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RE: The Question Is Not Why People Have Anxiety, But Rather Why Not More People Are Paralyzed By It

in #life7 years ago

Hello, from @chickenburger
Nice article,
I suffer with anxiety for a long time, from my own experience all I can say is if it does ever show it self you have to develop techniques that you have learnt over time to deal with it when it happens, because any thing can trigger it off things might even be going fine and then boom it hits you because of something happening in your life. For me its the little things that help like when it does show its ugly self depending on the situation chewing gum or distracting my self by trying to concentrate on something else like moving your foot around in a circle that way your not fully focused on the thing that's causing your anxiety. Sounds silly but works for me when I get it.


Yeah. One must learn to develop different tactics. But I'm definitely not trying to avoid it. I try to welcome it if it sneaks up on me. And you know, I don't get these heavy panic attacks anymore. I do have anxiety and I really have to actively not have anxiety to keep it away. It's still my "default" to be anxious. But I would say I'm not anxious probably 50% of the time now..compared to 99% of the time before. So if I keep this up I'll be Buddha in a couple of years. :)

I thought I was going to get panic attacks when my mother died recently. But I didn't. It was one of those things I was really afraid of. Because I knew it was a big event. (I knew that she didn't have long to live for about two years) But it wasn't an event that triggered any anxiety. It was more sadness. But unfortunately, since she died young at 60 from heart disease without being particularly unhealthy or overweight I started freaking out about genetics and stuff like that. And that escalated somewhat after she died. But I'm exercising like hell and staying off the sugar, and no nicotine (used to use snus..which is nicotine packed yummi you put under your lip) and trying not to become a hypochondriac. :)

Sorry to hear about your mother.
Yes I agree I think you almost have to welcome the anxiety when it shows up, and then deal with it accordingly, the art of distraction works really well. And then also the fear of anxiety etc.. can be turned into a positive thing , no sugar etc.. so well done for that. Its always sad when a loved one passes but we know its going to happen sooner or later, that thought in its self makes me depressed as in what's the point of doing anything if that's the case but as they say the show must go on. I welcome any distraction tactics you may have for dealing with anxiety?
I drive a bus around busy London so for me when it gets really busy that's when I seem to have a problem so I try to distract my self during the busy times. And I also avoid any crowded areas.

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