The German Community, as a Flagship Project for Steemit's Development - Die SteemitLobby

in #deutsch8 years ago

 „Only Boobs make Money“
„Steemit is a Ponzi Scheme“
„Wales are UpVoting Crap“

People of Steemit are frustrated and that is totally understandable. It is unbelievable frustrating to see your 6 hours of Work getting lost in an Ocean of Posts. And it is frustrating to see others getting hundreds of UpVotes, while you never make it over 10 or 20. 
Does it has something to do, with the quality of your Posts ? – No, Probably not. 

I recently had a discussion with @SirWinchester about, what I think could help the People of Steemit to become successful, on this crowded platform. I used the „Assembly Line“- Metaphor to describe one major Problem of the Steemit Platform and how the german community Project could provide the solution. 

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Assembly Line – Metaphor

You can think of as one gigantic Assembly Line. Every day, that Steemit longer exists, more and more People surround this gigantic Assembly Line – Watching hundreds if not thousands of Posts passing them.

Up and then someone reads a fascinating Headline and takes the Box of the Assembly Line. The Somebody opens the Box, looks inside and if he likes  the Pos... ähh the Box, he Puts it on another Assembly Line- this is the UpVote, ladies and gentleman. The great thing about the second Assembly Line is, that only Posts with an UpVote make it to this Line. Because of this selection, the Boxes who made it, have to Compete with far less other Boxes. So the chance for the Box to be seen again rises and with that its chance of getting UpVoted - again. The badass Wales even have the Power to just throw the Box on the 3 or 4 Assembly line, where even fewer Boxes have to compete with another.

The clue is, that Steemit is exploding! We have thousands of new users coming in and with them we haven even more Posts passing us every single minute on this gigantic first assembly line. The more Posts we have, the smaller the chance of the single one, to get UpVoted to the next Line. In the End, we have completely overwhelmed Wales and hundreds of high-quality Posts lost in the overcrowded assembly line.

The one who can name me the exact number, of how many time I sad „Assembly Line“, in this Post, will get a @allasyummyfood Steemit Cake.- Promised
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Presenting the German Solution

The solution is, to decentralize the decentralized Network –crazy right?
What do I mean by that? 
The Steemit Community is mainly centralized around this one grand assembly line. The Solution would be, to install several Assembly Lines for each and every Topic. So that person, with an interest in a special Topic can go to the equivalent Assembly Line. By that we take all the content which used to be transported via the one big Assembly Line and split it up into smaller content specific Assembly Lines.
It is my mission to build an Infrastructure for Steemit Bloggers, to target their Posts to their specific Target group.
Steemies and Steemers, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the German flagship Project.
I want to motivate the german speaking Steemit Community to share their Ideas and Storys in there Mother language. I know how hard it is to write down what's on your mind and doing so in another language doesn't make it easier. 
The German Community will be a Network of People exchanging about Post Ideas, supporting one another and pushing each other to the next Level. Together we will create a surrounding which pushes its Member to their individual Steemit Success. We will form a Network which Co- Operates, troubleshoots Problems and gives every Member a voice that will be heard.

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Die SteemitLobby

It will all begin with a Mightybell Network, exclusively for the german speaking Steemit Community:

Mightybell is a Network Service which Provides all features, needed to build a healthy Community.


Find out about other Members, their interests, professions, and passions. 

Direct Messages:

You found someone, who seems as interested in Photography as you are? Awesome, hook him up via the Chat feature and exchange. And who knows, what amazing Projects will follow.

Ask Questions:

You want to find out if there is interest for your new Post Idea or didn´t you quite figured out how Steemit works? No Problem, ask your Question to get response and support by other Network Members.
And if you want to start a survey or get specific answers?
Just start a poll question and get exactly what you needed. 


Do you love Books, Photography, Psychology, Sports or Business ? No matter what it is, you can follow Themen Specific Topics to get notified whenever someone writes about what you love. Or just start your own Topic to make sure, people who have same interests as you, read you Post.


You are working on a specific Project and want others to get involved? Well, then the Groups feature is the thing for you! 
No matter what your Project is about, just start a Group and get people to join it. You can start an open or closed Group in the Network, where People can exchange about interests or ideas and contribute their part to make your specific Project just awesome!
You want to exchange with other hustlers, readers or photographers?
I got you, just start a Group and build a Network around your Specific interest. Start Discussions, Plan on Projects, Exchange and Learn – whatever it is, together we are Stronger.

