in HeartChurch3 years ago

Currently most people live more from their emotions than from their convictions because there are so many people who do not know or know their purpose in this life, therefore external things are more attractive to them than internal things and therefore they dedicate themselves more to the external, that is to say to the material and to the circumstances.
It is for this reason that this generation needs to be renewed but specifically through their mind in order to heal all those emotions that disturb the mental state of the person bringing mental illnesses

That is why our mind needs to be transformed, renewed, so that our emotions can be healed. We have a sick generation, a generation that does not know God's design for its life, therefore our youth live more attached to the culture of the world than to the values ​​they can receive.

"Our society is highly motivated by emotions and feelings more than by priorities, values ​​and convictions. Emotions at one point can be wrong. It is different to be motivated by our values ​​and convictions. When something is true for you, it will be a conviction. and you will act on it. We do not live by feelings or emotions, we live by convictions "

Romans 12: 2
And do not adapt to this world, but transform yourselves through the renewal of your mind, so that you can verify what God's will is: what is good, acceptable and perfect.


Christians committed and with conviction of God do not allow us to adapt to the world system that goes against the principles and values ​​described in the bible, rather we are transformed by constantly renewing our mind through the will of God for us which is good. And pleasant

We have conviction by faith and for this reason we remain firm and faithful to the word since without faith it is impossible to please God and therefore we join our thoughts to God so that we can obtain the wisdom we need to get up daily convinced that in God we are more than conquerors

Faith in God brings us conviction and hope and therefore we live in times of crisis to be victorious because we have a positive attitude because we hope in God and we work for our dreams knowing that he will never leave us.

Renewing our minds leads us to obtain a new attitude towards life and create expectations of success with firm convictions.

"The renewal of the mind is an ongoing process that requires daily input from God and His Word." Daily meditation on Scripture, with personal application, is the most effective means of gaining personal joy, peace, and emotional maturity"



Los cristianos comprometidos y con convicción de Dios no nos permiten adaptarnos al sistema mundial que va en contra de los principios y valores descritos en la Biblia, más bien somos transformados renovando constantemente nuestra mente a través de la voluntad de Dios para nosotros que es buena. . Y agradable.

Poderoso mensaje. Vivir por convicción es lo que más agrada a Dios, por lo que se requiere transformar nuestra mente en la mente de Cristo para vencer al mundo con sus valores y cultura. Éxito apóstol y muchas bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

Value and conviction is always better than emotions. Emotions doesn’t know if the circumstances is right or wrong, emotions are deceitful. Thanks for sharing this important word D.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much to all for reading. Grateful to all, with love From my heart I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ, always wishing that God works for everyone. A strong spiritual and fraternal hug. Grateful to all, with love @ darlenys01

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