Learn and Earn Week 24

in #learnandearn5 years ago

Learn and Earn week 24

The original write-up from Learn and Earn Contest V2.0 is here..

Originally envisioned by @matkodurko but kept alive by the ever amazing @brittandjosie

Reminder: I started in a week behind, and with the week off during the hand off, I'm 2 weeks behind.. i.e. I am posting stuff from 2 weeks ago

I track my learning as I go.. it's a good habit I got into several years ago, with my coding practise..

As usual, my list is heavily skewed towards the coding side of thing..

I source material as I go so you can go explore if you was to..

and finally.. this is last weeks

April 21st

April 22nd

  • // computerphile
    Hyper History and Cyber War - Computerphile

April 23rd

  • // computerphile
    Why Internet Slows Down When it's Busy - Computerphile

April 24th

April 25th

April 26th

  • How Intelligent is Artificial Intelligence? - Computerphile

  • Cracking Websites with Cross Site Scripting - Computerphile
  • April 27th


    Great that you entered and I don’t mind you are behind in weeks. I think videosteemit should blog more and I love that he is still buying. And even though GOT is with our dutchie Carice van Houten I still have to watch the last season!
    Thanks for this entry and you can now enter week 25,
    With 7 other things learned last week so you are almost in this week .


    Congratulations @darrenfj !
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