Finally Learning to Code... (Escaping the Newbie Zone)

in #coding6 years ago


Are you the kind of person who has been trying to learn to code for years yet always remained in the newbie zone?

Well...that's me. I have done udemy classes, freecodecamp, codeschool and many others but always kind of dropped out at the point where JS was starting to get complicated enough that I couldn't see how it was related to an actual project.

But Finally...

Months ago, I started with the idea that the Steem blockchain should have it's own forum service where anyone could launch their own forum community on their own domain.

I paid a friend of mine to build a basic prototype in Vue.js and got it working just enough to have something "working". Then I partnered with @buildteam to take on the development further and because the Product Manager for TokenBB.

Less than 2 months ago, the front-end of TokenBB has been opened source and now anyone can run a local instance and play around with it to their hearts content (including me!).

2 Weeks Ago

Since no devs on the team want to be coding HTML & CSS all day, I decided to take on that role for the project. The first time I did, it was a complete mess...I made a somewhat workable theme with 600 lines of CSS.

But then, I realized I could do much better, I stripped down everything to bare-bone and built the whole front-end design from the ground up and reduced the stylesheet to about ~150 lines of CSS.

Learning While Coding

Now what I've come to realize is that as I am coding the front-end, I have to start playing with javascript and understand the architecture of a VUE.JS framework.

It seems that all that I needed to push me beyond the newbie zone was a project where I could start really small and then work myself to become more competent over time.

Check This Out!

Visit to check out how the latest design turned out. More features coming soon!


Thats so cool! I don't know if you remember but the last time you posted about this, I think you where talking about free code camp I sort of got back into programming as well and I've been working as a Jr. dev for 4 months lol mostly Javascript but some python with Pandas as well :-)

That's awesome man. What are you working on?

It's a marketing company and we mostly do websites, I'm in charge of creating basic web functions with JS & maintenance of the servers to keep our clients sites up and running. With Python I'm mostly processing user data forms from Facebook, we use facebook lead ads and get the data of over 400 a day and that has to be processed thru python.

Nothing too fancy but it's a nice place to get some experience :-)

That seems like my job...but without the coding ;-P

From a 3rd party perspective we all do the same job, we sit in front of a screen writing computer spells that do things for us, internet wizards :^)


Thanks man. Check out the latest update. We have pagination, quote this, editing post. SubCategories coming soon too.


That’s really cool that you know how to code. Coding is something I’d like to learn in the future. Do you have any sites you can refer me to for beginner coders?

Posted using Partiko iOS

freecodecamp is the best

Thank you 🙏😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the information. Finally, someone started coding, for me it is interesting and I learn easily.

I think so its been a month you have posted something my friend . Happy to see you back.

As you said learing of coding that's cool thing you are doing. And as you said partners with buildteam that is cool.

Might be even someone can tech me this kind of cool stuff so i can be a good developer . Good one.

This is quite fascinating. It's inspiring to know that you still forged ahead with learning coding despite the initial Cchallenges and eventually start a project of your own.
I don't know much about coding but if I intend to start, atleast I've gotten where I could visit from this post. Well done

Hi @cryptoctopus,

When I read this part...

Are you the kind of person who has been trying to learn to code for years yet always remained in the newbie zone? ... I have done udemy classes, freecodecamp, codeschool and many others but always kind of dropped out at the point where JS was starting to get complicated enough that I couldn't see how it was related to an actual project.

I thought you were describing me... ;-). After youtube videos, I went to codeacademy, udemy. Each time I gave up when it came to object related programming in JS. Now I've started again and this time, I'm trying Node.js. It's a long shot but I'm keeping faith that I will manage some of it, if only I try hard enough ;-).

I think that you are right that the learning curve improves once you are doing more than abstract lessons. Real projects really push you to learn even though the solutions are not always perfect, it's the best way to improve.

By the way, I liked the design of your page

Best regards,

Run a local instance of TokenBB and start playing with it! Its build in Node.js and Vue.js and you get to see the code and how its done.

Thanks for the tip. I've to go a bit more in depth with node first but I might definitely try it later on

I need to burn all my ships

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I eny you. Also wanted to learn how to code but time had left me. Congratulations to you sir

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