[Steem talk] Invest in an upvote

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

To those who have been following my blog, you should notice I have less Chinese posts lately as I have started a new account for my daily Chinese post. Since that side has very little traffic, it's a good place for me to farm my vote. So what I do is, continue my regular daily update there, and then I buy some votes for that side so I can equally spread some love to my own account.


Why don't I direct transfer my SBD over that account or direct power up? It's not wrong to direct transfer, but buying vote to "transfer" fund over gives a better view of how the account operate. Reputation scores came from the VEST being injected to the account. So, buying vote helps to stage up the vesting on the new account, which in turn it will show a better "reputation", which in my dictionary is useless, but it's a big deal to many people I know of. So, higher reputation score would also helps us make some friends.

Hidden investors

This, is really out of my mind. I have been steeming since 2017, until recently I decided I need to cut down on my Chinese content authored in this account, and starting a new account and finding the right audience is not easy task. The first few posts, basically I have almost 0 audience from there. It's ok, we all know how it works. Especially after HF20. Technically, a new user without SP will have trouble to even reply more than 4 comments or the user will have to wait for 5 days to fully recharge the RC. I patiently waited 1 week after my first payout, and I use vote selling services to buy votes. Guess what? Not only I gotten a small(almost none) profit from the vote I bought, I noticed there are some new faces that I haven't seen before started to upvoting me.

Increase visibility

Buying vote to increase visibility is a trash talk for most of the buyer. Usually, for 1 reason, to take advantage of the extra voting weight and earn that mere 2~5% profit. What does the magic is, buying a vote does not really increase the visibility. If one bought too much, people will start jelly and call you reward pool raping. If one bought too little, technically it does absolutely nothing. Because the whales can upvote themselves and cover your post already. So, any post payout below $50 is not a big deal anyway. What driven the visibility is always the WALLET action. As soon as you start to transfer to vote seller, some of those profit curator will start to notice you and start to vote before the vendor come and drop a huge vote bomb.


Now, this part everyone is paying 100% attention. There's no point to buy vote if the services goes below 100% on the ROI. Well, you'll have to take note, even vote seller vendor always advertise their voting service will give a minimal of 5~15% ROI, that is subject to change without prior notice. Take note that post payout is in $ dollar format. Where the dollar is based on CURRENT steem price calculate based on amount of upvote weight being casted, and the amount of VEST being channeled to the targeted vote, and finally multiply by Steem price against American dollar, and finally it become the value on your "potential" post payout. What's the biggest problem is exactly like now! When Steem price dropped against American Dollar, the post reward will shrink proportionately. Like it nor not, despite the 3.5 days average price feed would make such a huge difference. Which is also why vote seller try to avoid upvoting anything more than 3.5 days. There's a chance that the votes we bought a week ago, all turn into loss due to market rate fluctuation. Anyway, it's a double edged sword. If we bought some vote, and Steem make a rally, I believe nobody will ever remember such a good time. Back in early 2018, when I spend 1steem to buy a vote, I'm gettingback a 3$ worth of upvote.

Boost with minnowbosster without leaving wallet trace

So I have been invited to @minnowbooster by my best friend @nelkeljdm since last year, and I start to use their service, not very oftenly, but I usually use it to buy vote for people I like, article I like as supportive gesture. Good thing about @minnowbooster is, we can transfer fund into their wallet, and send link and post via their website. So, the post link will not be seen on our own wallet.
The most recent two posts I found, and they're still horribly low. But if you notice, there's already number of people voted this post. Majority of them are the profit curator that came in upvote early and try to earn the trail reward when I buy my vote.
Ofcourse, I'm doing my duty try not to disappoint my hidden investor. If they came in just because trying to earn trail reward from my other upvoter, so be it. I can't control if they wanna upvote me. The more the merrier is all I can say.

Let's take a quick look at these profitabilities, both post invested with 2SBD:
Case no.1
Before buy vote 0.20
After buy vote 3.06
Vote bought = 2.86
After curation -25% = 2.145
Profitability 7.25%

Case no.2
Before buy vote 0.32
After buy vote 3.16
Vote bought = 2.84
After curation -25% = 2.13
Profitability 6.5%

Not bad. Not bad at all. Despite SBD has been losing on my account, but I've been quietly accumulating SP at the other side.




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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Thanks buddy

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Posted using Partiko Android

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