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RE: Bitconnect SCAM? Raise your hand if you went ahead anyway...

in #crypto7 years ago

Not taking it personally. I don't tell anyone to invest in it. I explicitly stated I'm not promoting the program. I'm simply giving my review of what i have experinced so far and how everything in cryptocurrency is a gamble.

"watching crypto SKYROCKET since March also seemed to good to be true. But it happened"

I'm sorry, but no one expected crypto to jump 30x within a 6 week period. The bitcoin run up to $900 took FOREVER compared to its last rise to 3k. My point being expect the unexpected. ANYTHING can happen...and that includes BCC becoming successful.

Secondly, I'm no more responsible for someone doing whatever they do with their money than any person is responsible for me deciding to get involved in BCC. I was/still skeptical myself and say in my post that it has "done what is advertised so far" and thay I'd keep everyone "up to date" on what happens with my experience.

" Let's say you make back your initial investment and whatever %. Great! Then someone else see's this post and thinks WOW he just made so much easy $$$$$ I have to invest in this. Then because this is a sure thing he tell's his parents to invest some of there retirement money on this sure fire way to make money no strings attached."

Who in the world said that BCC is a sure thing?

What if BCC ends up proving the skeptics wrong in the future? Since no one has provided concrete evidence of BCC being 100% scam is it completely fair to label it so?

Anyone who would get involved in ANYTHING having to do with putting thier money into something without researching it on their own is the only one responsible for their profits or losses.

Take myself, fir example. I labeled it a scam and went on about my way. The main reason i did that was due to all the negativity surrounding it. No solid evidence of it being a scam and yet i was scared away because of the "negativity bandwagon". I decided to take a "gamble" because TO ME, its worth a roll of the dice.

If it pays off, I will be reinvesting and continue to update everyone on my progress. BCC is coming up to a few crucial milestones on their roadmap which they will have to meet if they want their model to succeed in the "court of public opinion". I guess we'll all have to sit back and watch what happens.

Ill address ur points further, but i am using a phone to type this out right now and will get back on a computer as soon as i get a chance. Its taking forever to comment and my fingers are dead.


Damn bud your fingers must be sore after that.

Let's be clear I do not know a whole pile about bitconnect. But I do understand how a pyramid scheme works. It would be an injustice to continue this further without me being better informed first. But just speaking from the information in your post, I of course believe you have a moral obligation not to "support" such practice.

I stopped writing for a while and read there(or their, always get confused) terms of service in entirety.

Have you done so yet? It's a joke. Just a timebomb waiting to go off imo

Yes, ive read the terms of service MANY times. The spelling errors are one of the 1st things that initially put me off to the program. But, I looked past that and weighed out my risk/rewards and decided to loan out over $2k anyway. No staking, referrals, reinvestments, trading of tokens, etc... Just the interest payments advertised on the site. I have not made a single $1 off of anyone else and do not give out my referral for anyone to use. I haven't promoted Bitconnect at any time since my loan on July 7th, 2017. As a matter of fact, this is the only time ive EVER spoke of this program and I intend to keep people up to date with my experience on just my personal capital used to start the program.

Bitconnect is doing VERY well, and has been doing well since their beginnings. The true test of this program will come in a few months when capital release videos start being released. Not to mention new marketing campaigns and smart-card release. Once/if that happens, and Bitconnect not only survives, but THRIVES in the future and establishes itself as a REAL contender in the cryptospace, will you have changed your mind? If they become so successful, and stick around indefinetely, would you THEN not be as against this platform? Or do you always plan on calling it a ponzi no matter how successful the platform and people who use it become? 2 years? 3 years? 4 years? At what point would they become 'legit' enough for skeptics to do a 180° turn and start, at the very least, not label it as a proven scam. I ask this because if that time comes what would have changed your opinion of it? BCC would still have been doing what their sites advertised.

Do me a favor, if you get the chance. If you have time, check out 'Jeti Knight' on YouTube and listen to the way he dissects Bitconnect in EVERY aspect. He does an amazing job at articulating this subject. INFINITELY more than I'd EVER be able to.

Again, NO ONE is saying that BCC is a slam dunk, and no one should be putting money into ANYTHING that has not been properly researched by the investor themselves, and given themselves a chance to see if the 'juice is worth the squeeze'.

With their continuous success, upcoming Roadmap milestones, and growing daily user base, there are people who are obviously getting into it. Have all the newcomers been duped into something they don't understand? I doubt that. Some have absolutely jumped in without lifevests based off of what a YouTuber or friend/family member told them, but any consequences borne from this decision will be between the parties involved and IMO, shouldn't be used to slander BCC, Especially when no one has been "scammed" thus far. I think the more and more people REALLY think about what the program is, some can relate it to how Hedge Funds do business. And we all know how Hedge funds can goes YEARS without a down day. How is that possible? Bots, perhaps? Whats so different from their strategy? Name recognition?

As I've stated in my blog post, this is crypto. And I truly believe ANYTHING can happen in this wild world. That includes Bitconnect surprising alot of "non-beleivers".

It's quite late bud and you deserve a comprehensive response. I will get back to you tomorrow :)

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