Part Two...

in #writing6 years ago
  1. How Can He Hear So Well???

He went down the elevator with James in hand. There was 9 of us now. Me, Kri, Matt, Phillip, Larry, Stan, Kale, Abi and Joe. We found a handcrank that was about as big as Matt. I helped Larry lift it. We carried it to the slot it went into the wall. Joe pushed the handcrank in a clockwise circle and it caused a panel in the floor to lift. We dropped silently onto the cold stone below. We had took about five steps and then we saw the long arm reach into the hole and attempt to grab Stan. He ducked the hand and we ran away to somewhere he couldn't reach. I pushed the ground above us and it moved. We slid the tile out of the way and clambered out of the floor. We saw lanky arm man holding a cage with a child in. It wasn't James as the child was holding a lighter and was wearing a yellow raincoat. They looked at us with eyes filled with sorrow. The man dropped the cage. It hit the floor with a clang! The top part of the cage broke and the child climbed out and we all ran. We slid through a small crack in the wall. The man's one arm followed us. The child, who was a girl, used her lighter to light his arm on fire. He recoiled quickly and we were safe for now. The girl sat down and we all copied. She was barefoot and wore only the previously mentioned yellow raincoat and some white shorts. Her name was Six. She had been on the run from the man for about a week. Six was hungry and hadn't eaten in a couple of days. We offered her some bread and apple juice. She accepted and after she had finished her snack we used the light from her lighter to find a different exit. We managed to find one after perusing the room for while. We didn't leave the room and decided to stay there to sleep. Since Abi and Six didn't have sleeping bags we had to find a different way to accommodate them. Phillip came up with the idea of having 8 sleep while the other two watch. We put all the sleeping bags in a line and then Six and I took first watch. We started talking about random things, the conversation went from cats to What refrigerator is the best. After three hours me and Six switched with Kale and Abi. Nothing happened during the resting time. After everyone had watched we packed away our mini camp and then went on our way. We had to crawl through a vent and the long arm man burst through a door causing us to have to run for our lives. We slid under a door and the man's arms covered the floor. The door started closing but was stopped when it hit a cage that was under the door. Six knew what to do, we had to pull the side parts of the cage off so that it would collapse. We climbed onto the giant box in the corner of the room. Six saw an opportunity to pull one side of the cage off. She ran over to the cage and tugged at the metal until it came loose. She fell back about a few meters and the climbed back onto the box. The man was very angry and started reaching on the box. I moved my gravity to the roof. I walked over to the cage and set my gravity to normal. The man grabbed me.

  1. How To Shatter Dreams: Part 1

As the man started to move his arms back through the gap under the door, Kale jumped over his other hand and pulled off the other bit of metal off the cage. The door shot down, cutting off the man's arms. The one he had me in, dropped to the floor and I forced open his hand. We climbed through the now open window and we saw James. He was gone. I dropped to the floor and blacked out. After that thing stabbed Bronev, it came for me. I made a run for it and I ran to Matt's house as that was the closest thing around. The door was locked and when i turned around, it was standing right there. It swiped across my face with its long claws. I dived back. But it was too late. The one claw had gone over my left eye, causing me to be partially blind. I suddenly opened my eyes. My sunglasses' lens had broken. I took it out and put my only spare in its place. Thankfully it was my right lens. Then the floor gave way. As we fell we were all separated. We couldn't hear or see each other. We obviously had to fight the person who was down there. He was holding the key in one hand and a shield in the other. I moved his gravity to the left and then sent a weaving bone attack at him. I then used four Bone Blasters. In the corner of the room there was a speaker saying that he had 76/100 health left. I pushed his gravity to the back of the room and then send a bone attack that required consistent low jumps. He tripped over the last one so I circled him in Bones and made the circle get tighter. He threw the key in surrender. I unlocked the door to find Six, Joe and Phillip waiting for everyone. Six had just lit the enemy on fire. I heard another key turning and saw Abi walk through the now unlocked door. Apparently, she managed to pickpocket her opponent. Kri had used her green hair clip, AKA: Acid gun, to threaten the opponent. Now, only Kale, Larry and Stan were left. A unicorn came through one of the doors. It stood proudly near Abi and Kri and the turned into Kale. We all knew what her power was now. Crystal ran around Kale and then came back to me. Larry was struggling to get the key into the lock. He shone a very bright light into his opponent's eyes causing them to trip. Larry finished jiggling with the lock and pushed open the doors. They automatically shut behind him, locking as they shut. Stan would of died if Phillip hadn't of helped. When he stepped through his door, he was missing a hand and his eye. Phillip give him a pill and Stan passed out. Phillip then got out some of his mechanical parts and turned Stan's missing eye into a 4 point star that shot three types of lasers. White, which hurt if the hit. Blue, which can't hit you if you stay still and orange which are the opposite to blue. Phillip then changed Stan's missing handspace into a cannon that shot the three previously mentioned lasers, but as balls instead. When Stan woke up, Phillip explained how Stan could use the eye laser and arm cannon.

