[Steem talk] Beneficiaries cut

in #steem5 years ago

Source from [Pixabay]

Nope, this is not what exactly happening in the blockchain. If you do not already know, some of the initiative employ a beneficiaries cut on their posting tool. Never heard of one? I am going to give you some example and screenshots from my Steemworld statistics.

#steempress is what I'm normally using to post my #sportstalk related sports and workout related stuff. I used to do this on a daily basis, but I recon I like to do sports rather than write sports. Added that I've been warned by @referee6 on my abusive #sportstalk, I decided to cut down and maintain my #sportstalk post at its best quality. #steempress does offer an upvote for people who publish post at WorkPress and synch to #steem #blockchain. However, percentage of reward are strictly on their moderator discretion. You wouldn't know if you get voted at all, unless you're whitelist user. And the 15% beneficiaries cut is a pain in the... apologies I need to keep this post safe for work. But imagine this if you have a cracked toilet seat board, and you did your business up there, the moment when you raise to get up from it... this is exactly the kind of moment when you're trying to strike a vote, they didn't come and you had to sacrifies 15% from the post payout just for that.

This is another view of what I've been doing. I've been with #esteem for more than a year now. #esteem has been giving upvotes to quality posts, up to 6% for their users. How big is 6%? That totally depending on #steem value and how much the reward pool are divided. Sometimes, that 6% could worth up to $0.80. Last year I was getting close to $2 of upvotes on a 4% vote from #esteemapp. Good thing about #esteem is, they have reduced their beneficiaries cut recently, wen I feel really happy about it. Considering for a normal user at the maximum 6% vote, if 3% of beneficiaries cut is 0.80, which means the post need to get beyond $26.667 in order for you to lose your beneficiaries cut. So, do consider making #esteem your regular posting tool, you can also earn some #estm tokens which in future you can use it to exchange for vote.

Following with one more example, one of my favorite back then when they still vote for me. #dtube has been generously giving upvotes to their users, but ofcourse only quality videos they will be awarding. However, once you're on their whitelist... as far as I know there's no more further "review" required and upvote is granted. Let's do some fact finding the original beneficiaries cut of 15% has been reduced to 10%, which is a pretty good thing for their users. They vote around $5 for their quality content, so if you're one of them within their standard guidelines, you'll most probably get that. However, if you're already a highly paid author, like getting paid $50 a post, you do the discount of 10% and tell me how much the beneficiaries cut. So once again, not many of our video producer/vlogger is getting paid that handsomely in #steem blockchain, despite the slightly higher cut, it will still be worthy to earn an upvote. But once again, if you didn't get a vote, you're going to hav ehte feeling exactly the same like I mentioned earlier, a crocked toilet seat and your thigh.

Source from Pixabay
Looking at this, I bet some of you already saying you don't make enough for the beneficiaries cut. Seriously, without these intiative, my upvotes is just as ugly as yours. And these initiative is just collecting a small amount of "tax", which is taxing to maintain the facilities. Some of the initiative like #travelfeed #wherein #busy.org does offer free upvotes, you have a choice to use their platform by disabling the beneficiaries cut. Ask yourself again, do you come here for penny payout? Or do you come here to blog and share your experience and make friends. Initiatives are merely charging a small amount just to keep the community afloat, so I hope users will be openly accept the fact that beneficiaries cut is just part of the game.

Source from Pixabay
Set aside the fact of beneficiaries cut named as going around a big tree for circle jerking, there are a lot more initiative that offer upvotes to quality content that benefit their platform. I can go on with the list on and on until tomorrow, and I'll still sit here and writing this 10 thousand words article, because I have a thing with #steem talks. Which allows me speak of my passion of #steem blockchain. I hope these little information set you free from worrying too much of your payout being eaten alive by the initiative owner. It's just natural, go to cinema, pay the ticket and enjoy the show buddy.


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