My Panic Disorder Also What Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki’s Movies Mean to Me

in #life7 years ago

Ever since I saw my first Studio Ghibli movie as a child, I have adored everything about them, from the beautifully detailed animation to the mesmerizing soundtracks by Joe Hisashi. However they hold a deeper meaning for me than just a great movie. To me , Studio Ghibli movies are an escape into a world that even to this day I use to calm me down. Suffering from a panic disorder, often the only way to calm my brain from going into an all out panic attack is to close my eyes, listen to the music and the the dialogue of the magical worlds Hayao Miyazaki has created for us. Everything about their movies relaes me and reminds me of a time I was a child with no worries and gives me hope for a future that might hold the same promise.

I was always a nervous kid growing up. I think comedian David Mitchell said it perfectly when he joked that there are two types of children, timorous ones and reckless ones and because warnings are made for the reckless ones, timorous kids live in a state of fear. Im paraphrasing and this was obviously a joke from him, but there is much truth to it. I was constantly in fear of being overwhelmed or not having control of my body. I can vividly remember getting my first panic attacks at age 10 because I went to an IMAX theater and I was overwhelmed by the opening logo with loud sounds. I haven’t changed much even to this day, while medication helps most of the time now, there are still situations I avoid like the plague.

In college my anxiety became the worst it has ever been when one day my medication had stopped working and during finals week I basically shut down. I was having panic attacks throughout the entire day and couldn’t even get out of bed. Nothing could calm me down and being away at school, it seemed like the world was going to end. If you have never had a panic attack let me tell you how it plays out for me. Many people might have different experiences, but this is just how mine manifest. First my heart starts to beat like crazy and I start sweating and getting very hot throughout my body, my hands get clammy and my vision becomes a mix of blurry/focus and my brain gives into every single fear I could imagine. I will sit there feeling like the world is going to end until after a few minutes my body will calm down a little. I honestly would never wish this experience on anyone and those who suffer along with me im sure feel the same.

Like I said earlier the best bet I have of even helping to calm me down is watching a Studio Ghlibi movie. Even if its just for a few hours I can control my mind and feel utterly relaxed. During the peak of my anxiety in college and for the few months afterwards where I had to transition to new medication , the only sure thing I knew that would bring me some sort of comfort were the movies I grew up with and loved. Within a 3 month period I must have watched Spirited Away 50 times or more, Castle In The Sky, Howls Moving Castle about 20 each and each of their other movies about 5 each. I literally consumed Studio Ghibli’s content for hours a day, whether it be the soundtracks or the films themselves.

I have seen everything they have to offer, even movies not directed by Miyazaki just because the worlds they create are amazing. Words can not express how much I am thankful for what im sure many think of as stupid animated movies. Im not huge into Anime, but for some reason these movies connect with me on a level that brings me harmony. Im sure we all have some sort of piece of art that brings us refuge during hard times and this is why in my opinion, all art forms are necessary to humanity. Its been a while since I shared a more personal story with my followers so I thought I might use this time to do so. I would love to hear if anyone out there has a similar connection another movie or works of art that they are just as passionate with as me.


Miyazaki is amazing. I've been a fan of Studio Ghibli films for years. Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Princess Mononoke are probably my favorites so far, but I've started a collection and so far I've loved every single one!

I understand how you feel about Miyazakis wonderful creations.

The whimsical and magical worlds studio Ghibli create are incredible, and the music is top notch, but it's the stories that really give them the powerful impact, I believe.

A common theme of the films is a girl who is in a situation that is somewhat out of her control, and bad things happen despite her best wishes.

Despite this, she is able to overcome the odds by finding strength/courage/love within herself and gaining the power to change the situation for the better.

For someone who has panic attacks, I can see how these can be so helpful to you. When they go from a chaotic situation to mastery over it, it must feel so empowering to you! I hope you can continue to be inspired by these wonderful films and not have to suffer so much from your attacks.

Also, just to add that my favorite one is Nausicaä, have you seen it?

Very interesting post that got me on two personal angles. Starting with panic attacks. They way you describe it is too the tee. I started getting those after my Dad past away with a heart attack in my early 20s. I was the one who found him and tried to save him. Since that day, I have panic attacks for the fear of dying. It feels exactly the way you wrote. One coping mechanism that I do is just keep telling myself, 'your ok' 'your ok' your ok' over and over till my body catches up with my mind or vice versa. I don't get them that often anymore, usually only happens if I haven't exercised or if I got really drunk.

On another note. Since my wife took me to watch Spirited Away in the theater, my first miyazaki movie. After that, I was obsessed with ghibli and japanese culture. I have also watched all of them many times and now even more as I am introducing them to my kids. I still haven't shown them graveyard of the fireflies. Also, I am sure you have seen it but there is a documentary about him and the studio as it was closing. It was pretty interesting. Finally, if you are ever in japan. Go to the ghibli museum. I wish I had pictures to share but they forbid all photos in the museum. the way you speak about the movies, you would love it. if you haven't been, it like this tiny house and tickets to get in sell out way in advance. It's hard to explain but I could only say it's like going to Skywalker Ranch as a star wars fan. Anyways, this post hit a few buttons with me on a personal level. Be well @calaber24p

Thank you I appreciate your comment and well wishes so much. Im glad you have moved past your attacks for the most part. I am dying to go to the Ghibli Museum, the only thing stopping me from going to Japan is my fear of being on a plane for that long ride. Hopefully one day I can move past it.

I hope so too. You would love it. Even a bigger reason, check this out.

Like you, I was not an anime fan, but Spirited Away is probably my favorite animated movie. I didn't expect to enjoy it but the imagery is just remarkable. It's a joy to watch. I love the little coal-loading creatures.

Sudah seharusnya, kita bersikap kritis untuk menyikapi segala sesuatu yang di-film-kan, karena belum tentu semua yang di-film-kan itu benar/ obyektif. Apalagi jika itu merupakan kejadian di abad-abad awal, yang tentunya masih perlu dibuktikan apakah itu bersumber dari naskah/ karya tulis yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan ke-otentikannya. Apakah itu naskah itu benar-benar ditulis oleh Maria Magdalena, misalnya, (mengingat pada jaman itu banyak Injil lain yang dituliskan oleh kaum Gnostics).


Amazing post.. There is no one else in the world that is like you. Honestly we are all unique and we all have much to show and much to strive for.
Cheers for the good post and much love from me..

Werry good post , studio gibli is awesome I watched everything also, they always give you something to think about , and you learn to appreciate your stay here on planet earth.
Now I teach my baby son to watch it, him loves it.
Have a lovely day 😊💖

There's so much I love about Studio Ghibli! I love having strong (often female) protagonists who figure shit out for themselves - they maybe have some help along the way and they can accept that help graciously when they need it. I also really like that the main 'villains' are really antagonists and often are sympathetic by the end - think of Baba by the end of Spirited Away or the Witch of the Waste at the end of Howl's Moving Castle.

Everyone has a hobby your hobby is great. I enjoyed the article because I also have similar interests :) You have a new follower. I will appriciate it if you follow me too :))
Love each other,

Is there somewhere you'd recommend to download/stream them? I've never seen one. :-(

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