  1. Flashbacks

I fell to my knees and cried. When Kri tried to approach me. I made her fly back against the wall by changing her gravity. I did the same to everyone else, Six managed to avoid it though. Six slowly walked towards me and sat next to me. The girl I hardly knew was acting like she knew everything about me. I felt like I could trust her but as I was halfway through my first word, it happened again. The flashback. It was the same every time. Just after my eye had stopped moving. The next day, I went to school with only one working eye. As soon as I crossed the school gates I saw it. The same brown thing that had made me lose my sight in my left eye. I ran over too it and punched it, but as I punched, the thing's gravity moved so it flew into the shed behind it. Everyone stared at me. I was known as a freak. The things people said to me... Things like 'I can't believe you can sleep at night knowing that you'll never be happy' and 'why are you even alive?'. That day is why I don't trust people. I told Six after it happened. I looked back and saw Kale lying on the ground, dying. It was my fault. I ran over to her and quickly grabbed my last SCJ Injector and some water. I created a medkit and injected the tip into Kale's arm. Instead of dying, she blacked out. My brain was hardwired against guilt. If it wasn't, I would have never been able to sleep again. This time Abi stayed with her. Everyone else left the room. I couldn't walk. My legs wouldn't let me. I fell back against the wall and a different flashback played, each one like tapes in a VHS. It was the only time I had ever saw my dad. I was 5, my dad threw the ball to me, I caught it, I threw it back to him, my throw wasn't quite strong enough and it fell short. My dad picked up the ball and threw it at my face as hard as he could. Just as it was about to hit me, I moved my right hand in front of my face and then the ball went straight up. My dad hugged me as he knew what this meant. I had discovered my power. I didn't have a clue what happened. About three years later he texted me to ask if I knew why that ball went into orbit. Then he explained that everyone had a hidden power, they just had to discover it. "Heh heh, it's no use." I said frowning. I had lost it. "Can I ask a question? Why do we have friends when we are just going to break their hearts when we die?" Everyone looked at me, trying to figure out an answer. "Why do we try, when we are all going to be forgotten?" I shut my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks. I dropped to my knees and wept. If tears were blood, I'd have died from blood loss. I summoned a Bone Blaster and told it to shoot me. Just as the beam was about to hit me, a white orb and a blue laser hit the bone blast. I looked behind me and saw Stan firing a blue laser and Kale shooting white orbs of light from her left palm. She was wearing a grey glove with a keypad on it. "Why?" I said, choking on my words. "Because you are the reason we are alive." They both said. "I wouldn't have even made it through the first room if you hadn't of saved me, and Kale wouldn't be here now either." Stan quoted, with a smile. "Yeah, you saved my life. You sacrificed your last SCJ Injector for me, because you care about us." Kale replied, agreeing with Stan. Then I realised what I was doing and sent a bone through the bone blaster, destroying it. I stood up and walked over to Kale and Stan. They both hugged me. It went on for a few moments to long and I felt very uncomfortable. Another bone blaster was summoned and this one accidentally hit Crystal, when the Bone Blaster finished shooting, Crystal was completely unharmed, the crystal I had put on her collar was glowing with energy, the crystal the shot out a beam of said energy at the bone blaster, destroying it instantly.

