Light the world day 16: "I was naked, and you dressed me".

in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

In the world there have always been people with needs, some with material needs such as the need for clothing, finances, a place to sleep, medicines, among other things. Others with needs in their physical body, with illnesses, disabilities. Others with spiritual needs, tormented, without peace, without rest, with insomnia, with family and couple problems, among other things.

Just as food is a basic necessity, clothing and footwear are products that our physical body needs, rather than vanity, as mentioned above, they are a necessity. In countries with a temperate climate where there are four seasons and in winter there are snowfalls and temperatures below 0 ° C, clothes become something vital for people. Thank God Father in the countries of the tropics, where I currently live with my family, there are only two seasons, summer and winter and the average temperature is 30 ° C. Although it is not as vital as in the countries of four seasons, the clothes serve to cover our nudity, be according to the place and to the activities that we realize where we work or we congregate. 

Today we will study the passage in Matthew 25:36 "I was naked, and you covered me, sick, and you visited me, in prison, and you came to me."

Our Lord Jesus tells us again that, as his followers and practitioners of his teachings, we must help those in need, those who are the least and sometimes we do not see or society itself excludes. It teaches us that everything we do to one of their little ones is as if we did it to them. In this case he speaks of those with material needs such as clothes or shoes.

As followers of Jesus we must have a ready heart to give and sow in those who do not have the possibility of buying clothes. In our tropical countries, clothing is very expensive and there are many families that the little economic resource they earn with their jobs is enough to eat or half eat. This is very common in the rural areas of our countries, where the material need is evident.


Therefore, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ we must practice his teachings by giving and sowing. Giving to those with needs. Scripture says in 2 CORINTHIANS 9: 7 "that God loves a cheerful giver", that is why we should give with love and expect nothing in return, knowing that we are sowing in fertile land.


In this Christmas traditionally many people tend to buy new clothes to celebrate the holidays, there are many people who because of the economic situation can not get dressed, because the devaluation of the currency, the clothes that are mostly imported, is very expensive. It is the opportune moment for all those who can help someone give a piece of clothing to someone in need, it does not matter if it is new or used but in good condition the important thing is to bless others, imagine how happy you are to a child by giving her some clothes and toys at Christmas. And if even, you have not been able to buy some clothes to receive the new year and Christmas says the word of God that we do not worry, because he has control, just pray and ask, because the one who asks will be given. The writing also says the following:

It's no use worrying
That's why I say: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; nor for your body, how you will dress. Does not life have more value than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the sky: they do not sow or harvest or store in barns;nevertheless, the heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than them? Who of you, no matter how much you worry, can add a single hour to the course of your life? And why do they care about clothes? Observe how the lilies of the field grow. They do not work or spin; nevertheless, I tell you that not even Solomon, in all his splendor, dressed as one of them. If God so clothes the grass that is in the field today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not do much more for you, people of little faith? So do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?" Or "What shall we drink?" Or "What shall we wear?" The pagans walk after all these things, but the heavenly Father knows that you need them. Rather, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6: 25-34 New International Version (NIV)


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