So I'm an Idiot - Don't Do What I Did Today: Public Service Announcement

in #scam8 years ago (edited)

I pride myself in my ability to hang on to my Bitcoin.  I like to think that I am good at spotting scams and avoiding them like the plague.  Well, today I let my guard down.

On twitter, @certianassets followed me, and I thought it was Ned.  He offered a discount on Steem for doing a survey and I thought it made sense as a way to help them distribute Steem.  I did the survey and sent over 2 btc to fill up on some Steem Power.


I clicked the profile and saw that it was not Ned, but rather some scammer with a similar handle.  I can't believe I just threw away over $1200 just because I was excited.

Please do not do what I did, take your time whenever you send your btc, steem, or any other crypto.  It's completely my fault for letting my emotions get the best of me.  I am making this post to bring this scam to the attention of the community and I hope no one else falls for this.

I'll be fine, it's not the end of the world, it is just money afterall, but at the same time, I'm not wealthy and that was the last bitcoin I had "reserved" for Steem for a long while.  This is a big blow to me and @missjessica, but we'll recover and I'll learn a valuable lesson that I thought I already knew.

I'm sad and angry right now, but I am more so concerned that others will fall for a similar trap.  Please don't make a mistake like I just made minutes ago. :(



Upvoted and will promote to help you recover AND to thank you for reminding me that I must always be aware and responsible.

Thanks for the support that you and everyone else here has shown me. I know that I will recover and I'll come back stronger after taking some time to reflect and grow from this.

I'm really sorry for what happened. I had $500 stolen from me back in the old e gold days. Like you said it's just money but it hurts more because you feel stupid and lose some of your respect for humanity.

UPVOTED your article and some of your comments.
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

The same guy also tried to scam me as well today. I wrote up a quick blog about it and notified @ned on Twitter:

That's horrible. I don't know how, you are handling this but I'm sure the whole steemit community is very grateful for sharing this.

ouch, no-one is immune to getting caught out. I hope you bounce back quickly. thanks for letting everyone know.

That sucks, man. If it makes you feel any better, I threw away over $40K on a penny-stock that I was high on by the name of "Winning Brands", about 5 to 7 years ago. I still feel some pain thinking about it and what I could have better done with that money.

Talk about an idiot! But life goes on, as Tupac would say (..I want to throw a happy emoji here, but it feels inappropriate at the moment).

My advice is to make the best of the situation - learn your lesson and be more careful in the future. We can all be idiots at times, but it's only the insane that keep making the same mistakes over and over.

OMG, the same thing almost happened to me with Stratis a couple weeks ago. The account actually looked like a Stratisplatform account then the next day, it wasn't anymore really weird. I ended up notifying the survey site, and also notified twitter. I got skeptical when I seen the amount they were offering and backed out. Don't feel to bad, I've been on the net for a long time, and I can almost always spot a scam, and the people almost got me. This was the btc addy of the SOB that tried to get me


If you look it up on the blockchain you can see the guy got a chunk of money on that day. I've been trying to follow the BTC to see if I can DOX the prick! Probably won't happen though. Sorry for your loss.

If you have the bitcoin address still, try and see if there is any associated website, or company tied to the address.

Doesn't look like there's anything, but thanks for bringing this tool to my attention.

I'm so bummed out now, I can't believe this happened to me.

Sounds a lot like the same guy. I added the address to my file. If I find anything out, I'll let you know.

Thanks man, I appreciate it! Let's just hope we help a few people avoid making the same mistake.

Currently looking to gauge and grow social support for Steemit. Would you like to take a quick survey in order to receive a half-off deal on STEEM?

36m 36 minutes ago

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34m 34 minutes ago

Ned Scott
Here it is: Reply when done.
32m 32 minutes ago

Just finished :) Keep up the great work, Ned! Steemit has reinvigorated my passion for crypto, voluntarism, and much, much more. It's my favorite place on the Internet and I know many of my previously non-crypto friends agree.

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BTW, my main twitter is @DerekReith :)
22m 22 minutes ago

Ned Scott
Confirmed. Here is your personalized half-off STEEM social reward: Expires in 2 hours, read the directions given above. We value your feedback and time.
21m 21 minutes ago

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Done! Thank you so much!

Yeah, I can see how you'd be blinded by excitement, but honestly looking at that (in hindsight of course), it sounds automated, very generic, its not personalized at all. What sh!##y thing for someone to do.

I know, looking back it's so ridiculously obvious what it was...just feel like a complete idiot.

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