  1. I have a Dam problem

I looked a Crystal in awe, then picked her up and the 10 of us walked through to the next room, where there was a magnificent structure and a snack bar. The structure was a dam. "So that's the dam snack bar!" Exclaimed Matt. It was obvious that everyone was stifling laughs. "Yeah it is, and I could use the dam toilet right about now." Kri said, almost busting out with laughter. Kale laughed, then Joe and Stan did too. "And I could use the dam Wifi!" Said Stan while howling with laughter. Even I laughed at that one. "I might even get a bag of dam crisps!" I said. "Did I just see a robot?" Asked Kri. "A dam robot?" Replied Joe, smirking. "No, I'm being serious." Said Kri, she wasn't laughing anymore. Everyone fell silent. Kri thought she was just being paranoid.
We entered the snack bar and we all went straight to the counter and bought a sandwich each. Then we realised we didn't have any money. So we plodded away, hungry and tired. Six dropped to her knees and her stomach made the most sickening of sounds, when she stood up, she couldn't even stay straight due to tiredness and hunger. I got out an airtight packet of mixed berries and offered Six first. She accepted my offer and took about ten berries. I took a few redcurrants and blackberries from bag and gave them to Crystal. We heard a rumbling sound coming from outside the snack bar and when we went outside we saw a torrent of water knock someone off their feet. They were gone, we didn't even try to save them, they had shattered the walls of the dam. The water would have either, drowned, crushed or trapped them. "What the hell, were they doing?" Abi said, looking astonished. "I have no clue, whatever they were up to, it was stupid." Replied Phillip. When the water finished moving there was a massive dam hole in the dam and the person was no where in sight. We swiftly walked towards the dam hole and when we got to the dam hole, there was no dam water left? 'God damn it' I thought to myself, then realised the joke. Someone had use a bright green spray paint to make a sort of eagle, then a signature that looked like '¥@$T'. I don't know what the tried to write but the wall was splattered with the green paint. Crystal ran through the dam hole and I chased after her. When I caught up to her, I grabbed her and rejoined everyone. No one had even noticed I'd left, even though it was only about a minute I was still quite disappointed that someone didn't notice. Then, the group and I went into the dam hole and set up camp. We all fell asleep almost instantly, except me and Abi, who had first watch.

  1. The Secret Sanctuary

We had all awoken and eaten. We had something to drink too. We packed away out camp, took four steps and fell through the floor and landed on a bed of blue flowers. When we stood up there was a garden, filled with the most exotic and beautiful flowers. I didn't know the name of any of them though. Apart from the Rose and Peony. I knew next to nothing about flowers. "Hey, there's a nice… erm… b-b-blue th-thing?" Matt stuttered, I was glad he didn't know the name as it made me feel slightly better. Ironically, Kale didn't know much about flowers either. Phillip looked at the ground and sighed. "Is something up?" I asked, quite concerned. "Lucy would have loved this, but because of her own father, she never will see this," tears were forming in the corner of his eyes "I just, want one more day, with my sister, with Jack and Lucy. I want them back, but I know I can never have them back. They died. I'll never see them again. Seb, please don't die. You're the best person I know. Please, don't die on me." Then Phillip started to cry. Kri ran over and we both gave him a hug. It wasn't much but we knew, even if he didn't show it, he'd appreciate it. "No," I said, "I'm not the best person you know, if I hadn't of chosen the explore this place, Dinah would still be alive and last year, Jack sacrificed himself for us, there is nothing more he could of done to show that he loved you Phillip, it's my fault that Dinah, Jack and Lucy are dead. If you should be angry at anyone, it's me. Not them. Me. I'm a terrible person, if I had the confidence to, I'd stay right here." I finally remembered to breathe. "I'm so sorry, every breath I take is another too many, I've caused people to die over and over but I don't feel guilty, only I understand what I've done." I forgot to breathe "And now I think that, well, I shou-" I gasped for air, finally remembering that I need oxygen to function. "Should be left here, alone." I continued. "Don't talk crap about yourself" Kri spoke, I was kind of shocked she'd bothered listening to that, I thought she was talking to Six. "I'm saying the truth, it's not useless crap." I replied. I sat down on the grass and gave Crystal a hug. She was so warm and fluffy. I thought I saw something move in the shadows but I didn't want to move so, if it was something trying to kill us, they'd have to come to us. We sat there for about five minutes and nothing else happened, there was some long... erm... plants in the one corner of the room, no one was energetic enough to walk over there though. So the blue plants that Matt found were in front of us and the long plants were to our right. There was a small stream to the left and behind us, it was dark shadows. We didn't look that way. We were all sat on the grass, relaxing and talking to each other. Crystal and Kale both fell asleep, I put Crystal next to Kale so that her arm was around Crystal, slightly protecting her. We didn't really have time to sleep, but we decided to anyway. We still took shifts, just in case...

