Ask Me Anything Contest / Best Questions Win @SteemBasicIncome - Dragging You Up With Me Week #14

in #contest6 years ago

How Do You Participate? Simple, Ask Me Anything!

Seriously ask me anything, the best 3 questions win @SteemBasicIncome! I will decide based on which questions are the most insightful, intriguing, hardest to answer, or add the most value back to the platform. The deeper the rabbit hole you send me down to give an answer the more likely you are to win.

I will reply to all questions and upvote those that qualify, can’t wait to see what is asked this week! Don’t forget to follow the rule, there is only one!

Only One Rule!!!

  1. Ask your question using the @Partiko Mobile App all others do not qualify for entry.
  • Upvote & Resteem greatly appreciated for visibility but not mandatory.
  • One question per person, only your first question will be considered.
  • May include finer details for specification of my answer.

The more difficult/insightful/inspirational of a question the better your chances of winning(possibly the longer it will take me to answer also, please be patient) which will be decided by post payout. I will upvote and reply to all qualifying questions as soon as I can and possibly not in order.

Best Questions Win @SteemBasicIncome Shares

Each week I will post a @DTube video announcing the winners, answering the top 3 questions with shoutouts for those contestants then restarting the weekly contest with another @Partiko post. Follow me now and watch for the “Dragging You Up With Me Week #13” winners announcement.

For a complete listing of questions and answers from last week please Check My Previous Post Week #13 Here

Partiko Mobile App - Simply Beautiful Steem

I love the Partiko Mobile App for two simple reasons, function and appeal. It works as it should with speed and looks great while adding its own level of gamification to interaction through in-app points collection plus redemptions for perks.

This Contest Sponsored By @Partiko

Thank you for the sponsorship of this contest which gives me the opportunity to promote your wonderful mobile application while simultaneously giving back to the community in the name of blockchain interaction!

Thats it @d00k13 OUT

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Wallet of a Minnow, Heart of a Whale

Is there something you have been wondering about? This is your chance to get an answer and possibly win just for participating.

Let The Questions Begin!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Thank you so much for participating the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Hey everyone it’s your chance to get @Partiko Partnership!!!!

Do you use Partiko daily? Have you fallen in love with its simplistic beauty? Well speak about it and help spread the word and you may also become a Partiko Partner like myself!

Check This Post!!!

Don’t Miss The Opportunity, It Changed My Journey For The Better!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Will steem crash? Or will it rise? If rise, when? :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Steem will not crash, I have faith. 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

Loyal to the bitter end I am 😅 I don’t expect it to happen though, I never give up!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Likewise bro ✊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Steem always rises as per the laws of physics 😅 in this case it will rise when BTC does as every other crypto is currently linked via trading pairs 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks! I believe that too! Thats why I have invested a bit into steem :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Right on dude, as they are saying we are in the accumulation period and beat make use of it 💪

Thank you for participating!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Do you think that steem will preserve?
And if so, why?

(Actually, I had a really harder question, which was actually quite a phylosopical one, but I just couldn't word it properly..)

Posted using Partiko Android

There are too many cool people on this platform for it not to survive. Steem on.

Posted using Partiko Android

With you here alone we are golden... or maybe silver 😅 either way we be precious.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am 100% invested and nothing I have invested myself into has ever failed, does not mean it will be a smooth journey but I do believe we can overcome the challenges!

Posted using Partiko iOS

How many seeds is on a dandelion

Posted using Partiko Android

The dandelions we grow usually only have one seed, just before it dies. 🤭

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea my dad used to get me out with the weedwacker taking all the heads off around our neighbours houses before they bloomed and spread to our yard, them buggers destroy your grass!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Tons according to

“Dandelion is generally an apomictic plant and seed production normally occurs without pollination. Seed production varies from 54 to 172 seeds per head and a single plant can produce more than 2000 seeds. One estimate is that more than 240,000,000 seeds/acre could be produced annually by a dense stand of dandelions.”

It explains why they seem to take over the fields around here!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh wow 😁no wonder their everywhere

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea pretty mind blowing when you look at the numbers, the dang things take over every field around here also.

Thanks for participating 🙏

Posted using Partiko iOS

Harvest the greens when young for salad. Yummy and healthy. I had a patch of them back in San Diego. Free food I miss very much!

