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RE: Never in my shoes and the universe owes you nothing

You said:

People who don't change their behaviours even though what they are doing isn't getting them to where they want to be are acting as if the universe owes them for the action.

I once listened to several videos by an amazing counsellor, who helps people overcome PTSD and health issues, etc by digging in deep and finding out what is really behind it all.

One example he gave was of a woman who had health problems that she told him she had tried so hard to overcome and wanted his help getting rid of. In the end, they both discovered that her health issues WERE getting her exactly what she wanted. She was a single mom who really, really wanted to stay at home raising her child. But when she had to work she could not do that. However her health issues allowed her to receive a disability cheque from the government, and although the income was quite low she mangaged to stay home with her child and to get by.

He had many more examples of things like this. Sometimes we SAY that we want/need a certain thing, BUT we don't really mean it and don't even know that we don't mean it.


Good to see you Linda.

This gets very interesting don't you think? Actions tend to speak louder than words and they do lead places, not necessarily to where we want or intend but, somewhere.

I think there is often an alignment problem between what we want, what we think is expected from us by others, what we are willing to do etc. Under self-reflection/external help is it possible to recognise and understand enough about ourselves to consolidate all the parts so what we want, need and willing to do are in a straight line toward where we actually want to be? Many tend to carry a lot of baggage that makes streamlining difficult but I do think anyone can make vast improvements to increase the quality of experience.

You have me thinking :)

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