Downvoting: The Underrated Superhero of the Steem Blockchain

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Actifit Tracking Day 34.PNG

One of the coolest parts of our blockchain that is often overlooked is how the ability to flag/downvote is actually a good thing because it allows you to fight back against harassment, and general ass hat level behavior.

Warning... this is a bit of a rant and as you can see - contains a few swear words!

Some of you may have seen me mention that I started a crypto Instagram account: Instagram: @girl_gone_cryto which has honestly been SO fun because I've been able to connect with tons of cool people in the crypto community and even spread the word about Steem!

You know what sucks about centralized social media though? There isn't much you can do when someone is a total douche. Check out these DM's I got earlier today.

First of all... he deleted the douchy message he sent me before I could screenshot.

He sent me a message saying "I want u so bad." Which honestly... you have to expect to get comments like that from time to time when you are a woman moving through the world - especially in a male-dominated sector. But this guy is actually pretty well known in the crypto space and has over 65k followers on Instagram.

I thought about leaving some snarky remark - but had a bad feeling that he might try to twist my words... so I just simply said, "Not interested". Which is where the screenshot starts. Maybe he's just used to people cowering to give him what he wants because of his influence...but he LOST HIS SHIT.

I purposely cropped the image to remove his username... because the point of this post isn't to send people after him specifically...but just to illustrate what a useful tool flagging can be. I'll get to that more in a minute... but for now - here is the conversation.




Why Downvotes with a Monetary Consequence Puts the Power back in the Hands of the Users

YES, yes I know... downvoting is often used on this platform in a negative way and the power is abused - but I wanted to take a second to highlight some of the benefits as well.

If an interaction like this had happened on Steem... I'd be able to flag him. And other's might see that kind of harassing/threatening behavior and decide to flag him too. On Instagram, I just have to say "well that sucked", move on and hope he doesn't actually start posting shit about me online to all of his followers. 🤷‍♀️

What are your thoughts on this? I know we usually talk about downvotes being a negative thing - so I wanted to take a second a point out an example of where it could have provided some good - or maybe even curbed that kind of behavior completely.

XO, Lea


I can certainly see the benefits of doing this. And on Steem, his comment would be stored in steemworld for you to screenshot there.

He certainly is a douche and to claim people are racist because you weren't interested shows he has serious issues.

I am reluctant to downvote anyone because one time I ran into a nest of white supremacists on here. All I did was highlight that a known white supremacist was in fact that on a video that was shared on someone's blog.

I didn't downvote their page. Just nasty ignorant crap directed at me in comments afterwards.

I could see their downvotes affecting my reputation score so I edited the comment to stop the harassment I was getting. Some of them still stalk my account!

But if it's the only defence we have then I am grateful for it.

Sorry you had a bad experience on Instagram, and I'm sure it's not indicative of the majority there.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with that comment and that some of them STILL give you trouble? That's just petty on their part... you'd think they would have something better to do with their time!

Thanks for the encouragement and the comment my friend! I've run into a lot of people trying to sell me things and a few shady figures on insta - but mostly nice people!

You will get a lot of bots and fake people on Insta, but Steem can be the same too.

I've removed delegation from several dApps as a result of some of it.

To clarify, I muted the people who caused the trouble and all the nonsense died off after 24 hours or so. Low IQ = low attention spans. I am sure they are still following my account though.
But a flag war is something you want to avoid, and now I focus on doing my own thing.

I hope you don't mind mind the occasional compliment / piece of encouragement sometimes.
I have always tried to support people.
And it's people on these platforms that make the experience what it is.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's one of those idiots with the only argument in their arsenal is to call others racists or sexists. Brainless PC culture following main stream media indoctrination.

Yeah he jumped to that SO fast... I was like dude, really?? If you can’t handle rejections - don’t send creepy messages to girls. Just a thought. 😂

Don't hurt his feelings, reality is too much to handle.

Lol I'm not a girl... But I can imagine the attention that it brings.

Well best part... Him freaking out does show his heart. Oh what was that? He is a little insecure? Maybe not worth the time to date.

And nice throwing racism into the mix to make you really look like a knob.

Well you 1and him 0


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks friend! Next time I think I’ll just avoid this mess and not respond in the first place. 😅

Next time just congratulate him on his superior intellect and give him a clap.

Oh just hit block and ignore! Way better people in the world...

Posted using Partiko Android

For sure! ✌🏻

Hahah yeah I’ll have to work on my witty comebacks. 😂

Bet you have some good ones laying around...

