Why we must teach our kids to be perfect

in #perfection7 years ago

When I was in school, I used to make a lot of mistakes. I was never taught how I could improve in order to get a precise and perfect outcome for me. Instead, I was always criticised for the mistakes I would do. No wonder I was like that until I released how essential to be a perfect person doing perfect things. And I learned how to tell someone such as my friend or niece that how to improve in that area.

Being a perfect person is not so easy but trying for that is crucial. If a school is providing same grade for a child with 95 marks and a child with 100 marks, some people might think there is nothing wrong in that, which is offering same grades to both the kids. The real matter here is the 95 marks child made very little errors. Therefore, he got 95. If teachers and parents feel satisfied with that, what if he make a little error when he became a doctor. The small error costs a life.
This is really a serious issue, medical errors are being placed on top 5 causes of deaths list all over the world.

Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) third leading cause of death -- respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year. Source

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Apart from this, there have been many human errors around the world which resulted in a significant amount of loss to the company. A relative example of this is a human error occurred in amazon code by an engineer in Feb 28th. This unfortunately made the internet slow which resulted in a massive amount of loss.

According to Amazon the problem happened on February 28. "At 9:37AM PST, an authorized S3 team member using an established playbook executed a command which was intended to remove a small number of servers for one of the S3 subsystems that is used by the S3 billing process. Unfortunately, one of the inputs to the command was entered incorrectly and a larger set of servers was removed than intended," the company noted in a frank, and detailed, note to Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. Source

Not only a software engineer or a doctor could do these kinds of errors but a civil engineer, who can be responsible for many deaths if his construction is collapsed, could do, thus he needs to be very perfectionist. There are many things need to be done before designing a building or a bridge. If 100% attention is not given while designing a structure, it may lead to many catastrophic consequences. There are many examples relating to this, one of which is a collapse in Washington Highway Bridge.

Therefore, perfection is needed in every single job and even life. Seeking perfection is not a better term for some people, as they feel it may lead to unwanted outcomes. But trying for perfection should be maintained right?

Teaching children to be perfect is requisite . Because if small error in amazon cost so much what if it is a big one. Thus, teaching kids right from starting is essential. I feel perfection can be learned perfectly through small things rather than most complicated works. For example, if you ask your child to put sheets in bed, he must put it precisely. I feel this kind of small things will eventually make him/her perfect for future.


I agree with this post wholeheartedly. I think it is good to strive for perfection and to be better at what you do each day. Small actions can have big consequences.

Mistakes are mistake... Whether it's doctor or engineer or civil engineer... Doctors are not at all allowed to make any mistakes that may lead to death.. So yes people need to be perfect.. Good post.... Voted...

Good advice, to learn perfection through small things in life.
When it comes to teaching children, isn't instil responsibilities instead of perfection in them more important? Just my thought though:)

Yes, along with many others which are important, I feel kids should be practicing perfection from their earlier stages.

great job @dcrypto . your post always good. resteemed

I agree with you. We should teach our kids to strive for perfection. Actually, in my opinion, we should first strive for perfection ourselves and teach our children through example. But then again, what is perfection? Can we define it? Or is it subjective? Do we think that perfection is being successful? Following instructions precisely? Or being a good person? It's very difficult to find an objective description on what being perfect is. And when do we draw the line between teaching our kids a good principle and putting them under stress for performing as well as we expect them to do? As a mum, I always struggle with this. I want to teach my kids to be good people and to to the best they can in their lives but, then again, I don't want them to feel stressed and think that their mother won't accept them if they are not the people that i expect them to be. Very hard indeed.

Anyway, thank for this post. It made me think ;)

I couldn't agree more @camomilla. Same feelings here as a mom...

It's a constant struggle, isn't it?

it is, but we should never give up...after all they'll be grown up one day and I believe they will realize all the teachings they have heard and observed from us. As long as we are here to discipline and guide them, they'll be fine.

No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. It is what you do after you make a mistake that determines the type of person you are. People being pushed to try to be perfect are the ones who commit suicide when they cannot live up to the perfection that are being pushed to. Do the best you can do, sure, I will agree with that. But there is no one capable of perfection. Mistakes are what we learn from.

Nous avons tendance à suivre les préceptes populaires sauf que l’éducation est bien plus compliquée que cela… On ne peut plus se contenter de se référer à celle que nous avons reçue parce que le monde de hier n’est pas le même que celui d’aujourd’hui.

Et à mon sens, si les valeurs de notre société sont en train de prendre une tournure qui nous font perdre pieds (et tête parfois, admettons-le), la famille doit rester LA valeur universelle qui s’associe au refuge d’un être.

Et la base d’une éducation épanouie, c’est un foyer épanoui. C’est même, je pense, 80% du travail. Il m’est difficilement envisageable d’éduquer un enfant sans lui inculquer les valeurs premières, une base infaillible. La famille sous toutes ses formes modernes ou plus « ordinaires », doit être le plancher solide de l’éducation positive.

Nous voulons le meilleur pour nos enfants.

Very good writing,I read your post.Everyone should teach their kids to be perfect.I am 100% agree with you.

Your post is pretty cool. I waited for each of your posts

I honestly agree with you.... Our children should be taught to always aim perfection.

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