in HeartChurch3 years ago

The bible is full of promises for all those who believe it, they were written by men of God inspired by the holy spirit so that people could have hope in any circumstance and trust only in God, but what really happens, when we do not see those promises fulfilled In our life? When God promises he fulfills and if we believe in him and act under his will, it is impossible that those promises are not fulfilled in our daily life.

The question then would be how am I directing my life, is God in it or do I have priorities where God has no place?
For example, this text argues that God will be with us and will give us rest, it is one of the many promises that the father has told us

Exodus 33:14
14 And he said, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.


This promise is incredible for those who believe, because living for God means enjoying his blessings and if we live for him we will surely act according to his principles even if we are not perfect, but God through his holy spirit helps us to fulfill his word and his presence. obviously it will lead us to the best rest even in the worst moments

Integrity to God is one of the most beautiful manifestations of the Christian since through gratitude and integrity to Him our life has purpose and freedom to act in the place that is and we will always depend on the principles of God because we are integral to his word and we have our own identity, an identity granted by the father that makes us act differently from the world

In this way, my action or proceeding in life has a lot to do with the fulfillment of God's promises, obviously that the essential thing is faith but it must be accompanied by manifest works of the holy spirit who guides us to all knowledge and all truth.

Dear friend, today you have a great opportunity to seek the presence of God through his word, so that you can believe and enter into the joy and rest of God because He wants to help you, heal your wounds and that you can feel his love.
God loves you and a lot, you are special to him, the only thing he asks you is that you open his heart to him and the rest will come in addition
Come and enter God's rest so that you can feel his presence wherever you want to go.



As Betsy Tin Boom said, "There is no safer place than in the center of God's will,".

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