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RE: The Age of Victimization

in #politics6 years ago

Freedom does not consist in having the conditions so that everything goes well, and much less in having all the opportunities, freedom is that nobody prevents you from creating your conditions and your opportunities. You are free in both the good and the bad. If you do not accept responsibility for your actions in your freedom, you simply reject it. The people who seek that the State intercede for them to give them "better conditions", are people who accepted that freedom is not for them, after all, slaves have their food assured, and the free men no.

Very good conclusion and really gets to the core of things.

For in the same way that a free man can't be a victimizer, since freedom inherently implies a moral force that pushes man to do good...

I don't agree with this. Freedom, in the context that you are discussing here, is all about the realization that our consciousness is free ( immaterial freedom as you discussed in a comment) and limited only by our thoughts and beliefs. There are definitely people who understand this but choose to then use this knowledge to control others. In my opinion, if we reduce all choices down to a single decision point, it is either Oneness or separation. A person who intuitively sees that everything is connected and ultimately One, will likely be in tune with the "moral force that pushes man to do good". On the other hand, a person who sees separation everywhere they look may very well use their freedom to exploit others who choose to be victims.

a free man can't be, under any circumstances, a victim, since a free man is responsible for their actions, and subsequently, their results.



My belief is that, no person who rejects morality, who rejects values, that is, a person who does not have integrity, can not be free, because he is a person prone to fall into vices, and a vicious person is not, under any circumstances, a free person.

Many times we don't understand why since the beginning of our civilization, fear, lust, gluttony, greed, and many other aptitudes were seen as the lowest of a man, but it is quite simple, if you are not able to control your impulses, your fears, your temptations, then they control you, and you lose freedom with your own approval.

What does it really mean to be free?

That is how he had explained it before. I don't think that someone who can take advantage of another to enslave him can really understand the meaning of freedom.

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