Prompt of the day “Flashlight” - I Always Used To Carry A Flashlight Yet I No Longer Feel The Need

in #blog6 years ago

I have always had fairly poor night vision, my grandparents used to tell me to eat more carrots. My solution was to always have a flashlight. I don’t carry a flashlight any longer as I’m not afraid of the darkness rather I find the quiet embrace of night relaxing and peaceful.

I used to hear all the different opinions from my family when we would go out for night walks around the dike. They always said just let your eyes adjust, if you always use the flashlight your night vision won’t get any better, if you can’t see it then why does it bother you? I always wondered is my vision that much worse or is it just my fear of what may be lurking in the darkness that makes not being able to see so intense? No matter what I tried being able to see in the dark always remained a complication I was never able to overcome. I find myself today all right without using a flashlight as if I was always meant to be blind.

My fiancé often mentions when I go out for an evening walk with Jerry that she’s unsure how I manage to get around through the trails in our area without a light. It’s not like we have a flashlight anymore the batteries exploded eating through the casing and I had to throw it away so there really isn’t even an option for me to carry one. I suppose I am just more in tune with my surroundings without having any lights, listening to the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet and the sound of gravel knowing when I reach the side of the trail based on what sounds are predominant.

So I wonder, is there any real benefit being accustomed to having a flashlight on you at all times? Is it just furthering your disconnection to the environment around you? Do I even need to see? Have my other senses developed to compensate for the lack of site because I no longer carry a flashlight? My therapist has suggested I am ESP particularly with sound, did this develop to a point where I just know my surroundings?

I know one thing for sure I really enjoy night photography, the quiet and still of the environment seems to bleed into my perceptions as I noticed different ways of capturing scenery only using the light that happens to reflect into the darkness.


It’s an amazing thing playing with silhouette effects as it can take something completely harmless and project it to look frightening and vice versa. If I was still accustomed to caring a flashlight I may never have realize my fascination with night photography as those silhouettes wouldn’t be so predominate.

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I am night blind (not totally, but my eyes have a hard time at night) as well - and it bothers me mostly when I need to drive. The oncoming lights make it hard for me to see anything.
Good for you that you have developed your other senses to know where you are going. I read about a blind man who developed a clicking technique to find his way. He even leads seeing people on hiking trips!!

Yea I wish I was that advanced with my other senses I could find my way completely without sight. Imagine then the details you would be aware of visually if finding your way by say sound? I would be able to focus on taking pictures while walking around still being completely aware of my surroundings 😅

It seems like we have a certain level of perception possible and visual being dominant we loose some of the other senses abilities but I wonder if we could hone each sense to operate at the higher level all the time or if that would be sensory overload.

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I think we would get into overload if we were on high alert all the time...

You’ve been featured in our weekly curation post Freewrite Favorites at @freewritehouse. Thank you for participating and raising the bar with awesome, creative freewrites! Freewrite On!


No thank you for giving me something to participate in 😜

I will most definitely keep on the #freewrite train 🚂

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I'm gonna have to send you one of my free flashlights, you can't go though life without a flashlight. 🔦

Well I guess I sort of lied 🤥 I always have my phone on me as I track my activity for my evening @Actifit posts. I still choose not to use it unless completely necessary such as if Jerry takes off into the bush I will use it to spot his eyes glowing in the dark and so he knows where to come back too.

Lol I like free, thanks man 😘

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Flashlight could help you to avoid from a snake. Hehe I'm just kidding

Luckily snakes are not a problem here at least none that are poisonous. My biggest fear is stumbling into a bear or cougar but I doubt they would be able to sneak up on Jerry.

I actually kind of enjoy testing the ability of my other senses, sound to know where I am stepping, smell to know where I am at on the trail, I feel very connected with the world around me when sight is not the predominant sense.

Thanks for stopping in and commenting 😆

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Totally no flashlight man. Eyes end up adjusting, yes. Every night here is just amazing. You can even see the milky way's "dust" at some point if you are outside enough time to let your eyes adjust. It's amazing. And since there are no harmful animals beside some elks, there's nothing to worry about.

Used to have same fears as you when I was younger.


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I wish my eyes would adjust to the darkness more but they really don’t seem to but there usually is some form of light pollution around so I can imagine that has something to do with it. As for animals here depending on how far in the wilderness you are there is a real threat in coming across a hungry cougar especially moving into winter when food becomes scarce, cougars start to make their way down the mountains towards civilization.

Wow you can see the Milky Way? I seen an interesting “spotting” telescope which uses a smartphone camera for capturing shots, if I was where you are I’d buy it and try take pictures of the Milky Way. Your very lucky to live in such a good night sky viewing area 🤙

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I think your grandparents were right! I’ve always eaten a lot of carrots and have excellent night vision;)
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Awesome thank you, I’ll get on that this morning 💪

Yea I believe it’s a bit of a folk tale the carrots thing, I went through a phase of eating carrots constantly because of it 😝. My night sight never got any better but I also very well could have needed glasses as I do now to drive.

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