Freewrite - Across the Field of Corn

in #freewrite7 years ago

My apologies to @mariannewest. I didn’t follow the rules for this one. I just felt like writing on this topic.

hospital mental health.jpg

all phtos courtesy of Pixabay

After more than a year of 3 pm to 11 pm shifts, you’d think I’d get used to the routine. Except there was no routine. Every shift was so vastly different.

You can never adequately explain what goes on behind the closed doors on an admission ward of a mental health facility. The movie based on the book by Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, gives the viewer a distorted view of what happens in reality. Some shifts go smoothly and others become a test of your training and endurance.

moonlight river.jpg

I lived with my family on a farm 13 km from the hospital. Coincidence? Perhaps. The drive home, along a river was always my time to unwind. Put the tunes on low and soak in the evening air.

After a particularly gruelling shift, I found myself driving along the road listening to the symphony of sounds; the crickets chirping, cows in pastures quietly lowing, a lonely dog barking some distance away and the soft sound of the loose gravel crunching beneath my wheels.

As I get further from the city lights, I start to see the multitude of twinkling stars. The tension of the shift starts to lift. My hands loosen their death grip on the steering wheel. I can feel myself unwinding.


A very large two striped sunk saunters across the road in front of me. I stop to let him pass. I care not to have my minivan smelling like a pretty kitty for the trip home. Besides, it takes months for that smell to wear off no matter what miracle product you use to clean it!

Round the bend and the full moon comes into view, bathing the river banks in a soft glow. A ten point buck raises his majestic head, water dripping from his muzzle. I can’t help but smile at nature’s beauty.

Rabbits scamper along the grassy fence bottoms, showing their white cotton ball tails. A short distance ahead I can see the bridge I need to cross. The water sparkles like jewels in the moonlight.

deer buck.jpg

I turn left to cross the bridge and then a quick right. Another km and I’m home. Up the hill, close to the bend I see 10 golden orbs floating in the air. As I approach I can see an opossum family has settled down for the night.

I can see the lights of our barnyard light beckoning me home. My husband is sitting reading with one dog lying at his feet and the other with his head in his lap getting his ears scratched. He looks up and smiles.


I park the van and both dogs are there to greet me. Inside I dropped my keys in their bowl on the counter and hubby is there to greet me too.

The boys coming running out for their goodnight hug and kiss even though they have been asleep for hours. They need to feel reassured that mom is home.

Dad tucks them in again and I head out to the porch. Sitting in the comfy Adirondack chair, gazing at the stars and smelling the freshness of the corn in the field next to the house.


A few minutes later, hubby arrives with two fresh cups of coffee and hands me one. We sit and chat quietly for a while just taking in the night sounds, watching the fireflies playing tag between in the forest of corn stalks.

If you sit quietly enough, you can almost hear the corn growing. I am satisfied that all is right with the world and will have pleasant dreams this night safely tucked in my husband’s arms.


Followed and Upvoted!

My pleasure. Keep it coming

Beautiful post. Great job. Loved all the wildlife pics

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it!

I enjoyed reading your post, Thank you for sharing. Animals are cute creatures and nature is great :)

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.

I felt and sense calmness when I read every bits of your descriptions. It also made me feel a sound living away from the hassle dazzle of the city.

Thank you. Living away from the city is truly awesome!

beautiful how you have the skills to cope with your hard job, and that you can still see and feel all the beauty in nature on the drive home, i imagine your the sort of soul who makes a positive impact on the patients in your care at the facility, much respect

Thank you so much for the kind words. I try to leave a positive impact on everyone I meet. There is just too much negativity in the world already...

Your post sounds exhausting and revitalizing at the same time. The JOB sounds exhausting at times. I am sure it has it's rewards as well.

You are so blessed to have a loving family to come home to and the drive sounds amazing. I am sure it is not exactly like that every time but what a blessing to see and hear all the wild life coming to assist you in letting go of the stresses of the day.

Enjoyed your post.

Most nights I was able to observe some wildlife. It was an odd night when I didn't.

Beautiful post!
"If you sit quietly enough, you can almost hear the corn growing." I love this feeling .. and forgot it since the time i moved to big citys

Thank you :)

You are welcome! You can move the person out of the country, but you can not take the country out of their hearts.

Wonderful writing I do enjoy it :) Thank you

The description of the drive back home, the way you unwind is magic and it transports me in your world. How lovely is that after such a heavy day at work, surrounded by the most bitter of the diseases, you can appreciate the sounds of the nature and the behaviors of wild animals. It is your revenge to be alive and appreciate your good health, your family and your world. How luck we all are!

I have a sister who lives in the street because she is paranoid bipolar not accepting any help, an ex-boyfriend maniac compulsive, an uncle who suffered severe depression for many years before to decide to stop his suffering by himself.
Nowadays, when I meet someone with mental problem I have a phobia. I encourage you to write more about mental health and about your work- even specific cases with fake names. It is very interesting!

Thank you. I do have some stories rattling around in my head just waiting for a time to be put on paper...

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