dashwallets.com doesn't have wallets for DASH ... Ouch!

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

This morning I thought it's time to take a further look at DASH as a while ago I read several posts regarding this coin, like:

 [INFOGRAPHIC] Dash for dummies or people with very limited time.

 借大家关注 BTC 的这波风潮,科普和分享一下 DASH

It's likely that I will buy a very little amount after I study it so I think I can have a look at its wallets first. So I googled "dash wallet" and click the first link on the page and it looks very good ... I though "Wow! this design is so relaxing and friendly as they put the photo of real wallets on the front page!" And, I noticed the pink promotion code at the top of the page is "COOLBEANS" ...  The discount is "10% OFF" so I instantly regard them as "hardware wallet provider" for DASH as no one will provide 10% off your purchase of DASH coins and soft wallets normally don't charge you. The only logical explanation is hardware wallets. "Okay, it's not what I want. But I can browse around..."

So when I saw lots of "wallets" on this page, I was like "come on guys... you even combine your hardware wallets with real wallets! that's really thoughtful" Since I saw a keyword "RFID" in one of the wallet, I was still convinced that they sell hardware wallets for DASH. But doubts are growing ... 

Then I clicked the "Get $10" (hey, everyone wants free money!) ... the page popped out and says

Give friends 25% off their first order, and you'll get $10 when they make a purchase.

It still makes sense ... after all, every business has their own way of marketing and sales ...  

After I further clicked About and Our Company, finally I came to realize that ...

They actually SELL REAL WALLETS and DASH happens to be the brand name!!

and, by the way ... 

Dash is a dog ... Meet Dash

Hey, don't blame me... they are leading the google search page of "dash wallet" without sponsorship!!

all images are from https://dashwallets.com/

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still can't get it. maybe you can make a post on it? :)

I don't use it. It's only for Singapore dollars payment anyway. So, there's too many other options available.

wow, I browsed the web in the morning and now I check my facebook and it's in the recommended post... such a terrible world.

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