The problem of curation window !

in GEMS4 years ago

In this blockchain I see a problem in the curation window.

We all know that there is some time set to earn the best curation rewards from the content. That's why most of curators have to upvoting during that time. Now it's 5 minute after publishing the post. So, in case the author is not earning that much even after those minutes, curators prefer to not upvote that because it will not bring them a lot of rewards. In case someone is earning big autoupvotes during that time, everyone prefer to upvote his/her content the first after about 3 minutes. That make the author even more rewarded even if the post is not that informative.

Some are complaining about rewards while others are going after them and even losing with some authors because they just didn't add unseen authors to their autoupvote list. Or if those people are upvoted manually, the curator remember their names and just go through content and find those people by name and not even look at their content. So, no matter what kind of posts you write, how high the quality is or how much effort you made, your post will not be that rewarded unless it's noticed by a curator. If that curator like you somehow or know you, you will be rewarded even more often than usual.

That's why, you should be active in the community. Commenting people, upvoting them, sharing their content and building relations with them. You never know who is the curator of the project. That's why you don't have to underestimate anyone. Even someone with a new account or very low power can be that curator who will make you always happy. That's why also you need to be consistent.

So, understanding how the curation work and curators themselves, you don't have to complain about the lack of support. Maybe it's your fault because you are not active and not that known. You can always change the situation and be well known even if you joined today !

But, I think there is a problem in the curation windown anyway. I think it's better to reward more those who find undervalued content and support it to expose the highest quality to the blockchain. I think that will incentivize everyone to create better content rather than post anything to be upvoted well !

All the pictures are free from : (3).png

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Comparto tu opinión y me uno a estas reflexiones porque d alguna manera es el comportamiento habitual de muchos de quienes estamos en la plataforma de criticar y molestarnos cunado no somos apoyados constantemente como a otros les sucede aunque escriban solamente unas lineas. Saludos cordiales desde Venezuela.

Hi @clixmoney

Interesting choice of topic. Showing me this issue from very different point of view.

That's why also you need to be consistent.

You nailed it! One hell of a solid advise.

But, I think there is a problem in the curation windown anyway. I think it's better to reward more those who find undervalued content and support it to expose the highest quality to the blockchain. I think that will incentivize everyone to create better content rather than post anything to be upvoted well

I'm still unsure what would you suggest instead of current solution?

Also I've noticed that you've applied to become part of "Community Curators Program". I dropped my supportive comment here:
Hope it will help.

ps. Are you planning to cross-post this article to HIVE? if not then I will gladly drop an solid upvote from @steemcurator06

Yours, Piotr

The solution is to make that window bigger, like half hour or more to give time to curators to find better content.

About being a curator, I chnaged my mind. I don't have time for that now and yeah, I'm cross posting because I've spend here 3 years and I have the right to create here and there unless it will be censored like some of my posts already did.

Don't you think @clixmoney that it would change much? People would still carry on with their auto-upvoting as usual

I know. It's also not up to me to change the system. I just say my opinion about things knowing that they will not do that for long term to have more people. I think for some here it's better to be in the same circle here and no bodyu care that much about inviting people. But, I know that I can do the right thing and if everyone will start to do the right thing and to not care about the abuse happening, maybe it will be a bit better, but never perfect.

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