Dear Diary: My Love-Hate Relationship With Dairy ProductssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago

I Love Dairy But My Body Hates It

A few months ago I bought a protein shake hoping that it will make me gain some weight. We it didn't turn out to be good because I have found out that I am lactose intolerant. So everytime I would consume my protein shake which have lactose in it make me get a guts discomfort. And so for the remainder of the day I would produce as much gas like a volcano, it isn't a good experience at all.

Being lactose intolerant is not good because of the above reasons and I am just fortunate enough not to get a diarrhea but my guts really would protest against my lack of self-control over my diet. Now I can only eat rice and meat or fish with some vegetables occasionally as vegetables causes me to have gas issues too, it is a hard life.

Milk Is Delicious But Vicious For Me

My mother had bought some pizza yesterday and of course it has some cheese on it plus she also bought some ice cream and that combination made me had some serious gas issues. I could have refused those foods but I was hoping that it won't do me harm but what do you know, it just did.

Darn, I just liked milk, dairy, I cream, cheeses, and all that but my Malayan race didn't allowed my body to digest lactose from dairy products which I think will get worse as I age (if I will ever age.) So I am left missing the foods that I love now and it just creates a void in my diet, in my life.

If Only I could Have A Slice Or Two

Well there is a way around that though by using a lactase food supplement so that I will not suffer the backlash from consuming milk, cheeses, and other dairy products. But of course it would mean that I will have to buy it and it doesn't cost cheap. So I would either devoid my diet with dairy or enjoy them but pay a hefty price for the lactose.

Right now I will just have to stick to my strict diet so that it won't do me much discomfort or harm in my digestive system. I have to live with it because I couldn't do much about it anyway and I would submit to the fact that my body is really not like as before.


I understand how you feel by not been able to eat what you love like lactose and some diary foods because of your body been in tolerate to lactose . But my candid advice will be to just avoid and abstain from such products for your own good and health @cryptopie

After I went Vegan and ditched meat, dairy and eggs I never felt better. I sometimes drink almond or soy milk. that might be an option for you.

That is what i am about to say. That be more careful with your health diet so as not to affect your health or cause discomfort to you

Regards @cryptopie.
In my case, dairy products not only cause intestinal discomfort.
By consuming them massively along with the wheat; They also produce nasal polyps.
Severe pain in the spine.
And the inflammation in the neck ganglia.
Only by stopping their consumption and seeing how my health improves; It is what gives me the strength to avoid them.
Although, as you wrote in another post; I can barely resist a piece of cake.
When I eat it, I submit to a fast of at least 16 hours.
So that my body recovers.

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