A message for #themorningbowl's stalker

Is your name Mary Spangler? If so then this episode of #themorningbowl is specifically for you.. if your name isn't Mary Spangler then this will make no sense to you.. Welcome to...


Fire on Mary..

Eagerly awaiting your #introducemyself post... Here's your account. Sign in. Comment. Hell I'll even send you a 10SP delegation so you have RC..


For everyone else...


Peace out ya'll.. Dave



So, you know I had to go look this person up. 🤣

Dave, I know you're frustrated with how this person is acting towards you and Beth. She views the situation as a negative one and won't hear otherwise.

She can't let go of the past and is gonna continue to be loud and angry at you. As much as I giggled at the username you picked for her, is there any way you can channel "kind Dave" to talk to this person?

Ultimately, it's not her decision to make about where when or who her sister associates with. But she feels like it is.

Anyone that's known you for any length of time knows that you're a hard worker, fair and giving. If mary spangler doesn't see that yet... fucking make her.
Show her there's no reason for her to be afraid of the relationship you have with her sister. Be kind to her, even when she's not kind to you.

That's my 2 cents anyways. Love ya Dave, hope you have a beautiful day!

Posted using Partiko Android

I appreciate what you said. I am very hurt my sister would post lies and I have not posted anything in retaliation. I really just wanted to defend myself a little since facebook allows anyone to post anything about anyone and you can not defend yourself. I do not believe in fighting a personal war on social media and so I won't do that. All I want to say is (please don't believe everything you read.) That is all I can do. I am powerless against that.

Sister relationships can be complicated. I hope it doesn't seem like i'm judging the situation, cuz that's not my place. I just wanted to encourage Dave to at least try to work it out with her.

She seems to me to be distressed by your relationship with him, and she says it's because of his character. But anyone that knows Dave knows that is not an issue. Just as you know it.
Maybe she feels like since you went to visit him that you might just leave your whole life behind to be with him permanently. She's afraid to lose you Beth. Even if your relationship was always strained, even if she always did this kind of thing to you, it just means she's scared. And she loves you, but doesn't realize that controlling someone doesn't equal love.

I know in my heart that all of you are good people. Even mary spangler. She and Dave are slinging insults because that's what we do when we don't feel our voice is being heard. Sometimes it's hard to put the brakes on and talk normal again. And that's ok.
Much love to all of you, I know it'll work itself out eventually. Hugs to you Beth! 💗💗💗💗

Posted using Partiko Android

There's no being nice to her.. !tip

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What an odd thing to do... there are all types of people in this world! It's hard to understand why people do what they do sometimes.

I am sure that whatever story they invented using your picture would only be believed by more people like them. Anyone who knows you properly knows what you would or wouldn't do. They are stirring the pot to get a reaction. Don't let them mess with you!

LMAO!!! Funny shit this morning Dave. I hope Mary decides to join up so we all can cuss her out. I had this problem too awhile back but only my stalker was my own fucking mother I disowned cutting all ties with.

Hahah! I am kinda curious as to what is in the story now! Rockstars always gonna have haters and it was only a matter of time.

So glad I subscribe to the gypsy adventures!!

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I am Matt a friend of Mary’s for at least 5 years. I am only commenting now because she is very upset about not seeing her Nieces. Dave, brother I am sorry but she showed me all the messages when u sent them & asked me what to do. Beth blamed her when you broke up & Mary was understandably upset when Beth did not pay her, left a trashed house & you all took off. Dave, Beth wants you to hate Mary especially since seeing the messages you used to send her. What you said on the video should not be said to anyone let alone a woman. Mary is a kind, gentle, sweet, giving person & you both know it.

Lmfao.. Nice try. You are Mary. Not Matt. I just searched herFacebook friends list. You're not on it. This account was created in October.. and this is you first post. You ain't slick.

You searched her friends list but your not stalking Her? Not on Facebook are u? I am out living my life not calling women names on social media. Stop being a bitch.

Actually Mary you have me blocked on Facebook. I had one of my friends look. You are not out living your life you're spending it stalking your sister and I. And I'm sorry if I called you a bitch. I meant to say once a month bleeding cunt faced whore. Go fuck yourself.

I am glad you are in my sisters corner. I am glad she has good friends. I will not trash anybody anybody on social media. There are two sides to every story. My sister thinks I told my girls not to talk to her
I NEVER did that. The girls are 16 and 14 and want to hang with their friends more. If you have teenagers you know what I am talking about. My girls love their aunt very much. I do not understand why Mary thinks this.

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