The dandelions we grow usually only have one seed, just before it dies. 🤭

Posted using Partiko Android

What you think about subscription based vote services?

Posted using Partiko Android

I’ve only used SteemBasicIncome for subscription based votes which I like as its for life and encourages further creation thus the reason I use it for rewards on this contest, furthermore by enrolling someone I am increasing my own shares. This service also helps to keep the Steem/SBD off exchanges vs giving away liquid prizes helping to maintain price evaluations.

As for others I’m not so fond of the idea, I prefer the paid vote services even over the bidbots as there is chance at net loss when using bidbots but they are great for visibility.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Qurator is a good one for me. I get a lot of support from there.

How we can convince someone to invest in steem platform?

Or how we can attract big investors in steem?

Posted using Partiko Android

I think the best way of attracting people will the through Partiko with both its points for upvotes system and simplicity of use. Once mobile DTube uploads are simplified through mobile we will see many more users attracted to the platform as a means of escaping the MS BS. If we promote it as a data theft free social media and people have private messaging then I can see huge use case for those wanting to get a message out while also being some what unidentifiable.

Big investors will follow the trend so once we have the use case through investment of time the money is almost sure to follow.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Always appreciated your answer,

Thank you my friend,

Keep spreading love,

Have a good day

Posted using Partiko Android

Always my friend! Thank you for participating 💪


Posted using Partiko iOS

Ha! I made it into @partiko on my phone with someone else's wifi, and I have a burning question!

What is the source of the 100000 yellow vests the protesters are wearing in France, and who paid for them?

I would also like to know how they get distributed, but that would be a bonus answer. I'm sure there are vest pick up points all over.

This question might be wrong in its details. There might only be 100 vests and they get shared for filming.

I would especially like to see the sewing factory, no matter what country it is in. Did they have these vests in inventory, or were they a special order?

Many thanks for all you do with this and everything else. I got a video to upload today and it even has a thumbnail with text on it :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Good on you for getting Partiko up and running, glad to see you participate!

From the site

“Early on, people who agreed with the petition were encouraged to show their support by displaying the high-visibility yellow vest every driver in France must by law carry, in case of roadside trouble. Supporters were asked to place the vests on their dashboard or back shelf.”

Not a lot of details I can find on the actual distribution of the vests if there was any.

From wiki

“The yellow vest was chosen as a symbol, because all French motorists had been required by law (since 2008) to have high-visibility vests in their vehicles when driving (as a safety measure should the driver be required to exit the vehicle on the roadside). As a result, reflective vests have become widely available, inexpensive and symbolic.[11] By early December 2018, the symbol had become increasingly common from Europe to Iraq, as different groups made use of their high-visibility vests to draw attention to their agendas.”

I would assume that it is the protesters themselves or their employers who paid for the vests as it is law to carry one in your vehicle and they were chosen because of being so widely available and cheap.

Was almost stumped on this one, just trying to read between the lines with details available as the vests are the most inexpensive option to use as a widely available symbol for the movement!

Thank you for participating 💪
Saw your most recent video, good job, one step at a time but I’m certain your already familiar with that idea being a fellow survivor!

Posted using Partiko iOS

"because all French motorists had been required by law (since 2008) to have high-visibility vests in their vehicles when driving (as a safety measure should the driver be required to exit the vehicle on the roadside)."

Unreal! Do they need to have water in the car in case they feel thirsty? I wonder how much the ticket is for this?

COP: Show me your vest, or go to jail!

I wonder if this is the only country to do this and what if you are just passing through from elsewhere?

You do not have to answer all of that lol.

I am so glad to know this information, @d00k13, and thank you for the internet research. I have 1000's of questions already but this one just came up and surprised me.

As to the videos - one a day is my goal, no matter what!

I won't make any question at this moment and I have no idea whether you are capable to answer the question or not. Anyways, I can take your opinion on this because I've been wondering about this.

I am sure you know about Matt Fraser and John Edward, they are famous Psychic medium. Generally, these people connect their audience to the dead people. So for eg. if you wanna connect to your great Grandmother, there are atleast some chances according to them.

My question starts from here: I am absolute skeptic about this. I am really embarrassed how highly intellectual people are going to them for services.

