The Importance of Funding Space Programs and Moving Towards Planet Colonization

in #life7 years ago

Since the 1960s space race, adjusted for inflation , NASA has lost almost 90% of its yearly funding for all projects it oversees. What was once seen as the future of our species and a dream shared by all of humanity, space travel is now seen as an unnecessary government expense. Politicians believe that there is no merit in funding NASA as there aren’t any tangible or material benefits that it will yield. I very much disagree with this idea and I think cutting NASA’s budget year after year is a terrible mistake not only for the United States, but for mankind.

What was once the prized space program of the world, the United State’s space program is becoming less and less relevant compared to other countries. Upcoming world powers like China and India are investing billions into their programs and creating solutions that can bring us into space at a fraction of the cost. There have been countless benefits for international space programs as a direct result of the investment these countries are making. I use the word investment very purposefully because I strongly believe that is exactly what funding space programs is, an investment.

While we realistically arent going to colonize an entire planet in the name of a country, there are benefits to expanding our reaches outward. I am a strong believer that humanity has only one purpose and that is to first of all , not go extinct and second of all, spread our race as large as possible. While this may seem a bit extreme, if we do not make sure we spread the human race to other planets and potentially other solar systems in the future, we risk eventual extinction at the hands of unseen events. I agree with famous scientist Ed Lu when he said “Asteroids are nature’s way of saying, ‘how’s that space program coming?’”.

The reality of the situation is human beings are throwing everything up to chance when it comes to life outside this planet. We know almost nothing and yet one little fart like a solar flare could wipe us all out in an instant. We are so concerned with live on our own planet, but refuse to look at the possibilities past it. Investing in space travel also has political benefits as well as it unites countries together against a single cause. Steven Hawking just announced a week ago that he believes if we ever wish to transcend our petty problems we have on earth, expanding the human race onto another planet and working together is necessary.

Almost 50 years ago we were able to get a man to the moon with technology less than what the majority of us have in their pocket, yet we still have not put a man on mars. Colonization is going to be a slow process even if we invested everything into space programs, but it will take many times longer with no investment. If the United States doesn’t want to put up the budget for the space program, then we as a species should come together and create an international space program that actually acts like an international program versus the modular program we have today in relations to the International Space Station. Together we can unite and ensure we survive for thousands of generations, but we can only get there if we work together, invest in space programs and set our sights to the stars.



I couldn't agree more. Everybody loves benefiting from the technology this sort of research allows, but nobody wants to pay even a pittance to fund it.

To the.... Mars!!!

Quality post, got some good ideas, thanks!

Great article. Even if the U.S. government does not feel the need to step up it's funding of space exploration, the private sector and other countries will, as you have stated. The importance of moving beyond the bounds of this planet is not a matter of if, but when. Keep it up. Enjoying following your articles.

Good article and timely as well!

Stephen Hawking said this just a week ago
"Humanity will have to head for the stars in the next 200 to 500 years if it is to survive, Professor Stephen Hawking has said.
The top physicist repeated his warning that the human race is doomed unless it can find a new home beyond the Earth."
His full comments can be found here
and in many other news outlets. He feels we can reach Mars within 15 years and has mentioned before that we should return to the moon and set up workbases and colonies there as soon as possible.

Having watched governments look backwards instead of forwards for many years, I suspect we will have to rely on private enterprise to drive this exploration and eventual exodus.

Absolutely true. Innovation in the 20th century was a combination of the private sector and government bodies working in tandem. We got so much done. But as history has shown, if progress is not meeting expectations by government bodies the private sector will do that work for it. May take longer but our exploration outside of our planet is just the beginning of wonders out species will have the privilege of enjoying. Once we cross that threshold, looking back on a time without space travel will be like looking back on eras where ocean sailing to the Western hemisphere had not begun, or in more recent time imagining our lives without being connected together via the internet :)

I was wondering about this. What is the incentive for the private sector to fund space exploration? I can see building things to rent or sell to governments, but how does a company like Space X make profit? Just curious.

Good question. Space X makes money in two ways primarily.

(1) They launch multimillion dollar satellites into space for commercial clients and for government agencies
(2) They provide restocking of the ISS with their own shuttles, now that NASA no longer does that themselves

Regarding why space? The analogy to me is similar to when Europe decided to start sailing the oceans. Beyond just wonder, they did it for riches, new resources, new places to colonize and prosper. Eventually the western world became a safe haven for those who needed an asylum from political and religious persecution, and those who simply needed a fresh start.

The private sector can benefit by being the first to set up transportation methods, stations, communication satellites, and other ways to have access to the outer reaches of our planet. From there, entrepreneurs and government agencies will be compelled to explore what opportunities it has to offer.

Everything from mining, energy collection, waste disposal, research, and the like are fair game. And if you're the only guy to provide such access to outer space, there is a lot of $$$ in it for you.