  1. A Reunion

She was running, alone, along the cold floors of the temple, she was in the place where the robots were, except there was no robots, not even the hook handed one. This girl had short dark hair and dark skin, her name? That information is not needed. But she was alone, vulnerable. She thought she would be dead by now, but still she lived, her 'Pierce The Veil' hoodie quite dirty and her skinny jeans tore on her right knee, but she was still fine. Food was a problem though. I went back to the snack bar to find everyone gone. I took all the food and got out of there. When I got back to the garden, we split the food as equally as possible. Back to her She picked up an oversized wooden block and threw it at the elevator's call button, she missed it. She tried again, this time she hit the button and it pressed, the giant elevator arrived and she grabbed the wooden block and ran into the elevator. She then threw the block at the button. The elevator doors closed and the elevator started to ascend. She waited for the elevator doors to open and when they did, long arm man walked into the elevator and it went back down, when he got out, she threw the wooden block at the button, the elevator started to ascend. She stepped into the library, where James was taken earlier, she climbed up the books and went across the shelves, she didn't knock anything off. She found a giant box of cards and she dragged it underneath the door, stood on it then jumped. She grabbed the door handle and the door slowly swung open. She dropped to the floor quietly, and walked through the now open door. She saw the handcrank in the slot and knew someone had been here already. She didn't have to use the handcrank as the panel in the floor was still open, she sat down, with her feet over the edge and jumped onto the cold pipes below. She walked along the pipes until she came to a room with water dripping from the ceiling in one corner. There was a small station with a flame in it. After she warmed up, she took off her hoodie and tied it around her waist. Underneath it was a black P!ATD shirt. She carried on running, though the hole and into a hallway. She slid under the door where the cage was and saw the man's long arms, cut off. She climbed through the open window and saw the cage which had the dead George in the cage. She just walked past it. Then the floor underneath her gave way. She was also dropped into one of the mini arenas. There was someone down there. She got out her pocket knife and ran behind her opponent. She threw the knife towards her opponent, scaring him. She found the key and shoved it into the rusty lock. She twisted it counterclockwise, the lock burst off. She pushed open the heavy doors and ran through them. They shut after her.

  1. ... Emma? ...

She ran into the room and saw the dam hole that her clone had made. She saw that everyone in the snack bar was dead. She also ran through the hole and then she hid in the shadows behind us. She approached us slowly and sat down next to Soph. I noticed her instantly and asked who she was. When she said this one word, I was very surprised. "Emma" she said. She looked the same, but her hair was short. "Where's Dinah?" She asked, looking puzzled. "Sh-sh-she di-died..." said Phillip, still in tears from our conversation earlier. "So what happened to your invisibility power?" Joe asked. "You stole it, stand still and look straight ahead." Joe followed Emma's instructions. Emma then took a photo of where Joe should be and showed him. He was not there. His shadow wasn't there either. When Joe moved his body, he became visible again but he could move his head all he wanted. "Something gravely injured me, it destroyed my power. I found this beautiful necklace and when I put it on, it created a clone. I told the clone to go break the dam. And it didn't matter if they died. I then found out that I could onluse it 3 times a day, each clone lasting for 1hr." Emma explained. "Every power has a negative effect, whether it be minor or major, it could be your demise." I quoted, from some scroll I read earlier. "I wonder what our cons are?" Said Phillip, thinking deeply, "I think I know what E,,a's is." "The fact that I can only use it three times a day?" Emma asked. "Yeah," I replied, "that's what I was thinking." Crystal was not happy. Emma picked her up and gave her a kiss on the nose. Crystal calmed down. She ran in circles around us until Larry tripped over her again. I picked up Crystal and started to unwrap the bandage around her leg. The wound had healed and it looked like it never happened. I touched where the wound was and Crystal had no reaction. When I lowered Crystal to the ground she nuzzled my leg and then lied down. Kri ran her hand through Crystal's fur and then sat down herself. Then, out of nowhere, a bronze arrow shot into the ground just next to Phillip. I stood up quickly and saw about five bow wielding skeletons, each with one defining feature. One had long blonde hair, like Kale. The next had square glasses, like Willow, the third had a young look, like Lucy. The fourth had Dinah's stern expression and the fifth had James's ginger hair. Joe turned invisible, Kale typed in the little keypad on her glove and Stan programmed his eye and arm. Kale shot orbs of Electric at the skeletons, but if they were dissembled, they just knitted themselves back together again. Stan shot three white lasers and they did nothing. I made my flaming eye appear again and then moved their gravity to the back wall, then shot Bones through them. It did nothing. These guys were not killable.