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm thinking certain forms of social media inject narcissistic personality disorder into the mind. What's on the inside shines bright over the internet. He put a huge spotlight on his personal demons, and probably can't even see where he went wrong, because to people like that, they're wired to think they can do no wrong. I'm not making excuses for him though. Douche was the correct term to use here.

They should change the wording a bit. Stop calling them "followers" because to some, they feel like a natural born leader. I like "subscribers." Just the other other day someone pulled the same attitude problems with me. "I have six times more SP than you!" I think he made the mistake of thinking SP makes the man. I'm glad he said it in public though. No flags needed. I simply roasted him.

In life, these psychos sometimes have a little sparkle in their eyes. On social media, they always have that smile.

haha yes your roasting skills are far superior to any flag! I gotta work on my witty comebacks. lol

Such a good point about the word "Follower" and how that inflate someone's ego. I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if he bought some of them. You can buy like 10k followers on instagram for pretty cheap. Kinda crazy.

Roasting skills. A double edged sword. Usually feel bad after, look like a troll, the dark side outshines the bright. Do all that for a laugh but there's a reason why the funniest people aren't in a good place inside most days. Be careful with it. ...and yeah, that douche totally bought followers. If it was that easy for him to lie, of course he's fake.

mmm good points. ❤️ Well If you ever get accused of being a troll - let me know and I'll set em straight. 😉

Knowing me I'd have the hole dug too deep and there ain't nobody with a long enough rope to help pull me out of that mess. I just need to learn how to STFU LOL! You have yourself a good day over there.

haha you too my friend!

Seems like it was premeditated! Incredible to think that he is well known. I think that the flagging and downvote is a good tool but like many things, depends on the user and its intended consequences.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I 100% agree! When I replied with "not interested" all of his replies literally came within the span of 30 seconds. It definitely seems like he was ready in case I wasn't "flattered by it".

I totally agree about it depending on the user and situation. The flagging system has a lot of flaws... like a lot... but this was a moment where it would have been helpful - so I thought it would be interesting to point out. :)

Sadly, I believe the way Steem voting power is structured, then it will likely lend itself to more abuse and bullying than it prevents.

It could be useful, however, if all downvote were of equal value, but then what's to stop bullies just creating a bunch of new accounts and using them to downvote as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a great point! Someone with a large stake can inflict a TON of damage on someone - but if flagging was more equalized it could still have that negative consequence without being so extreme.

Yep. I think at a high level, it has benefits, particularly in the example you have provided with Mr Sleazeball, it just needs to be properly refined or it will just become another tool in the "wallet" measuring competitions we see happening here from time to time.

That was really uncalled for... but I gotta say you really showed some great emotional stability.

Yes, Downvoting is going to be one of the main essentials of Stem ecosystem especially after changing reward to 50% Author/50% Curator.

Thanks, @bluemist! ❤️ Did a 50/50 change actually happen? I must have missed that.

Not yet but we might see big changes in upcoming Hardfork, maybe in few months.

I'm not entirely sure about that... Of course, downvoting provides some sort of a way to fight against people who have less SP than you, but people with a lot of Steem Power can retaliate on you with so much harder downvotes that you will suffer harder than they will.

If he is, as you say, well-known, then chances are that he also got a lot of Steem Power, which makes him essentially invincible on here as well. If you downvote him, there's a high probability that he would do the same to you and perhaps harder as well.

I've downvoted bad people in the past and got downvoted much harder for doing so. The world isn't a very fair place and I'm not sure if Steem really changes that.

You acted well in the situation though.

Definitely good points my friend. If he had a ton of SP then my glorious moment of flagging him would be short lived. 😅

I upvoted this post because it was excellent. However, I feel like I should have downvoted it to keep with the spirit of the subject at hand. (joke) Seriously though, that dude trying to white guilt you into sex, wow! I thank God I'm not a woman because I don't ever want a dic pic from anyone, ever.

Hahah yeah nobody wants a dick pic! 🙅‍♀️

Also your comment about downvoting the post cracked me up! Would have been funny.

I think I’m in trouble, I had a huge following in the past with facebook, Instagram, snapchat etc etc... I got tons of hate for no reason. 😂😂😂

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Well as long as you aren't being an ass hat like this guy... Then you are good. haha Totally get that about receiving hate messages just because you have a following. When you have a big following people tend to scrutinize what you are doing and think "why him/her?? My stuff is better" - but they don't realize the time and energy that goes into building that up!

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