What do you think about psychic mediums and if it is a business, I must tell ya they are running it very efficiently. but if not :-0

Share your thoughts :-).

Posted using Partiko Android

Well there are many things that cannot be proven but we know must be fact while at the same time many things that can not be disproven but we assume to be false.

My personal belief system tells me there is much more to this existence than we can perceive and that it would be naïve to not consider things possible until proven otherwise. So that said, my fiancé does channeled writing, basically with what I have witnessed I must believe it’s a serious possibility or my fiancé puts on an elaborate act for no apparent gains. She does it for her own enjoyment and to help those she cares about, never has she asked for anything in return or offered her services to someone as she is not in control of what comes through it just happens.

Now I believe many may be legit I also know human nature is to profit as much as possible and that channeling of any form is very unpredictable so anyone claiming a 100% success rate is completely false. Those who have the gift tend not to want the spot light so I would speculate those in the spot light even if they have the gift would be forcing it and making assumptions which just my intuition can get me a long way with reading people.

So in short yes I believe many people have the gifts but they are not necessarily in control of them like they would want you to believe.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I remember the many beautiful ideas you have presented to us and the rules you said.

My question is, actually my work here and how I work and how I will know if it is very easy to speak, then it will be useful to me

Posted using Partiko Android

Your wondering how to speak fluently? Is that correct?

Well my trick is to not over think it but rehearse the points which you want to cover, such as a entry and outro saying that is catchy yet easy to remember and flows off your tongue. Have points you wish to cover and think about what you wish to say before hand and just let it flow naturally. Cut your scenes down and stitch them together so you may focus on one point at a time, some people do it almost per sentence or when what they are saying starts to loose momentum.

Posted using Partiko iOS

With the recent events that have unfolded with Steemit Inc (steemfest, the laying off of staff, the latest video streams) how do you foresee the future of the platform in terms of getting new/mass users (growth), will Steemit Inc need to still be around to maintain the network and the rise of competitor platforms like Whaleshares, Narrative, Trybe?

Posted using Partiko Android

Well I will always remain loyal till it doesn’t work so I still foresee a bright future.

Essentially crypto is a license to print money, think of it like a countries currency except the country is a digital media platform and the residence of that country are paid for their contributions by their fellow residence rather then by centralized organizations.

So do we need Steemit inc, no Steem will work despite any front end changes. Layoffs I see as a good thing and long over due as we have seen immediate results directly afterwards by the junior staff. Say Steemit Inc collapses it makes a great opportunity for whom ever will step up but I see it highly unlikely.

As for mass user growth I’m pretty content with where we are at, as a social media platform we are doing pretty well. The struggle comes in with controversy of crypto with price fluctuations and the lack of knowledge around how a truest free market works. Therefore until we see mass adoption of crypto there will be no mass adoption of Steem but we may still have great growth through efficient expansion into the mobile sector.

The competitors are essentially just other rising nations against the tyranny of centralized banking, we must not fight with each other rather against the system that currently controls. Besides competition is a great motivator 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer and appreciate the honest response. I agree with the points you made, at the moment, crypto adoption is still off by a couple of years I think as developers and blockchain start ups are looking to address real life use cases for the technology, but until they have a "revenue generator" it will be difficult to maintain.

I am still confident long term but things have taken a battering this year across the board so just have to keep the faith!

It would be awesome if similar projects actually came together to create a super/mega platform (which I guess is what steem is about with all the dapps) rather than have clones and things but fundamentally, people will always have slightly different viewpoints about how things should happen.

Anyway, it's still exciting to be a part of it all, let's hope things pick up in 2019 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea I agree use case and implementation is definitely a few years away and coming from the high of last year things look really bad but we haven’t yet reached the low at the beginning of last year so that is definitely a positive in my eyes, I figure the beginning of 2019 will be ruff but will recover by summer and I hope it builds momentum from there but only time will tell!

Thanks again for participating 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

I sure hope you are right there, I have only known the price to go down town Charlie Brown since I joined in Jan Haha so it would be nice to see at least some green but in it for the long run.

I figure if I just focus on improving myself through the blogs and music I post then the rest will come 🙂

Thanks for answering my questions and sharing your thoughts, always nice to hear from someone who knows more about these things.

Take it easy

Posted using Partiko Android

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