  1. Matt Has A Matt-Like Idea

The skeletal soldiers had approached us and then, then we ran. One of them shot Crystal, but the stone absorbed the energy and shot it back, with twice the power, at the one resembling Lucy. It was vaporised instantly. Now that left four. We ran back up to the snack bar to find everyone back again. We sat down at the only empty table. About thirty seconds later, the skeletons found us. Then Matt had the most amazing, Matt-like idea possible. "FOOD FIGHT!" He yelled as he threw his chocolate chip muffin at the far left skeleton. Now, if you haven't been hit by a chocolate chip muffin, consider yourself better off. It terms of projectiles, they are about as deadly as RPGs and Grenades. The skeleton found this out when his spine was knocked off his body from the muffin. After about a minute he re-assembled himself and charged. I stabbed Bones though them all. Meanwhile, around us, a massive food fight had started. We snuck out the back door, none of the skeletons saw us sneak out and as soon as we were about 50m away, we legged it. We ran from skeletons, into a massive battlefield, made of wood. It was a rectangle that was about 30m wide and 100m long. There were three walls scattered around the arena, two short, one on the left and the other on the right, parallel to each other and then a long one, with a red section in the middle, the red part was prone to mines. We each chose a different colour of tank, (did I mention there was tanks?) I was in a blue tank, Matt in a red tank, Kri in a green tank, Phillip chose the yellow tank, Larry used the orange, Stan chose the purple tank, Kale was in a pink tank, Six in a white tank, Emma in a brown tank, Joe in a black one and Abi in a grey tank. There was a note on the outer wall saying, 'Left button fires, Right drops mines. 5 bullets and two mines at a time. Your tanks are glossy, the enemy's are matte.' That's when we realised what we were going to be doing, TANK BATTLES! Crystal was with Six. There was another note saying, 'No one dies unless you all get shot on the same level'. Since we had a power of 10 we weren't that worried. "Wait! I yelled. "I played this game on the Nintendo Wii." "So you know what to do." Remarked Matt. "Exactly," I replied. "This level should have one brown tank." I was right, there was one brown tank. Just the other side of the wall, there it was, its turret constantly looking for something to fire at. I fired four bullets at the wall, they ricocheted and the third one hit the brown tank. We advanced to level two, this time there were two parallel walls stretching nearly from either end. Phillip and Matt started moving, from a top view, Phillip was going right, behind the bottom wall and Matt was going up. I heard a bullet fire. And then an explosion. We weren't allowed to continue so I guessed Matt or Phillip messed up. Then a message saying 'Red Hit' appeared on the walls. I saw a matte grey tank heading towards Abi, she spun the tank's turret around and shot three bullets. The first one missed, the enemy shot the second and the third hit it. Matt was resurrected and we continued to the next room

