I Have To Replace My Dialyzer Now After Nine UsessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #journal5 years ago


Dialyzer Is A Blood Filter

Here in my country the standard in medicine is different like for example in the US the preferred normal blood pressure is 110 systolic while here in my country the normal is 130 and slightly high if it would be 140 and still the medical standard says it is still okay.

It is also influenced by economic matters particularly for the patient because in dialysis we are using the blood filter (the dialyzer) for one month which means it is being used 8 to 9 times a day while in the west it is being used only once that is why some dialyzers over there cannot be opened unlike the ones that we use here which can be opened, washed, and then disinfected.

Certainly I could not afford to use a dialyzer only one per treatment because it will be so expensive that even well-to-do families will get poor because the dialyzer costs as much as the treatment costs. So they just are re-using dialyzer until the health insurance could cover that again in the beginning of next month.

not equal.gif

Medical Standards Are Not Equal

But still I have to pay for additional cost as the health insurance only covers $29.4 dollars of the cost of the Highflux dialyzer so I have to add about $9.80 so that I could avail it. That type of dialyzer is important to me because it has bigger holes where bigger molecule substances from the blood like the uric acid passes through more easily.

Otherwise I will end-up with a ammonia-smelling breath which happens couple of days after the session. So with a more efficient type of dialyzer my blood is cleaned better but of course it incurs a cost not to mention the cost of the hospital bill that I have to pay for each session.

I do not know how I would deal if my funds would all dry-up so I will just pray to God not to put me in a position that I will find myself in a more precarious situation than I am into right now.


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I never knew the standards were different. This is definitely not a good thing.

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