Bureaucrats Consider Homeschool Crackdown After 2 Children Found Buried In Backyard Of Their Home

in #story5 years ago

Last year, there were 2 children's bodies that had been discovered buried behind their family home in Georgia. The grandmother of the victims and her boyfriend are reportedly facing charges for their involvement in the incident. And the issue has prompted a growing discussing surrounding homeschooling freedom in the region.

Some critics have suggested that the homeschooling liberty which is afforded to people who don't need to submit to a myriad of state requirements and controls on how they go about educating their child, reduces their accountability and that this makes the system ripe for abuse.

There is a growing effort to see some changes to the law made regarding homeschooling freedom.

But the truth is that for millions of homeschooled children and their families, the process is not only safe but also turns out to be one that is not only greatly beneficial for the child but for the parents as well.

Current estimates suggest that there are more than 1 million kids being homeschooled in Georgia alone.

And one case involving two children isn't reasonable justification to advocate for limiting the freedom of so many who had nothing to do with that incident. You can find much worse has taken place at both private and public educational facilities.

Why is it that when the state wants more control over the lives of the people, they need only find one or two cases (or complaints) to support their overreach. But when it comes to expanding freedom and respecting the natural rights of people to express their liberty, say with consuming, growing, or trading cannabis, it doesn't matter how many millions express their discontent with the current state of affairs. And that millions beg for the state to refrain from limiting their freedom in this way, the state insists that it's still the right thing to do to keep us safe.

Is restricting the liberty of those 1+ million going to ensure any more safety for each child? Since when has limiting freedom ever given us the bastion of safety that has frequently been promised to the masses throughout the centuries? It never has.

Homeschooling is something that should be celebrated and encouraged, not feared and discouraged as if there is something to be suspicious about because the family is opting for that educational path.

Critics of homeschooling have said that it's easy for the parents who want to disregard their responsibility, who are having too much difficulty with their child, to simply fill out a form that they are being homeschooled, pull them out of school, and then just forget about them. But can't the same take place with public school and other facilities? Just send the kid to school every day and forget about it. Never mind the quality of education that they might be receiving or what they might be taught or exposed to while there. After all, they are being sent to trustworthy professionals, aren't they?

The reality is that there are risks to every environment and it is up to the individual to decide which risks they want to take and what path might be right for them. It isn't reasonable for the government to insist that they should infringe in this exchange and exert further control for a promise of safety. You cannot bring safety while you're violating rights at the same time.


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The first thing that struck me here is that there seems to have been some invisible thread drawn between mental illness (which it would surely take to kill a couple of kids — IF, indeed, that's what went down — and homeschooling.

But anyone with an ounce of sanity would be able to reason out that "Two kids died. They were homeschooled. Therefore homeschooling is risky." is not a logical argument on any level whatsoever.

But the establishment would want to paint homeschooling as being something for "fringe dwellers" so as to regain CONTROL over more people. Has nowt to do with whether they are being effectively educated, or not...

What happened to these poor kids has nothing to do with homeschooling or showing us that is dangerous in any way, but they will try to convince us that homeschooling is bad and dangerous.
It is all about control and money and they will try to brainwash us by showing us only the news or lies that they want us to see and no matter what majority of people want or need (health wise), their way is the only way. Now I don't call that freedom.

Strange that two kids murdered while being homeschooled is blamed on homeschooling; while scores of kids shot while being public-schooled is blamed on guns.

Because authoritarians want more power, and any excuse to get more power is used.

They never argue from facts... although they will use facts that support their side.

"How do you tell if a congress-critter is lying? His lips are moving"
This isn't quite true, its that the congress-critter's goals are far different than yours. And so, everything it says has a far different meaning than what you say, even if the words are the same.

Further, kids have died in foster care, even when the parents have said, something is wrong, you need to look into this. The govern-cement failed to protect the child, which was completely under their control.

And if we really wanted to talk about bullying and abuse, comparing minimum security prison inmate training to home schooling is just not a comparison.

War against what should be your choices... Homeschooling works for many kids. Besides being what traditional ways is you taught your children. And you helped them prosper.

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