  1. The End

Level fifteen: a 70m by 70m square with four L-shaped wall that were symmetrical. Horizontally and Vertically. We went into action against three purple tanks. From a top view, me, Six and Stan went up, Phillip and Kri went right and Abi, Kale, Emma and Matt went left. Joe and Larry stayed put. One purple tank came towards Phillip, it launched a spray of four bullets. The first couple missing, Kri shot the third but the fourth hit Kri. 'Green Out'. Phillip shot a few bullets at the purple tank and then got hit. Luckily, one of his bullets ricocheted from the top wall and hit the enemy tank. Now it was 2 vs 9. The other two purple tanks approached Abi and her group. One in front of them and the other behind. The one from behind shot two bullets left, two right and then one in the middle. Emma, Kale and Matt were hit. Abi fired three bullets up and two down, she hit the one below before getting hit herself. Now only me and Stan remained. Six accidentally hit herself near the start while trying to hit the one attacking Phillip. Stan went down and right, I went up and left. Stan found the matte purple tank and shot and arc of bullets at it. It dodged then dropped a mine somewhere. It shot its own mine and the blast hit Stan. Now it was 1 v 1. I dropped a mine then backed away quickly. I dropped two mines so the enemy could not get to me. Then the enemy came right next to one of the mines and blew itself up. Everyone was back in the game as we went level 16. After another half hour we had made it to level 24. It had no walls and the only enemy was one white tank. The battle started. We all moved in a different direction. Then the white tank dissolved. It was invisible. Except, it's tracks were still going. It was basically an invisible purple tank. We formed a line and just shot straight. Someone hit it, I think it was Larry. We came to the final level. We came to the end of the Sunken Temple. Phillip was shot instantly. Six dodged a bullet then was hit by the second. I dodged for a while and managed to hit one of our five enemies. But the second one hit me. The bullet I shot seconds before killed number two though. Kri and Matt charged. They destroyed another two of the enemy before both being hit. Emma was hit while she tried to shoot the last remaining enemy. Abi and Kale were also hit. Stan drove head on, shot three bullets then got hit. His three bullets all hitting Larry. Joe was last alive. He dropped a mine then ran (well, drove) away, he waited for the enemy to go near the mine. It didn't, instead Joe had to shoot it. The enemy ran straight into a bullet while trying to shoot Joe. We were all revived. We ran through the opening into the daylight, well we were just about to discover one more thing first.

  1. The True End

There it was, standing right in front of us. I tentatively picked the book up and asked it to tell us our weakness. It would only say people's weakness if they had discovered their power. Mine was that 'If I was hit while I had the flaming eye active, I would die.'. Kristina's con was 'Your weapons may be only used by their owner'. Apparently Matt's negative was that his power only worked when his hair was wet and Phillip's negative was that he couldn't use melee weapons well. Six's con was that she couldn't feel warmth unless it killed her, Kale's con was if she didn't wear the glove, nothing would happen. Stan was the only one who didn't have a con as his power was built in to him. Then the book went crazy. It spat poison at us and we recoiled quickly, I threw the book against the wall and sent Bones through it. The Bones ripped the book into shreds, the shreds then stood up and started to shoot words as projectiles. Then the scraps spontaneously combusted. And floated slowly to the floor. We left the room in a hurry thinking that the book of madness might return. We shut and bolted the door so no one could get through it. Everyone walked on while I sat down and cried. When someone realised that I wasn't there I was already having another flashback. It was the day after someone died there. I came to school to find the police there, they were searching everyone. I waited for a large group to come and then I snuck through in the middle of that group, I then saw someone wearing these yellow lensed sunglasses and thought to myself, 'I could use them, but not in that colour'. Then something even worse happened. I woke up. I was dreaming in a flashback. I woke up to ambulance sirens. It parked in front of a car. The paramedics were rushing into the house next door and they came out with Matt on the stretcher. There was something wrong with this memory as Matt doesn't live next to me. I ran downstairs and leaped into the ambulance. They shut the door and carried on walking. I heard one of the start the ambulance. We felt like we were moving and I took a look at Matt. He was suffering from nothing by the look of it. Then I woke up. It took me a minute but I realised that everyone was crowding round me. "Matt?" Kri asked. "How far from Seb do you live?" "About five minutes away." He replied. I stood up and walked over to the far corner of the room and then I took my sunglasses off. I turned around and everyone just stared at my eyes. My left eyes was a cloudless dark green while my right eye was a stormy grey. "After my right eye was scratched and broken, I had an operation. It was meant to give me sight again, but instead I got this." I said, pointing to my right eye. Then I put my sunglasses back on and we walked into the next room.

