in #news8 years ago (edited)

"beloved counterculture icon" gets a reboot...

In other reboot news... Obama's "Muslim Ban" gets adopted by Trump administration... Democrats lose their minds...

Herald Sun... "Muslim ban" hypocrisy: Left quiet when Obama also halted visas...

"the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets..."

The President Obama Department of Homeland Security already targeted those seven listed countries for the past several years as nations of concern....

Paul Joseph Watson... The Truth About Trump's Muslim Ban... That isn't a Muslim Ban...

What pisses Stephan Molyneux off about Trump's 'Muslim Ban...'

Molyneux... "It's for seven countries from a list developed by Barack Obama. Law passed by congress, signed by Obama. Just what Obama did in the past. But see. Didn't matter then right, for you guys on the left.

Didn't matter when Obama did it. Didn't matter when Obama developed his list of seven countries. Didn't matter when he signed the law.

Doesn't matter. Because, because he's your team right. He's your team. He's not the Republicans. So if your team does it, it's gold baby!

But if the Republicans do it it's... Satanic, evil... Do you have the capacity to look in the mirror and see yourself for what you've become? Based echo chamber zombies of in group preference from hell..."

YouTube commenter... "I still think the terrorism issue is a red herring. The chances of dying by terrorist is small. But most immigrants from these countries will be nothing but a burden on the USA for generations.

This will weaken the government. These immigrants also have a much higher birth rate then Americans, ya I mean white people, which will change the demographics changing the political landscape.

This will destroy the USA as it is known. This is very close to 100% certain as you can get. These are Stefans arguments.

Stop all immigration that is not good for the USA period."

How to Read Trump’s National Security Council Reboot...

Anything Bill Murray can do feminists can do better??? Female Reboot Of Bill Murray Comedy Gets Greenlit At NBC...

Shooting at Quebec mosque... At least 5 dead... Witness believed he heard them shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

Zerohedge... Despite Attackers Yelling "Allahu Akbar", Politicians Blame "Years Of Demonizing Muslims" For "Barbaric, Terror...

Mad Pepe... Twitter twat feels threatened by armed and dangerous Pepe Meme...


nice news friend

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