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To all my fellow germanspeakers:

Moin Moin alle miteinander, ich habe diesen Post auf Englisch geschrieben mit der Hoffnung möglichst viele erreichen und motivieren zu können, unserem Beispiel zu folgen. Natürlich gilt dieser Post nur Euch! 
Ich freue mich riesig auf unsere Zukunft, ich glaube von ganzen Herzen das wir einen jeden, der dem Netzwerk beitritt zum Steemit erfolg führen können. -  Zusammen haben wir die Möglichkeit, hier auf Steemit, wirklich etwas zu bewegen. In einem Jahr, oder wenn das Wachstum so weiter geht, bereits in ein Paar Monaten, können wir uns alle, als „Gründerväter“ der deutschen Steemit Community bezeichnen. 
Hier ist der Link, über denen Ihr dem Netzwerk beitreten könnt:
Dieses Netzwerk wird nur das Zentrum sein, von dem Dutzende, wenn nicht Hunderte, weitere Projekte abgehen werden.
Ich freue mich riesig Euch alle, im Netzwerk begrüßen zu können.
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The Network will be open, for the German-speaking Community, to join. After 24 hours we will close the Network, so all those interested will only be able to join the Network if there request got accepted. By that, we make sure that only People, Serious about Steemit and the Network, join.

You can send a request, with a brief introduction and your email address to:
Steemit.Chat:   Chris.Roy
E-mail: [email protected]

The Interested Person, will receive an e-mail invitation if his request got accepted.
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The SteemitLobby always with you

The Mightybell Network has a Browser and Mobile application. That allows you to interact with Community Member, in the comfort of your own home or on the go.

You can access the Mightybell Network with a IOS or an Android Device:

Once the Network is up and running and I see more and more people coming in, I´ll make sure that Members can use the Network even more comfortably, by launching our own App in the App store!
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A Concept worth beeing copied

In conclusion, the SteemitLobby will revolutionize the way, german speaking steemers will engage with one another.
And the great thing, you too can start a revolution. Everyone can start their own network with Mightybell or another Application you love ... so go ahead! Copy the German System! Start your own Network about a Topic you are Passionated about! Go out there and Unite People under your Passion, create Wales in your Network and build Momentum.

Follow the German- SteemitLobby example and create your own Steemit- Legacy.

You can always contact me via the Steemit.Chat (Chris.Roy) or via email ([email protected]), in case you need any assistance.
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Es wird Zeit, das sich was dreht!
I wish us all the best of success,

Does this run on the steem network? Or is this a site for german speakers who use steemit that is seperate? I'm confused.

Oh, sorry - I could have been more precise!
No no, it´s a separate Page, which works like a Network with all the features mentioned in the Post:

It´s an exclusive Network, only for the German- Speaking Steemit Community :)​

ich spreche eines bisschen deutch. :-) konnen ich die Netzwerk beitreten? ^^

I mean ... why not :D haha!
We´ll help you learning it!

You´re welcome anytime,

haha Thank you! :)

Ich finde diese idee einfach super genial sowas von Upvoted!

Hammer! Vielen Dank !

Wir können auch einen deutsche Slackkanal aufmachen.

Oder den Steemit.Chat intensiver nutzen.

Die SteemitLobby, lässt sich mit Slack verbinden. Somit kannst du durchaus, weiterhin
Slack benutzen und das mit all den Vorteilen, die dir die Mithtybell Community bietet.
Durch diese "Features" wird es der deutschen Community möglich sein, näher zusammen zu wachsen.
Ein jedes Mitglied kann sich so, ein aktives Following aufbauen.

Auch von mir gibt's hierfür ein Upvote, sehr schöne Idee!

Hammer ! Vielen Dank Ines :) !
Ich hoffe, ich kann dich bald in der Lobby begrüßen !

Hab mich direkt angemeldet - allerdings noch keine Zeit gehabt, mir alles genauer anzuschauen. Mache ich später, versprochen!

Klasse, ich bin mir sicher dir wird es gefallen.
Dann, bis gleich,

Upvoted and followed! Please visit, upvote and comment this article too, it´s a charity action for a bro in africa:

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