The Carnivore Diet - Long Non-Technical Write-Up [Onnit]

in #diet7 years ago

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I was looking at some data with respect to meat only diets and the risk of developing Vitamin C deficiency. While these and other concerns are very real and need to be taken carefully into consideration if one decides to follow such a diet, unless one consumes lean meat only, chances of developing scurvy are not increased.

Scurvy is a life-threatening condition that appears on the background consuming less 10mg of vitamin C per day for several weeks. If this was the only problem of carnivore diets...

Okay, so, such a diet is also known as a zero carbohydrate diet and it can include eggs and other animal products with little to no carbohydrates. Technically, it's not zero because meat can contain glycogen and eggs have 0.3-0.5g of carbohydrates per egg. But for all intents and purposes this diet is very close to zero carbohydrates.

So, if one consumes liver and other organ meats, these are very nutrient rich (in fact, liver is one of the most nutrient rich foods), it contains vitamin C. For reference, 100g of liver contains about 28-30 mg of vitamin C. On top of that, vitamin C competes with glucose for absorption (see GLUT1 receptor) and on a background of little to no carbohydrate intake, more of Vitamin C would be absorbed.

Those on a carnivore diet could always take a vitamin C pill and forget about all this. However, there might be more implications to the diet, some positive, some less...

As a parallel, a ketogenic diet is still restrictive, but much more varied than a zero carb diet and it can include several servings of vegetables and some low-glycemic fruits which can meet most of the requirements for vitamins, minerals and micronutrients if formulated appropiately. But, this is not about the ketogenic diet...

A very long post about the carnivore diet was written by Sean Hyson at Onnit. I found it an interesting read and I'd suggest reading it if you find this subject appealing:

The Carnivore Diet - Long Non-Technical Write-Up [Onnit]

To stay in touch with me, follow @cristi

Cristi Vlad Self-Experimenter and Author


I was eating lots of eggs, meat, chicken and carbohydrates, because I'm doing bodybuilding you know the importance of proteins for the bodubuilding .. thank you for this information @cristi

So is there enough fiber in meat? I remember something about cowboys in Argentina that drank a laxative tea to help their all meat diet...

Myself I see no compelling reason to go full carnivore diet...

From some of the studies I read, people can live on no fiber diets.

What kind of snacks are you consuming during the day?

I don't snack I only have two meals

De cand esti pe dieta ketogenica @cristi? Ma tenteaza si pe mine sa incerc, desi as vrea un pic sa ma ingras...

Am fost din 2013 pana in 2015 destul de strict. Apoi am fost mai putin strict keto cu intermittent fasting, iar acum, din decembrie strict iar. Mi se pare ca e cam greu sa te ingrasi. Si mie mi-e greu sa mentin greutatea.

Cate grame de carbohidrati consumi pe zi? Mult succes!!

Intre 20 si 25 :) Daca nu ai mai fost pe keto pana acum, nu e deloc usor. Dar e destul de manageable daca folosesti aplicatii gen myfitnesspal sau cronometer.

protein is very important for our body

Good Info!! upvoted!
you may visit my profile too!!!

Man, this is interesting... Resteemed!

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