Contrary to Popular Belief...It's Time for a Self-Inflicted Adventure!

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Do you ever feel like there's no meaning to this? And that your whole life is manufactured? Like you're a packaged product of your own culture. Do you feel like you've just followed the pattern and that's all there is to life? Swimming forever in the sea of fantasy. Slowly getting sucked into the existential vacuum. Perhaps the time has come to walk another path. A different path where only you can walk. But where does it lead? Don't ask me, it's your path. Just walk. But wait, there's more.

It appears that people are suffering from this sickness called 'denialism' on a massive scale. You deny everything that is happening and that has happened in order to stay under your security blanket. Deep down, you are suffering from within too. You deny that you have something to do with the massive destruction of the planet and its people. You swallowed the pill given to you by your psycho rulers. Why not? A comfortable life in Wonderland is more promising. No more pain. Just pure bliss inside the bubble. Completely insensitive to the suffering of humans and nature. And psycho you become.

So if you are not, then don't ignore those feelings. When you start questioning, it probably means you start waking up. You are dying to throw up that pill. Those feelings are only a call to adventure. Mind you, it's not easy. Waking up is not easy. Spirituality is not about putting on your yoga pants and doing yoga with your fellow snubby elites. For me, real spirituality is a self-inflicted adventure.

I know because I took the self-inflicted adventure path. Okay, I'm not spiritual and this is not putting myself on a higher ground. This is just my story. Leaving a stressful pyscho corporate job that contributes to the enslavement of humanity and the destruction of the planet is not easy. I've let go of my career and financial security. Traveling with fewer resources and without societal privileges is damn hard, it's like asking to be stoned by the rest. Getting into entrepreneurship is just another difficult adventure of braving the unknown. I don't even know if I will have something to put on the table the next month. Writing is fucking hard too. Writing in another language is harder.

All of that being said, sure I do feel fulfilled. I've done a lot of things in life that most people don't have the guts to do. Now do I feel happy? I say I feel thrilled and sometimes I don't. I never stay at the same level anyway. It would be quite alarming if you are in the same emotional state for a long time - sadness, fear or even happiness. Now, do I feel complete? I never want to be complete. It's like telling me to stagnate and that is way more depressing. In this day and age where people drown in the illusion of security, I'm proud of my own self-inflicted adventures and I'm sure there will be more in the future. Courageously grabbing the bull by the horns and leading it to the direction where you really want it to go, like where you really want and not where others want it to go, is the only path to a fulfilling life. The easy path is depressing, a slow painful death. You might as well /wrist straight away than be part of the dying herd. The hard path is meaningful and filled with knowledge.

Here's the thing is, I don't really believe anyone who says that they are really happy for real. Stop lying to yourself. Comfort + security + materialism don't necessarily equate to happiness. I think you are not happy, you are just distracted.

So here's my counterattack to the popular happiness advice:

Don't think too much.

You see, that's the problem. You don't think too much. Worse, you don't think. Modern society does not want you to think. Not realizing it is a strong evidence that you don't really think anymore. Can you imagine being part of the thinking masses? You will no longer support the enslavement of humanity. You will be alleviating the pain of others. And 'thinking' is not profitable in the grand scheme of things. So, have a think.

Relax, take it easy.

This kind of relates to the first. The problem is that you relax too much. So I say, fuck security. I don't mean go jump off a cliff or drive under the influence. I mean get out of the embrace of your mollycoddling culture or pampered domesticity. Now, do you see the root cause of the whole depression in modern society? It's stagnating in the rotten creature comforts. Don't relax too much, try something new for once in your life. Face the 'discomfort zone'. Nobody is interested to harm you so get over yourself. Try something difficult yet fulfilling. Get out of the tyranny of convenience.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

What a joke. It sounds pretty much LOA to me. You see, that's the problem, you don't compare yourself to others anymore. You think you are high up there almighty with everything you need. You think your beliefs are far more superior yet you deny its fuckery. I don't mean material things or self-image here, like fuck that. It's more of self-analyzation. It's getting inspired by the hardship others. It's analyzing their adventurous path. It's letting go of that special complex and start thinking that you are probably worse. It's letting go of that egocentric ideals and start realizing that you are not better than the rest. Other people's shit can be yours too.

You cannot change the world or others, you can only change yourself.

When I was younger, I was thinking the other way around. As I get older and become less dumb and more awakened, this popular advice becomes a bunch of BS to me. It's like telling me subtly that everything is my fault. I just won't take it anymore. I'm not saying don't change or act like an ass from now on, or don't take responsibility. The problem is that this belief has been exploited by the modern world. It makes you think that everything is entirely your fault. Just don't dismiss the reason for other people's suffering or completely wash your hands of it. Like, just accept everything as it is by continuously living in lala land. Can you imagine the masses falling for this? There will no longer be a massive change in this world. You might as well just wait for the world to collapse, and with your children in it too. And you don't want that right? The problem in the modern society is that they make people think that it's their fault and fault alone. It's more profitable that's why. Sure, others can try. Make it or break it, and I'm actually part of those who are trying. However, I cannot blame those who cannot make it to the top, like fuck. Most people 'are made' to resign to the unfortunate circumstances they cannot control. The keyword here is 'uncontrollable'. Like there's an invisible hand or something that perpetuates this whole massive fuckery you try so hard to deny, and be like the ones who instill this popular idea into your mind. I am dumber than you are. It just takes guts to get out of the societal conditioning in order to wake up.

Don't complain.

The worse advice that you're going to get in your whole life. The main reason for all this massive stagnation and blissful ignorance. I say, complain. Like, complain a lot. Complain about why there's a massive shit going on in this world. Complain about why you are made to believe that everything is okay and why you are made to believe that way. Complain about why you don't complain. Like, what is wrong with you that you don't complain anymore? Let go of fear, for all you know, you are made to feel that way too. Stop clinging on to these divisive and false beliefs. Instead of being trapped under the illusion of comfort and security, why not give your life some meaning. Be both happy and sad. Embrace difficulty. Then get the fuck out of it. Go back and forth. Never stagnate. Choose a self-inflicted adventure. Choose a life well-lived. Let others feel inspired too. Then let people use their collective self-inflicted adventures for some massive change.


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