The Problem Of Waste In Indonesia: No One Wants To Surf In A Wave Of Trash!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Indonesia, the beautiful archipelago comprised of more than 17,000 islands, is suffering.

Not because of corruption or war, but because of pollution...

Large objects like tree trunks were also seen in the waves pictured above.


The Current Waste Disposal System

There is little to no waste collection infrastructure, locals dispose of their waste in the street or in a river bed, eventually making it's way to our ocean.

It is also very common to see locals burning plastic along the street, they see this as the easiest way to dispose of the rubbish.


burning plastic produces a variety of toxic discharges to the air, water and ground that are significant sources of a range of powerful pollutants. Many of these toxins enter the food supply.

According to the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives


The Sheer Amount Of Trash In The Ocean

It was crazy. I kept seeing noodle packets floating next to me,

said Zak Noyle, the photographer.

It was very disgusting to be in there; I kept thinking I would see a dead body of some sort for sure.

Very saddening, I could imagine how Zak felt, the above picture is a great example of how irresponsible humans can be when it comes to waste management.

There is little cultural awareness when it comes to trash

according to Time magazine


Lack Of Awareness Is Not Always To Blame

We met many people who would like to do the right thing, but simply don’t have access to basic waste removal/disposal. The stench of burning plastic is ever present. The juxtaposition of incredible natural beauty with the blight pollution in Bali was heartbreaking

reported Anna Cummins, co-founder of 5 Gyres, a non-profit that sails the world researching plastic pollution

No matter who is to be blamed for these atrocities, the visitors of Indonesia clearly see the damage, Mark Lukach, a writer for the The Inertia, had this to say about his first time vising Lombok, Indonesia:

couldn’t believe it. Trash in the lineup. And not any lineup. A lineup right out of my imagination – the perfect lineup … spoiled by trash.



What Damage Control Has Been Done?

The Indonesian government has sought to impose stricter waste management and recycling regulations.

Most recently, the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry announced its plans to issue a ministerial mandate that better defines the different types of hazardous waste and puts in place easily understood penalties for non-compliance.

However we cannot always leave the government responsible, individuals have to start to creating solutions like I speak of below.

Above Pictured, ecobrick, SOURCE


A good friend of mine who has been Steemit for about 6 months has created a great solution to the waste problem!

They are called ecobricks.

My friend is @russmaier, go upvote, follow and resteem him, he has a great cause!

An Ecobrick is a plastic bottle stuffed solid with non-biological waste to create a reusable building block. Ecobricks are used to make modular furniture, garden spaces and full scale buildings such as schools and houses. Ecobricks are a collaboration powered technology that provides a zero-cost solid waste solution for individuals, households, schools and communities. Ecobricks are an exciting way that we can take action today to stop pollution and to start envisioning a healthier way of living with our environment.

According to Russell

These ecobricks are an indefinitely reusable building block.

They are made by stuffing non-biodegradeble plastic waste into a plastic drinking bottle.

Truly a great use of our waste, good work @russmaier!


What Does Steemit Have To Say

What do you guys think? Are ecobricks the next ground-breaking solution to waste management?

We cannot continue on in our destructive ways!

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@chron is a 16 year old robot-headed Steemer, currently based in Bali, Indonesia.

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Great post @jaki01!

I particularly like the plastic eating bacteria, very interesting indeed 😀

Thanks for commenting and providing us with your perspective!


I once took a boat in Indonesia to travel to another island. it was a two day trip and the boat belonged to the goverment. Every day the staff was just throwing the garbage bags into the water. it was disgusting to see. I can still remember those days clearly. Eco-bricks can be one solution, but a massively support by the goverment will be essential to succeed. Besides government support, education will always be the key factor to prevent this kind of behaviour. Our planet is dying, and changing human behaviour is not an easy task. Also remember: how terrible these images are, the West remains by far the biggest polluter. Just think about how many times an airplane is taken, how much meat is eaten, how long we are in the shower, etc. It sounds contradictory, but the progress of the third world countries will not benefit the pollution.

Sad to hear more of these stories!

I hope the government does something, it is very important!

Yes, an ongoing problem needs and ongoing solution for sure!

Humans do not like change that is for sure 😉


Hey Chron, thanks for covering this topic! Thanks also for the spotlight on Ecobricks. Note... 'ecobricks' spelled as one word, non-hyphenated, and non-capitalized. Be great if you can fix this up-- this is important so that people can easily search and find more information on ecobricks. When referencing waste and the Indonesian government, it is important to cover the Bank Sampah system and the Bebas Sampah 2020 movement. More information on ecobrick on our site... www.

Have changed the words bro! Will check it out!

Thanks for creating an amazing solution Russell


These pictures are shocking! What to do with this enormous amount of plastic bottles and other garbage? The only way is recycling, eco-brick is a great example! There are similar initiatives in Hungary, for example in road construction or producing noise protection wall.

Great to see many individuals taking initiative like that!

I hope the best for Hungary!

Thanks for giving us your perspective 😀

The scale of production contributes to a plastic mountain which is growing vastly year on year. Figures obtained by the Guardian reveal that by 2021 the number of plastic drinks bottles produced globally will reach more than half a trillion.

But only a tiny fraction of these bottles are recycled. Fewer than half of the bottles bought in 2016 were collected for recycling and just 7% of those collected were turned into new bottles. Instead, most plastic bottles produced end up in landfill or in the ocean.
Between 5m and 13m tonnes of plastic leaks into the world’s oceans each year to be ingested by sea birds, fish and other organisms, and by 2050 the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish, according to research by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Louise Edge, oceans campaigner for Greenpeace, said: “Coca-Cola talks the talk on sustainability but the astonishing rate at which it is pumping out single-use plastic bottles is still growing.


We don't need these bottles yet everyone prefers to use them!

Also when plastic is recycled, it becomes a lower grade plastic, and if it is recycled again, the grade lowers.

At some point the plastic is so dirty and contaminated that the only solution being implemented is to throw it away, very saddening 😏

Wow, more plastic than actual life, that is horrible!

Thank you for providing us your perspective, I will read up on those studies, sounds very interesting...

It's always horrible to see the negative affect mankind has on the planet. Those photos of the ocean are really bad, what it must mean for the marine life. For many cultures that would have used manmade materials mostly and then be sold plastic as it's convenient and cheap. They are just not told about how much waste and the long term effects on the environment. it's such a sad story that is happening globally. The eco bricks are one solution for sure.

Yes, truly!

Some people just don't understand!

We must educate them, it's the only way.

Thank you @trucklife-family 😀

Go CHRON!!!! love your work bro ;)

Thank you bro!

Couldn't have done it without you 😉

sad but true..

Yes true

Thank you

Thank you!

Waste is wealth in a wrong hand says a Chinese proverb. i think indonesia should develope their waste management system and invest more in establishment of recycling companies. @theheralds

Great idea @theheralds.

I would be very happy to see this happen soon!

Thanks for your comment 😁

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