How I accidentally became a SteemMonsters merchant


It all started with a little tourism. I had played it a few times, then played it a few more times, and I never quite got the taste of it. I don't like paying for things and Steem Monsters is basically a pay-to-win game. Well, that's kind of debatable. Once everyone has paid the same amount and has all max-levelled cards, it becomes a neutral and balanced game again, but it's undoubtable that if you don't buy hundreds of cards to level up your team, you won't be at the top 20.

I was driven further and further away from the idea until @lunaticpandora said that if I got to rank 1000, I could get 4 free packs of cards by the end of the season. That meant that I could probably earn money while doing this! So I set out in a mission. I joined Steem Monsters and saw that you could earn an extra booster pack of cards if you won 10 games with cards from the water splinter! I jumped into the game, used my already existing water splinter cards (coming from the starter pack) and started playing.

I spent hours playing. I didn't know it could become so addictive. However, I only got to a rating of 800 with my level 1 team. I had to get to 1000 or I wouldn't get those 4 packs. I saw that those that were at rating 1000 had cards that were level 3 at least (3 and 4), so I bought cards to level up my own team until they were level 3 and 4. I played and played with it, and I got to rating 1300. I had earned the right to 5 packs by the end of the season (plus the extra pack from the daily challenge).

Then came other daily challenges, so I had to buy a blue splinter pack of cards, then came more challenges, so I bought a fire splinter one, and I kept at it so hard that I came to realise that I had bought around 60 SBD worth of cards!!!!!! So wasteful! Here I am, trying not to be poor, and I'm spending a month's meals worth of money on cards.

I went to sell them but didn't want to sell them too cheap! I started pumping up the price a bit. If I had bought a card for 1 sbd, I sold it for 1.2, etc., and I put most of the expensive cards for sale that way except for the main team. I woke up the next day and saw that many of those cards had been sold! I was earning! I was meaning to just cut back on my expenditure, save a bit of what I had wasted in my carelessness, and I ended up making my initial investment grow!

I was excited, so I put more and more cards for sale. I put all my cards for sale, in fact. And ever since then, I've been getting a stable influx of coins every few minutes or hours. Whenever I'm going to play, I see which team I want to play and I buy those specific cards. I don't need all of them all the time. I need some cash for my own life (I'm going to take some cash out because I incurred some debts to save my neck :(, but my neck is worth any money), but I can still afford to play the daily quests, and when the season is ending, I suppose I'll race @clove71 to the top with some nice cards and holger's bot, maybe?

Last season, I ended in Diamond II with just a small water team because they were OP (levels 4 and 5). I got 13 booster packs out of that! Then I put all the cards I used for sale :D (and the 13 booster packs). I'm still refilling my vaults. I really used up too much of the money I was saving for some necessary expenditures. I'm sure I'll still have some money to spare when my ordeal is done and I'll keep playing a bit of Steem Monsters, but for now, I will keep being a merchant and buying and selling cards every day.

I think I've bought and resold the Peaceful Giant about 4 times already. Whenever I am in need for a 5-mana tank, I just buy 25 Peaceful Giants (usually for around 5-6 USD in total), combine them into one big level 5 Peaceful Giant, use him for what I need him for, then sell him back to the market for around 8-10. I don't know why people buy them, but I'm glad they do. I guess I don't mind being spoon-fed by spendthrifts. :) (Please don't steal my trade. I like my profits.)


nice that you enjoy that game... I can't get myself to even really try it.
Using Holger's lib to code some AI would be fun. But on the other hand - meh. Nope :D

Is there a reason why you personally dislike it?

I've always wanted to make an AI :D I'll read more about it.

I don't dislike it. I just don't want to spend time on it.
But you seem to have fun and make money, that's different. A modern alchemist sourceress, pulling gold out of thing air :)
Go ahead and build an AI that makes you rich beyond imagination by autoplaying steam monsters, just add some tensorflow-fu and game theory expert system to
while I go sleeping and dreaming about you having already completed this task :D

I am interested withvsteemmonster working
Please help me

What do you want to know about? You can go into and look around if you want. It's pretty easy to understand. If you have a question, ask away. :)

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