Steem for Better Life Contest #3 : How Active Are You In Steemit This Week?

Screenshot_20230925-214154.jpg[from steemworld.

Hello and welcome to my blog, how are you all doing as I hope that each and everyone of you is really doing great, it is really nice to join in this awesome contest in this community.

Being active in steemit has always been my priority, and am doing everything in my power to see that I always stay motivated no matter what happens. In my own understanding in being active in steemit, it does not only mean to post 100 articles in a day, it depend ls on the impact you create with the posts you make, it also depends on the things you have done to see that other people smile after also posting their own article.

Being active is not only about post, it consist of also appreciating other people's good work by voting and commenting on their post, this does not let then know that they have created a useful post, rather it helps to motivate them to do more.

How many content have you published in the past 7 days and what are the categories of the posts


In the past days, I have been active in the ways I could even though it is not really easy for me due to the work am into, I have made upto 5 good posts in the past 7 days. These posts fall into different categories, first I participated in the steemit engagement challenge in steem4nigeria, then the other days, I also participated in different contests hosted by different users and community around the platform.

Every day I login to my steemit account, I go to many communities and participate in their contest, for sure I know that participating in contests are one of the things that will make you grow more in the platform, because in a contest, you receive steemppiwer and maybe an upvote if you are qualified. That is why am always active in partipatibg in many contests any wetr I see them.

How many rewards did you get in the past 7 days


Reward is not guaranteed in the steemit platform, but we are humans and need to get something in return so that we can keep been active and motivated to do more in anything we do in life, although I have not received good reward in the lat days, but I know that in the coming days things will be really good for me.

I have got a total of upto 4.8usd upvotes in the last few days, although they might seem small, but it really means a lot to me and I hope and keep working so that I will reach to the top were I would be noticed and rewarded in the appropriate way.

Let me know how many steem you have powered up during the last 7 days

As a matter of fact, I have powered up all the earnings I have got in the last 7 days, although I am not financially stable at the moment and need another source of income, I keep believing that steem is the only way of saving my earnings, that's why I don't really like withdrawing from my steemit wallet, because I really have something in front that I really want to achieve.

In steemit, powering up is one thing that makes you visible in the platform, when you form the habit of always powering up your earnings here in steemit, you will reach to the top, you would be trusted and you will also serve as a role model to other coming up steemians in the platform, this is to conclde this section of my post by encouraging new steemians to always powerup atleast 95% of their earning in the platform.

What do you plan for the next week to show that you are one of the active steemian

I have planned to be among the most active steemians in the platform for the week, and just fro the start I would like to start my activeness in steemit by making atleast two posts everyday, although my work schedule never gives me time to post them in the morning, so I would always try my best to see that after I come back from work I would then create atleast two posts.

Other ways of been one of the active steemians in the platform is by commenting on other people's posts in the platform, I would try everything I could in this life to see that I comment on atleast 99 percent of the posts I come across with in this platform, by doing so I am reakky topping the chat in been one of the active steemians in the platform.

Another way is by voting, when you support people's posts with your vote and comment, it reakky means a lot to then even though your vote adds nothing to their reward, but atleast it makes them feel like they are doing it right, so I have planned on been one of the active steemians in the platform by voting on other steemian posts each day.

Tell us your other activities in the form of contribution to the growth of the platform

The platform has really provided us with a good way of making money, so it is now upti us to explore more about it, it is also upto us to make sure that the platform grows. Some if the ways which I have helped in making the platform grow is by bringing in as many steemians as I could into the platform. In the past days I have invited @kelechi10 to the platform and I gave have also taught him on how to use the platform in making posts and other things.

I will like to invite @richy20 @bossj23, @kelechi10 to this contest.

 last year 

কমেন্ট প্রদানের মাধ্যমে আপনি আপনার একটিভিটি বৃদ্ধি করতে চান এটা ভালো তবে আপনাকে সেই সাথে রেগুলার পোস্ট করতে হবে যাতে অন্য ইউজার আপনার পোস্ট পড়ে এবং আপনার সাথে যোগাযোগ স্থাপন করতে পারে। আশাকরি আপনি রেগুলার পোস্ট করবেন কারণ এটা আপনাকে এই প্লাটফর্ম সফলতা অর্জন করতে প্রধান ভুমিকা রাখবে।

 last year 

Yeah, posting also helps in making people interact and get to know you more, thanks for commenting on my post.

@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 last year 

Hmm you really try bro, I know how busy you are and soon am sure you will be fully active in steemit because I know your number of posts don't used to be like this.

 last year 

Yeah, these days am striving hard to keep the numbers up.

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