Space programs need to go beyond politics and China is already doing a great job. NASA has 2-3 Mars missions in the next 3 years with Rover2020 launching. It's exciting. Hope to see all safely prepared for 2030's man mission on Mars. It will push our boundries beyond everything. We could see the boost of space programs after Mars mission for sure.

I completely agree. I feel if we stop moving forward towards space and colonization of other planets, we will be stunting the growth of us as people of earth.

Unfortunately I am among many young adults who are not educated enough on topics such as this. However, I agree with the fact that we need to be inversting more of our time, money, and effort into space expansion and exploration. I personally dont want to be a part of the journey, being that I'm afraid of heights but to see our species advance into a new age is an endeavour I want to witness.

Instead of funding space programs for the good of humanity, we're funding the military to destroy humanity.

Not quite. We are funding the military so that evil people on this earth do not take away the rights of stupid people to live without fear.

Unfortunately that is why we fund our military.

Those that would kill off all of us who think that we have a right to say what we want, are not succeeding because of the people who have served and who are serving OUR military.

"I guess we did what we did so that some dumbc#nts can sit behind their computers or dumbphones and write BS about us. They probably wouldn't be wanking at their desks if we didn't do what we did, when and where it had to be done....." JM. (my dad).

How many countries have actually tried to invade the US in the last century?
I mean the US citizens alone have more guns then 95% of the armies in the world.

You are correct.

The question you need to ask yourself is WHY?

Would you be OK with it if the fight came to your backyard?

Would you be OK with it if 9/11 happened again?

Keeping the enemies of freedom and human rights as far away from those of us who believe in freedom and human rights is more so important than trying to prove to those backward inbreeds that all humans are equals.

Some ideologies are just pure and utter evil, no matter what they may call them self or present them self as.

So when put into a position to look reality in the eye:

I'd much rather the people willing to kill all of us who do not fit into their ideologies kill each other/themselves off.

Which people that would attack you do you mean? I don' know any!

That is, I know a lot, but those people are only angry towards the US because the US military killed a lot of their friends and family.

Take Al Kaida for example, the most dangerous foreign enemy on US soil for at least a century.
Once a small group (financed and trained by the US btw). Now 10 times bigger.
Still losing to the IS because the US fought Al Kaida. In that fight the US also destabilized half a continent and killed half a million people.

Without the US military that would not have happened.

Look reality in the eye and leave it at that.

Trying to justify actions of today because of mistakes made in the past doesn't help anyone.

The reality is that we are where we are today and if we let another 9/11 happen because of ignorance then I guess we do not deserve anything better.

The reality we live in is more so important to me than the reality people lived in prior to 9/11. (let alone the example you gave from the Cold War era).

PS. I'm off to bed.

You at least put a smile on my face with "Which people that would attack you do you mean? I don' know any! That is, I know a lot,......"

Look reality in the eyes - yes! Please do it!!

Why are you so freaked out about a risk that is so micro??

Here, look at the numbers. someone posted it just today:

Your police is more dangerous then terrorists! Your own guns are more dangerous! Fucking heat is!

Also with all that money into military and "terror prevention" you could save a hundred times more lives!

Thanks to all the men and women who sacrificed a part of their lives so that we may be free individuals.

God bless them.

That is reality, some people give of themselves for all of us and do not expect anything in return. Some just expect everything and are not prepared to give anything for it!

Good night.

The government has not been pursuing the idea of planet colonization because many of them don't believe in climate change. It's hard for people who love science to see such possibility go to waste. I hope one day in my lifetime I can see the change that was once promised years ago. #MissiontoMars

Its kinda sad that the general public doesn't really seem interested in space travel; 'we' celebrate in euphoria when the newest iPhone is released, while news regarding - for example - the reveal of the geographical features of Pluto gets virtually ignored. Personally, I think SpaceX has the biggest chance of forcing some kind of breakthrough in spacetravel, because this organisation isn't restricted by governmental budget cuts.

Are you familiar with the growing number of private companies developing space exploration programs?

Some are trying to build habitats on mars and the moon, others trying to mine asteroids, and some are looking to do deeper exploration.

NASA is wrought with bureaucratic limitations and strangleholds on projects. Startups with specific missions and clearvisions are the way of the future in space.

Think SpaceX, Masten Space, Blue Origin, Planetary Resources, and Deep Space Industries. If those aren't all familiar, check them out!

Ya we definitely have to expand the human race outside of earth. But the government's, are greedy and cheap they want to cut everything. I hear they are cutting health care, old people can't get the care they need. So cutting space programs is nothing to these guys, one stroke of the pen it's cut. So I don't even watch what those guys is doing. It's up to innovators like Elon Musk taking the risk, creating, and exploring ideas like spaceX. It's innovators like the people that invented steem that take us to space, not the government. 😂😂These people can be you that change the world, if you got a idea and a drive the world is yours brother. Dope Post.🙏

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