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RE: Musical chairs FOMO

in #busy6 years ago

I agree with what you're saying, metals are a direct competitor to fiat so the prices have to be kept somewhat unattractive. Especially considering your bank just sold all of its gold!

Smart stuff, but I would assume the first rule of in-hand pm owning would be... not talking about owning them, lol.

Although physical does decouple from paper prices a lot I am kind of worried that metals will get hammered like they did last time. Also worth mentioning that a lot of mining operators are heavily indebted and corporate debt being inaccessible might change the price dynamics this time, I know some smart people have talked about possible scenarios where certain commodities trend differently than the last crisis.


I agree the first rule would be to not talk about it but just like you, Most stackers also want to wake up the masses as to what establishment is up to and how to protect themselves before SHTF. No country is immune from this and the economy will fall like a bunch of dominoes when it happens. The key here is proper secure storage and that is the information that shouldn't be disclosed.

During the crisis yes, the prices plunge because the ETF's are the first thing the banks sell to cover their shorts and stay in business, that would cause separation with the physical price, being much harder to get our hands on it. Why it is best to slowly accumulate every time the price dips when times are good. That being said, having a good store of non perishable food and water to weather the initial shock like rice beans, lentils, pasta, foods that will never go bad. When markets recover, precious metals are the first ones to go up sky high because of the trust factor they represent. In the last crash over sub-prime mortgage, once the market started to recover, precious metals reached all time highs, gold being around $2000 US. It may not help during the crises but being prepared will and holding these instead of fiat will help retain purchase power during the recovery when other assets are cheap, like real estate.

Many silver mines are now closed because they cannot operate under the current price. Those who keep supplying the markets are those who mine other metals and silver comes as a by product but these ores are getting less concentrated as time goes on.

One trick to keep eyes on, The dow and precious metal are always opposite of each other, they never move in the same direction and when compared in one chart, they form a diamond shape on charts. When the Dow is at an all time high, metals are out of favor and vice versa. When the dow is at it's lowest, it's time to ditch the shinny and get into real estate, stocks etc... that are still standing and have a chance to go back up, lather rinse repeat. In the end every crisis reacts differently but the deeper you look into the past, the further into the future you can see.

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