This Odd Thing We Call Nostalgia... (Ulog No. 44)

in #ulog5 years ago

I have heard it said that as we age, we tend to become more nostalgic... simply because we have more and more life behind us; to look back on.

That said, I have always been somewhat of a nostalgic person, even though it feels like an odd thing for me to admit to, as my earlier life has hardly been much of anything to look back on with fondness OR longing.

And yet? There it is...

Buddha in the sun....

Time Travelling: In My Mind...

Earlier today, I found myself thinking about a time when I worked in the IT industry, and felt constantly stressed out and overworked... to the point of even developing a couple of bleeding stomach ulcers... and I considered the strangeness of feeling a slight longing for those days.

Believe me when I say there really was nothing good and worthwhile about those days... aside from (perhaps) a somewhat substantial paycheck that I felt I was pretty much selling my soul to get.

Sometimes I think about childhood, and nothing much *"worth" looking back on there, either. Except maybe for the fact that I had fewer responsibilities.

Perhaps it is therein I find myself waxing nostalgic: The times "back then" might not have been particularly good, but somehow I felt less burdened by the weight of life.

Lonely sailboat on the bay...

Writing Daze...

As of late, I have been reflecting on a time when I did a lot more writing, and I was actually bale to derive some semblance of a living from doing this thing that I love.

Heck, as recently as 18 months ago — here in this very community — I derived some semblance of gain from writing. Some of you probably remember those days and perhaps find yourselves wondering what happened.

It seems that often we encounter things that are worthwhile, and by merit of the very fact that they are worthwhile, they start to become worthless, on account of becoming "overpopulated and overused" in some way.

Fall leaf with tiny spider web

The path and evolution of overpopulated and overused inevitably seems to be a slow decline towards nothingness. When something is "good" lots of people want to be part of it, as a result of which it gradually becomes no good.

Ironic, isn't it?

Then again, maybe that is simply the reality of life: success leads to failure, and out of failure success is reborn.

Nostalgia is an odd thing...

Thanks for reading!

(Another #creativecoin creative non-fiction post)

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 191022 23:59 PDT




Hello @steemeow!

"The path and evolution of overpopulated and overused inevitably seems to be a slow decline towards nothingness. When something is "good" lots of people want to be part of it, as a result of which it gradually becomes no good."

Absolutely true about charming or interesting rustic places I have been to in the past. A few people know about them, they tell a few others, those others post it or write about it - soon enough all that is left are plastic fantastic tourist traps where you experience more or less the same shit as everywhere else.

Oh well.

It certainly holds true of our small seaside city, which suffered the fate of being named in various "best small towns to live" articles... and 13 years after I arrived here, I only marginally recognize the place... at least the spirit of the place; the artists and creatives have largely been supplanted by wealthy retirees from from California...

Oh well, indeed...

I've been away from writing for some time, but have found that I really need the creative outlet...

Energy ebbs and flows. When I have it, I need to write (or do something creative, at any rate!)



My creativity definitely comes and goes, as well... I am just trying to make more of a regular habit of creating something every day... even if it's not anything particularly worthy.

I wrote a post awhile back about nostalgia, too. Like you, I never believed I really had much to look back on, but when I do look back, there were definitely some fond times. I remember bike riding by the river in the sun, with the sun on my face and back and fresh air in my nostrils, without much of a care in the world. I miss that.

I've noticed that when I get nostalgic, I tend to focus back on moments in time, rather than longer periods. Like you, often I am reminiscing about times when I felt less pressured and more carefree.

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