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RE: ACOM DVD Phase 2 Preliminary Announcement

in #steem3 years ago

Dear @acom team

Thanks for sharing this update. Since you've asked us about our opinions, let me share mine.


As much as I understand that most people enjoy idea of aidrops, I always think that this is one straight way to discourage current investors. Simply because it diminish value of a token.

Naturally if I've paid 2 steem for one ACOMDVD token, then I wouldn't sell it for less than that. It would cause me a loss. I would rather sell it only for 2 steem or higher.
With obvious some exceptions: airdrops is one of them.

If I get some ACOMDVD tokens for free and if I would decide that I need some liquid funds, then obviously I would sell those free tokens below that price of 2 steem. Without feeling that I'm at lost. Which would surely bring price down.
I know airdrops are form of marketing, but it's one of the most awful ways to market the project. I personaly never invest in any tokens, which are doing airdrops. And I spoke to many investors in the past, who have similar view on that topic.

That's just my own opinion.


I'm curious how will you play it out. So far myself (and everyone from PH community I spoke to) assumed that holding ACOMDVD tokens is a way to get some upvotes every now and then. And that seem to be main reason for people to buy ACOMDVD tokens. To enjoy those additional upvotes from time to time.
Based on your description, this new token would do exaclt that? Will current ACOMDVD holders not receive any of those random/additional upvotes any longer?

Would that mean, that holders of ACOMDVD tokens can only count on some dividents?

I know you wrote that:

We intend to continue to do this with our new token of course but you must remember that any organic support is above and beyond, an additional freebie
But at the same time - base on my understanding - those upvotes will be allocated in the future for that new token holders (instead of current ACOMDVD holders).
I found it a bit confusing.

SMALL MISTAKE in your post (?)

Also, you've wrote:

200 new tokens - pack of 10 ACUV
600 new tokens - pack of 10 ACUV

Is there a mistake? Would we get 10 ACUV tokens regardless on amount of purchased new tokens? Either it's 200 or 600 = same pack of 10 ACUV tokens would be provided?

DIVIDENTS starting at 400 steem

You've just provided all ACOMDVD token holders with steem dividents 2 days ago. And even small token holders did receive some.
Would upcoming changes mean, that not only ACOMDVD token holders will not receive


It seem that ACOMDVD token holders will not benefit from those changes, but instead will be punished for their investment.
Airdrops will delute value of those tokens, those unregular upvotes will stop and steem dividents will also stop. I'm actually not sure any more if there is any point in holding ACOMDVD tokens. As it looks like most advantages of having them will be gone.

I didn't mean to sound negative. But those are my real concerns.

Have a great weekend ahead,
Cheers, Piotr


Hey @crypto.piotr thank you for these observations and we're sorry to see that you are not so keen on our plans. But let us try and reassure you of why holding ACOM DVD will be valuable whether you choose to buy into the new token or not.

  1. We have to say from the outset that there will be no devaluation of ACOM DVD because of the airdrop. We will not be awarding any ACOM DVD. In actual fact the airdrop adds additional value to ACOM DVD because now it means any stackers of ACOM DVD will receive some of the new tokens free, which will help them to build a pathway to securing guaranteed votes. You must remember, as we have always stressed and indeed stress in the announcement post, the organic support is additional free support and not a guaranteed expectation and never has been. ACOM DVD guarantees investors TRX dividends and ACUV and only that, nothing changes. And of course so long as you hold ACOM DVD in your wallet you simply have a faucet there, you will continue to accrue TRX dividends for life, even if you choose not to come with us into Phase 2.

  2. The primary focus of organic support would shift to holders of our new token but we would still allocate some support for ACOM DVD holders. And there would be a lot more organic support than we are able to achieve right now as self voting to pay ACOM core team staff will end. Again organic support is not an entitlement for ACOM DVD holders or for holders of our new token, it never was, we simply did it as an additional freebie.

  3. No mistake, we intend to build in a pack of 10 ACUV at particular milestones in addition to securing your weekly guaranteed votes.

  4. The new monthly Steem dividend, starting at 400 Steem a month, will be distributed among holders of the new token only. Reward Events, such as the one we have just had for ACOM DVD holders in which we gave out 250 Steem, will continue.

It's a shame you take a dim view of airdrops because we take the opposite position, airdrops are a great incentive for increasing the value of an existing token while simultaneously helping people experience something new and built around the feedback we have received from investors in Phase 1.

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