why.

According to stats from cannabisMD, it's still one of the most popular topics online today with millions of people regularly searching for cbd-related content and items. The stats from cannabisMD show that it has only been outranked by more popular keywords like PornHub.

In April of this year it was estimated that at least 6.4 million 'CBD' Google searches took place.

Overall, the amount of searches for cannabidiol increased almost 200 percent, 160.4 percent, compared to the year earlier in 2017.

The CBD search volume shows that it is even more popular than the keto diet.

It's no wonder that so many people are searching for CBD online to find out what they might be able to learn about it.

So far, we know that it might be beneficial in helping to alleviate seizures for those suffering from epilepsy, offset the psychiatric side effects of THC, offer help with drug addiction, and more.

Still, some say that the current trend is ahead of the research and scientists insist that more investigation is needed in order to fully understand what CBD might be able to offer.

So far though, it has been promising to see various studies confirm the potential benefits here, conducting investigations that support the notion of cannabis or CBD being used as a beneficial natural therapy for various ailments today.

For those who are suffering, CBD and cannabis could make a tremendous difference in their lives.

For now, some still believe that the mainstream scientific studies are lacking, which doesn't help to meet the need of many.

There is a great demand for people who are searching and looking for information about what CBD might do for them, or what products are out there, and what benefit they might provide.

The drug war that is still ongoing in many areas hasn't helped to solve this issue, and has contributed to the problem by preventing that research from taking place.

In recent years however, more researchers have begun to investigate the potential for cbd and more resources have been dedicated to this endeavor but scientists say it has taken decades to make little progress on that front, there is still much progress to be made.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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