A Trend of Eating Too Much Added Sugar

in #palnet5 years ago

A high-sugar diet has been linked with a variety of harmful effects, from increased inflammation, to high blood pressure, weight gain struggles, to an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease.

As we have continued to learn more about the detrimental effects of having a diet that contains too much added sugar, the anti-sugar movement has continued to grow.

Now, you can find a variety of companies that are turning to produce a wide range of sugar-free products to cater to this demand that the people have.

Once you start to pay attention to the added sugar, in an effort to try and cut more of it out of your diet and avoid high-sugar items at the market, you will soon start to see that it's pretty much everywhere. Sugar is found in almost anything, from ketchup to salad dressings, and everything in-between.

The average person in the United States is consuming over 100 pounds of sugar every year, several pounds every week.

There are also more than 50 different names for sugar, including: High-fructose corn syrup, barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, glucose, lactose, malt syrup, rice syrup, cane juice, and maltol.

Along with consuming plenty of high-processed foods that are packed with too much sugar, we see that there are millions of people in the United States who are also dealing with chronic health issues, inflammation, a myriad of gut and intestinal diseases, with researchers admitting that the "Western diet" is essentially making people sick, because health and nutrition are closely related.

One recent study, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, found that many children today in the United States are consuming an alarming amount of added sugar in their diets.

Their investigation discovered that roughly two-thirds of infants, about 98 percent of all toddlers, are consuming added sugars daily that are mostly coming in the form of fruit drinks and flavored yogurts.

This also isn't the first time that researchers have discovered that toddlers and infants are consuming too much sugar either, it is a pattern that is impacting millions of individuals of all ages.

A Growing Market

As more awareness about the dangerous effects of consuming too much sugar in the diet continues to grow, the sugar-free market is seeing significant growth in many areas.

Sugar substitutes for example have exploded in recent years, with their market expected to reach $20 billion or more by 2026.

The worldwide sugar-free food and beverage market is expected to grow to more than $70 billion USD by 2021.

The more the demand for sugar-free grows, it entices more companies to embrace it and new products are making their way to the market, along with old classics who have also made the switch and are trying to cater to this crowd.

One previous Annual Healthcare Shoppers Survey found that more than 50 percent of shoppers today say that buying low-sugar items is a priority for them.

However, although there might be many people who are concerned about sugar, other reports suggest that a majority of people don't want to change their diets.

Trying to quit a high-junk food diet, where you are used to consuming sugar every day, has been associated with feelings of withdrawals such as those which are often associated with drug addiction. The sugar addiction for many is very real and trying to build new, healthier habits, can be incredibly difficult to try and foster that new self-control.

“Typically when a patient is attempting to decrease the amount of sugar or even junk food , the body reacts poorly with symptoms similar to drug withdrawal, such as irritability, crankiness , tend to get tired, depressed with an increased craving and wanting to return to bad behavior,” - dietitian, K. Lefler.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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Heart attacks were non-existent until the 1920's. What happened around 1900, Coca Cola was unleashed onto the public, sugar use in our diet soared, heart attacks are commonplace.........any coincidence????????

Processed sugar really.

People need to stop eating fake foods.


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Most people really don't get much sugar is in a SODA. A disgusting amount!

Sugar is terrible and its pretty much in all of our foods. Thank you for sharing about this terrible drug - sugar with us

Sugar - the silent killer!!

That, and -sodium chloride 😶

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is another erudite piece on health, as usual from @doitvoluntarily!!

As bad as carbs are being painted , few of us are yet convinced about the evil in this substance! Our scepticism as unpopular as it could be stems from the scientific fact that our energy substrates like cereals and tubers must be digested into FRUCTOSE , SUCROSE / GLUCOSE,all sugars before they can be assimilated as oxidised to generate the necessary energy!
Question: Are these sugars , resulting from substrates hydrolysis different from the disease causing culprits??

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