  1. Abi Sinks The Temple

Crash. The Sunken Temple was falling apart. We would have to run back through all the rooms. Phillip sprinted off and I changed everyone else's gravity so we fell towards the door. We flew through the tank arenas and the I set the gravity back to normal. We ran through the snack bar, the other people had stopped food fighting now and had realised something was up. All of them shot out of their seats and ran. They were about thirty seconds behind us. Phillip was already in the library and had just entered the elevator as we ran past the cage that had James in. (I used my gravity change to get us out the pits). Phillip exited the elevator as we called for it. Phillip ran through the robot village and we entered the elevator. Phillip was nearly running back across the wrecking ball and he tripped. He had ripped open his knee and was struggling to get up. He managed to regain his posture but could only walk. The rest of us were now entering the robot village and the snack bar people were in the library. The dam crumbled away and dropped the the water floor. We all got out. We then watched as the snack bar people tried to jump. Every single one failed and would drown, then we turned around and saw that one had made it. A waitress, a 19 year old blonde woman. Her name was Kate, she ran off. Meanwhile in the shadows someone was on the phone. "You better not fail me, I'm giving you one of the most important jobs to do." Said the guy on the other end. "Trust me, front line security, we know what to do," said Benjamin, "And if I do fail to kill them, what happens?" Benjamin asked. "I will kill you." The voice said. "Ok, FLS-Member 03 out." Benjamin said. "TMK, out" replied the voice. Benjamin then twisted his necklace causing smoky grey air to shoot out of it, then, he was gone. We ran to the abandoned warehouse and found Bronev there. He grabbed a sword and charged at me. "NOT MY BEST FRIEND, YOU BITCH!" Phillip yelled as he kicked Bronev aside. I threw him into a crate by changing his gravity. Six flicked on her lighter and then she ran into a different room and lit a crate on fire. The fire quickly spread and Six told us to run. We all ran and left Bronev to fry. Unknown to us, Bronev threw another smoke bomb and then evaporated with the smoke. He reappeared in Targent's airship, the giant flying monster. It was as big as three jumbo jets and was half red and half white with a grey stripe connecting the two colours. He sat in his chair and laughed. "Let's have a look at those idiots, the ones who thought a fire would kill me." Bronev demanded. "Yessir." His assistants replied. The higher up you were in Targent, you had a different name. Pawns were Secruity. Knights were Airship Crew. Rook and Bishop were his to-be 'Partners In Crime' and Bronev and his Associate were 'King and Queen'. His associate was a woman in her thirties. She wore glasses and wanted a different job, but still she stayed.

  1. An Awkward Explanation

'A National Monument Has Fallen, today we look in sadness as the legendary Temple Of Maia has fallen. The reason has not been explained but citizens of Wombourne are demanding an answer. The Temple mysteriously broke last night at about half past three and then about five minutes later, a fire was reported in the local warehouse. Are the two events connected or is it just coincidence?' That is what the news said. I was glad that I couldn't feel guilt as so far I've nearly killed Kale and broken a monument. All by the age of 13. Impressive. Not really, STILL... Name 3 other people who have done that. By the age of 20. Anyway, back to my life. Nobody had any evidence that it was us who broke the Temple Of Maia. We were just going to stay quiet. I met up with Matt later in the day and we played xBox at my house and then about 30 TV reporters burst into my room at the same time. Somehow they had found out that I was the reason the Temple shattered. I opened my bedroom window and climbed out of it. Matt copied. I told Matt to shoot water at me, when he did I evaporated and appeared at Matt's house. His mom let me inside when I said that Matt would be there shortly. His dog Archie, ran to me and started barking like crazy. Matt's mom, Mia quickly scooped up Archie and put him in the kitchen. When Matt arrived, he told me that he had ditched the TV reporters and then had to carefully shoot water at their equipment. Since they had to get new equipment, they wouldn't be back for a while. Matt sat down and watched the football while I asked Mia if I could use the kitchen to make some cookies. She said I could and about half an hour later, the whole house smelled of freshly melted chocolate. I offered Mia one and then put the rest in a plastic tub and I fastened the lid on. Then Matt and I left. We met everyone at the ambulance station and we slowly walked along the road while talking and eating fresh cookies. The only person unaccounted for was Kale, who was in hospital from where I accidentally hit her. "So, what next?" I asked. "How about we try and infiltrate Targent's HQ?" Suggested Matt. "Yeah, good idea, but do any of us have a clue what it looks like?" Replied Emma. "I think I do," said Six, "I have seen this massive Airship flying around recently and the one side had Targent's logo on. Crystal yipped a few times before stopping and scratching herself. She stopped right in front of Larry. Larry tripped over Crystal and managed to somehow catch himself. When he stood up, he noticed how filthy he was. Crystal ran back to me. After the last cookie was gone we all went to visit Kale. She was recovering. Then I saw something move in the window.


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