Yes, I am a Bitconnect victim.

in #bitconnect7 years ago (edited)


There. I said it. But I hate the term victim. I knew what I was doing. I knew the risk. And I'm one of the lucky ones. I was only 1 1/2 months in. Only lost $500. I can live with that. I didn't suffer financially or cause my family to suffer.

So go ahead and bash me in the comments. I'm cool with it. Everyone has a right to their opinion and I accept that. Tell me I'm a fool. Hell, maybe I am. But remember, there is no gain without risk. Life is full of chances and some you take and some you don't.

But no matter what, be smart about it! Educate yourself! Know the risk and if you can afford to take it. NEVER put more than you can afford to lose into anything! And remember it's your money and your decision. Don't be so quick to blame others when it fails.

I see guys like @trevonjb getting roasted right now. I understand people are frustrated and angry. But he didn't force you to part with your money. He didn't offer anything to you. No promises. He just vlogged about his experience and offered up his affiliate link if you were interested in joining. Again, he didn't force anyone to join. Just like my sponsor didn't force me. Nobody held a gun to our heads.

Instead of accepting the decision we made and moving on, I see so many people spewing hate and bigotry. Why? What is it getting you? Is it making you feel better?

When bad things happen it is human nature to look for someone to blame. But in this instance there is only one person to blame - ourselves. We are the masters of our own destiny. Our own decisions are ultimately what make or break us. Never make a decision without enough information to make the best one for you. Education is key!

"Prudent, cautious self-control, is wisdom's root." - Robert Burns


I was extremely cautious and invested a minimum amount just a month before it's death...I knew that would happen eventually, but not that soon. I think the promoters did a really good job at strategically promoting a dream that held true only for themselves. But that was their goal after all.

I hate to hear that you lost your money cryptostacey. You'll be fine and I hope you earn back that $500 quickly.

That being said, people like Trevon James used a position of influence to sway people into using a referral code, receiving commission on them, and profiting off of what was obviously a ponzi scheme. No he didn't hold a gun to anyone's head and make them invest but Charles Manson didn't directly kill anyone. There is something seriously wrong when people defend someone who profiting off of deception.

I mean did people really not realize that bitconnect wasn't set up like a pyramid scheme. Many HYIPs have this same type of setup and the people who do invest in them, only do so as a type of high risk investment. Like you said, you knew going in that you might lose all the money you had invested in bitconnect and that's the right attitude - to see it as a high risk investment.

I think the hate for bitconnect comes more from that many of the members who lost money to the scheme were newer entrants to the crypto community and thus were not used to the pitfalls that can happen in this unregulated environment.

I myself did a lot of research going into this platform. But all the research that ive been able to do is solely based on other peoples experiences. I could see why being anonymous would be a smart idea, but i still felt ineasy about it. And as far as everyone is concerned, they have never cheated anyone out of money....that is until they did. I could congratulate them on pulling this off. It is one of the cleverest scheme ive ever seen. But then as i think of the people in third world countries losing everything theyve ever had on this platform....theyre just a bunch of assholes as far as im concerned.

I got in BitConnect and was about a good 3 months in and lost $300. I reinvested every $10 and I’m really glad that this happen before I invested anything extra. I had plans to invest $1000 more, hoping BitConnect was a legit lending platform. I think I got caught up in the false possibilities.

I agree with you. No one put a gun my head and forced me to join.

Thanks for the post.

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