Today I Have Bought Some Vitamin D That Might Be The Key Factor For Solving My Bone Condition ✔ 💊🙆🏻‍♂️🦴steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem5 years ago


I Could Be Low On Vitamin D

I had been suffering from unusual weakness so much that I am even unable to support my already had thinned-out body. Now there is a cause for this and probably I am low on vitamin D, I have overlooked at this vitamin for so long a time and nobody is telling me to take it as a supplement.

What I think I needed is to absorb the calcium that I am taking and for that I needed something to let my bones absorb calcium. Therefore I needed vitamin D because for everybody's information our Kidneys produce an active form of Vitamin D which basically balances the phosphorus-calcium in our bodies and help absorb calcium in our food.


My Skeleton Has Been Losing Its Mass All These Years

I am taking Calcium supplement with Vitamin D but I guess that I needed more Vitamin D to help my bones absorb more calcium so that it won't lose more because of my Hyperparathyroidism which is a secondary type, meaning that it has a root cause which is the elevation of Phosphorus in my body. Now I am strictly controlling my phosphorus by taking in some Phosphate binder so that I will not absorb more of that destructive element that is the cause of my weakened and deformed bones.

Now this vitamin D might be the key factor that I have overlooked at and might be the answer that I am looking for to help me with my bone pain and help it heal. I remember my last Phosphorus test that it was normal considering that I do not take much Phosphate binder then. Now that I am strict on my diet and taking phosphate binder then there will be no cause for my Parathyroid to get so hyperactive especially now that I am taking Cinacalcet for it and in the near future some vitamin D to help my bones regenerate a bit and don't degenerate.


The Sunshine Helps Our Skin Produce Vitamin D

I am always in my room and I am unable to get out and receive some rays of sunshine that is why I could not make vitamin D with my skin from the Ultraviolet rays of the sun even for a while. So having a supplement that could make me feel strong by balancing the calcium in my body by basically absorbing it might be the answer that I am looking for.

I thank God for this wisdom that he had given me. It might be too late but at least I am hopeful that it will help me with my pain and weakness and maybe stop altogether the progression of my bone degeneration. I am happy that I had been able to learn about this so that I could forsee a good result for my bone health and ultimately solving my pain issues and stopping the weakening of my bones. Thanks a Million to God.


I Could Get Stronger Or Solve My Weakness Issue Because Of Vitamin D

This had made me feel excited and I do hope that taking extra Vitamin D will pan out well for me and now together with my strict dieting, taking in my needed phosphate binder, then the medicine for me hyperparathyroidism, supplementing myself with calcium where my bones can get some building blocks to help it regenerate, I could be in a better condition soon and finally would solve this mysterious weakening of my body and bones.

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Yes, absolutely right. Sunshine is a great D maker.
And popper and sesame are the best calcium maker. Not cow milk products like many people think:(

For normal people Sunlight in the morning is just enough @taliakerch enjoy your day now :D

No sun now:( need to read what food contains Dvitamin

I hope the vit D helps you lot's.

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This is great news! I hope this helps you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes vitamin D is an important one for bone and joint issues and the impact of being low can be more extreme than you would think. I hope you see a big difference going onto the extra vitamin D.

I have hypermobile joints and they can get painful at times, but if I have low vitamin D they get worse. I didn't know this at first and had a while there where my joints had got too painful to exercise, but the best thing to do to improve that is to exercise and build up the muscles around the joints to help hold the joints in place but I was in too much pain to exercise and it was a real catch 22. It turned out I was low in vitamin D and that was making the pain a lot worse. I started taking vitamin D suspended in oil every 3 months and while my pain isn't gone, it is a lot better since I did that.

Supposedly most people where I live are Vitamin D deficient though. For that reason, kids wear hats and sunscreen in childcare and school in summer but not in winter as we try to reduce the vitamin D problem by not wearing hats and sunscreen.

Vitamin D deficiency is nasty on top of other bone or joint issues so I'm glad you've discovered that that was contributing. You also have to consider other stuff like medications too as a lot of them affect stuff like bone density as well.

My marked weakness which I had been suffering from might be the clue for my requirement for my Vitamin D. My bones are for far too long had been leaching out calcium which now resulted in disfigurement and pains. Now I must see if this will really work and I hope that it will.

Ouch! I hope the vitamin D helps and you find the best solution for it.

es verdad que las mujeres embarazadas deberían reposar al menos un rato en reposo al sol cada día para poder adsorber las grandes proporciones de vitamina D que otorga el sol

I love getting my vitamin D fix. Most of the time it is too hot though, the timing has to be right for it to be enjoyable.

Hope this is a great fix for you and brings your body some relief.

Posted via

I would recommend that you get a hold of some liquid vitamin d. The reason is that you can take it under your tongue and absorb it right into the bloodstream! My girlfriend, myself and also a good friend of mine all 3 had low vitamin d. We weren't able to get it up that high even with mega-doses of the pills. But after doing sublingual for a few weeks it jumped up significantly.

This is especially effective if you have a compromised digestive system or a lot of anxiety. The gut doesn't absorb vitamins as well in these cases.

Yes the pills that I bought is in a softgel form so it is a liquid inside. It will actually come from the US too so it is not yet in my possession.

Too sad that nobody explained me in taking vitamin D, I had to learn it for myself but I hope that these changes of taking extra vitamin D will do me good and would stop my hyperparathyroid in combination with Cinacalcet, the sole drug for it plus extra calcium in my diet. I just hope that God blesses my way to save my bones.
Thank you Sir @nuthman

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