Why Your Best Content is Waiting on the Other Side of your Comfort Zone

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

One of the biggest lessons I have learned from creating daily content for the last 8 months… is that my best content is always on the other side of my comfort zone.

Taking risks and being willing to put yourself out there in a real, raw way can have a profound impact on the quality of your posts. Why? Because you go from just adding more noise to the steemisphere – to finding your unique voice and actually producing content that people can relate to.

I spoke about this in my talk at the Steem Creators Conference and framed it as finding your “Close your eyes and submit” moment. I was shocked at how many people came up to me at the conference saying that was one of their biggest takeaways from the conference. I was even more shocked when people started sending me articles after the conference saying it was their “Close their eyes and submit” post!

What was my First “Close my Eyes and Submit” Moment?

I had been on the platform for several months posting on a variety of topics – but mostly doing music covers. One day I got a crazy idea to cover “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira and actually re-create the cover art. I was definitely putting myself out there more than I ever had before! I was nervous to post it and literally had to close my eyes when I hit submit.

Here it is… This photo is honestly still a little embarrassing to share!


You know what happened?

The post BLEW up. It was definitely my most successful post to date in terms of comments, votes, re-steems and general vibes around the post.

Why was it so successful?

It wasn’t because everyone on Steemit loves Shakira so much. It’s because I was letting down my guard and taking a risk! People LOVE to feel that energy because it is so much more relatable! It’s also a breath of fresh air in a sea of content.

You don’t have to be the best at what you do…but if you show up and put your real self out in the world – people will feel that energy and be more excited about engaging with your content.

Pushing Your Boundaries is One of the Best Things You Can Do

Let’s take a step back from Steemit for a second. Think about what areas of your life make you feel anxious, scared, or nervous. Chances are, there is something you could do to stare that fear right in the face and start to move past it. In the video, I give an example of an everyday activity that I feel legitimate anxiety around… and how just doing it is helping me to overcome it.

In my experience, once you start pushing your boundaries in one area of life – it permeates throughout the rest of your life. By doing that one hard, scary thing… you might be surprised at how much it opens you up creatively.

What is Your Close Your Eyes and Submit Moment?

Do you have a post that you felt nervous to share, but decided to put it out into the world anyway? Did it feel good to let it out? I would just encourage everyone to think about what that post might look like for you. It could be finally making a vlog for the first time, or sharing a story that is a bit vulnerable, or recording yourself singing or playing music to share.

I hope you guys find this post helpful or encouraging in some way! Let me know if you have any questions regarding what I covered in this post. I’d love to hear from you if you decide to take up the challenge and make a “Close your eyes and submit” post!

Xo, Lea


▶️ DTube

This is so true! Challenging ourselves to get out of our comfort zones. And people can relate to that because we all face it.


Aww thanks my friend! Of all the content creators I admire here on the platform, I definitely think you do one of the best jobs of this!

I live by the same philosophy. Feel the fear and do it anyway. My first fitness post was my example. I was in the worst shape and usually no one wants to show that. Now I'm exactly where I want to be because I was willing to just close my eyes and post and let the results drive me to grow. It was really really freeing. 90 days later here we are. Great advice!

Ahh such a great example! I think being vulnerable about body/weight stuff can be one of the hardest areas. How cool that you were willing to take the leap and jump in. It’s awesome to see how successful your fitness posts have been! Just shows that being real and vulnerable is what people really want to see! ❤️

this entire article #nailedit. Takes a lot of guts to get the best out of oneself... well worth the risk in most cases.

Your comment totally made me smile! Thanks for your encouragement!

Thank you for that. I definitely try and step past the fear when speaking in front of people. Im trying to translate that into social media now.

Written communication can certainly be more challenging than spoken. Sounds like you’re on a great path to finding your authentic voice here in the social media world. :-)

I'm working on it... I just jumped off this post and shortly thereafter ended up on your presentation from Vegas. Great points... It certainly appears I should follow you too.

Ha yeeeeeeepp I made a post about my most shameful subject, which is money. Posting that was a turning point for me. It's powerful to admit you feel shame about something and then put it out there. It transforms the shame.

How brave of you to talk about money! That is one of the hardest topics to share on, and an area that a lot of people feel shame around. You bring up a great point about shame too. Often when it is brought to light, it can really dissipate.

I'm totally digging your vibe here, love your perspective on this. Yes, it is becoming more and more difficult to stand above the rest of the noise, which is kind of discouraging sometimes, especially if people are just looking for a quick payday. Anyways, I kind of already did my close your eyes and click submit post, almost a full month ago, and honestly yea, I've been one of those people who has gotten a bit discouraged from not seeing as much reward from the effort I put forth in my few posts. From the start on here I've been pretty real and absolutely myself, but I think that maybe my lack of consistency, more interesting things to talk about, lack of creativity coupled with being busy with a baby, maybe it'll just take more effort. I don't know. Anyways, thanks for this post! Love it, and it definitely is something I think I needed to see :)

I’m so glad to hear this post resonated with you! I totally get how we can be discouraging. I just looked at so if your articles from last month, and they are beautiful! Great writing and lots of great photos. I do think that sometimes it can take quite a while to really break through. Probably the best thing that people can do is to join communities. And get to know other people on the platform.

If you have a combination of good content, and spending a lot of time reaching out to others and getting to know them, that is usually a good way to go about it.

I hope that helps! Don’t get too discouraged! Those who are in it for the long game usually see the most success. :-)

I can see why users clicked the post with the cover: You clearly look like you're having fun re-creating it. My guess would be that users just likeauthenticity along with a positive attitude - well, that's at least what I like in content. And the picture has it all.

Thanks for your encouragement! I think you are right, positivity can go along way as well!

Hi coruscate,

You got me thinking about when I took more risk in exposing my real self in all areas of my life is when I grew as a better and more mature person.

I’m so glad this post got you thinking @hanamana!

really nice post =) and btw i like your pic more than shakiras ;-)

I agree, almost everything worth pursuing is outside your comfort zone.

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