Steem Is a Powerful Source Of Modern Knowledge!!!

in #steem5 years ago
Steem is a modern source of all kinds of information and at the same time represents a modern blockchain technology that develops at light speed. The question is how do we need to learn about the new changes, how our attitude towards life and success should look. Certainly, there is a lot of useful literature but the best way to learn is through spoken words. Think of the most successful person in your environment and ask her/him to tell about the methods and principles that made her successful. As you can see, contrary to the baby, the student can choose the source of information from where and from whom s/he will learn - that is the biggest advantage. A long time ago, I’ve found the answer to this question from my father. “Listen to the other people, read books and study, that’s how you’ll develop your personality”When I began working on myself everything seemed to be very confusing, I didn’t know which information is useful, my thoughts were absent-minded. When I reached high concentration and focus, my thoughts and knowledge start to get power. That is the same as you are sharpening the knife! Discipline is the mother of success, and knowledge is the basis by which we climb to the top.

Steem blockchain is a fantastic teacher, users who are successful transfer personal knowledge with enthusiasm. Choose your learning resources, choose your mentors. At the end you have clear conscience about certain things and you know exactly what to do to reach the success. Today students can become teachers through night because this is the era of innovations in which one idea can provide you lot of money, but sometimes that is not enough for staying on the top. Questions are the fastest way to learn and to know everything that you are interested in. I must remind you: ask the right persons. Don’t digress from your student status, go forward and you will grow faster. You’re probably asking yourself: how to find a real teacher? The real teacher has real knowledge, which means that only a successful person can teach you about principles of success. There is one real problem: small number of successful persons can find time for you. Reach people don’t want to reveal how to succeed because you’ll become their competition. Don’t discourage yourself! There are people who will help you, look for them, ask on different places and I’m sure you will find that person. Steemians have an interest in transferring everything they know to other users, in this way we raise the value of Steem.

No matter who the true teacher is, it is far more important that we know that we use the right information and turn them into a top score. If you find the right person who wants to give you attention, then accept it with an open heart and mind. The real teacher is amicable, open-minded, strict, and fair and has the right knowledge for helping you reach the results in practice. You may start with reading books; only one idea from the book can enrich you with knowledge. Long time ago it is said that actions speak louder than words; I would rather say that this is the rule of today: Studying, studying and only studying can create the person! The best teachers are eternal students, don’t you ever forget this rule! Don’t lose your time for nothing, set apart only one hour per day for yourself, there lays the magic of success. Certainly, it needs time to reach the real success. Steem is an opportunity that gives us the strength to win poverty, to become financially free. A large number of applications, online games and programs are starting to open the door to the world of abundance, this is an opportunity for all of us because we are the pioneers of the modern blockchain world that is rapidly changing and improving.

Steem leads us to the path of wealth and abundance. Most people want to get rich overnight and it's possible, but in practice, this situation is very rare. If we compare the investments in Steem Power and investments in the bank, then all the indicators are on the Steem side. Paper money is slowly dying, blockchain technology has already replaced money and transactions in many segments. Steem is at the beginning of new birth, Steem Tokens are now being developed on the Steem Platform, and this way of business is attracted by a large number of developers and businessmen who want to make a personal coin. The bank gives 5% annually, Steem gives 25 to 40% in Steem in one year. Someone who does not understand the power of the blockchain technology can think that the value of Steem will be small, but if we take everything that will happen in advanced years then this is unlikely. Now the value of one Steem is $ 0.5, imagine a value of $ 50, which is 100 times more and it will happen much faster than we think. If you look at the vision and mission that Steem has, then you will see the power of synergy in a large number of creative projects and users who have the desire, strength, motive and discipline to live in the Steem world.



See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools


@dobartim, Yes, Steem Blockchain is bringing opportunities and in my opinion in near future people can accomplish their dreams through Steem Blockchain.

No matter in which field we want to be established we need Discipline because discipline will never allow us to stop and give up and it will going to inspire us to follow the path which will going to bring ultimate satisfaction, peace and abundance.

Stay Blessed.

Discipline and focus.

Agreed brother. Have a peaceful time ahead.

See you on the top

Thank you so much brother.

You are welcome

In other social media are using today for promoting something and for business purpose, steem also the same but it is great platform where people use to published their talent, so that it's great platform for gathering knowledge. I choice my best one for this platform, The person is the great @dobartim.

Thank you for nice.words, I am only a small ant!

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Steem is very use to the open minded people, but lot of people not understand in blockchain

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