Everything Keeps Changing About The Skripal Narrative Except "Russia Definitely Did It"

in #russia7 years ago

The latest news update on the notorious Skripal case is that the source of the alleged Novichok poisoning may have been a cereal brought to the Skripals by a family friend who happens to work for a major Russian medical company, hospitalizing them both as well as a police sergeant for some reason. Less than 24 hours earlier, we were informed that the Novichok nerve agent was actually likely administered via the handle of the front door, which according to the New York Times would have been an operation that "is seen as so risky and sensitive that it is unlikely to have been undertaken without approval from the Kremlin."

This is par for course in the immensely plot hole-riddled Skripal case, which since the story broke has been an endless barrage of ever-changing contradictory narratives the details of which nobody is certain of to any degree at all... except that Russia definitely did it.

We've been told that the Novichok was planted in Yulia Skripal's suitcase. We were told that it was administered via the air vents in their car. We were told that it was delivered by a weaponized miniature drone. We were told that the Novichok was smeared on the family's car door handle. Now it's either the house door or Russian buckwheat cereal, depending on who you're reading.

Nothing about the reports on this case are consistent except the adamant insistence in each and every one that it could only have been inflicted by the Kremlin. Of this the officials of Great Britain are so certain that a worldwide expulsion of Russian diplomats from allies of the United Kingdom was unquestionably the right move to make in a steadily escalating cold war environment. If you disagree and think a little more investigation is in order, then you are clearly a Russian puppet and should be depicted in Soviet-looking garb over a red-colored Kremlin skyline, as was opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn by the BBC last month.

Isn't that interesting? Isn't it so very, very interesting how the people investigating this attack still don't know their asses from their elbows when it comes to any aspect of the case, but it is absolutely beyond question that the Russian government was definitely with 100 percent certainty responsible for the poisoning?

Even with two completely contradictory stories like the latest ones we're being offered, Russia is definitely, definitely responsible. One traces back to a suspicious Russian national, the other an operation "so risky and sensitive that it is unlikely to have been undertaken without approval from the Kremlin." They can't both be true; either the nerve agent was placed in the cereal or on the door. But in both cases we're led to be glaring at Russia for its heinous attack.

Very interesting indeed. Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that Skripal had been living unmolested in the UK for years, and yet now just as the US-centralized empire begins worrying about losing its dominant position on the world stage a long-irrelevant former double agent is attacked by a terrifying nerve agent with a Russian-sounding name that both fails to kill him and implicates the Russian government (and, as an added bonus, could have been made by anyone). Very interesting how UK officials are now working to unite Europe against Russia at just the time where that is a strategically essential thing for the western empire to be doing right now.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: truth is the first casualty of war, especially cold war. The US-centralized empire has an extensive history of using lies, propaganda and false flags to manufacture public support for its agendas, and all of those things are essential components in cold war. There's no reason whatsoever to give these people the benefit of the doubt when things smell fishy.

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A positive note: despite of the overwhelming Western propaganda regarding to this story,way more people skeptical and call UK's fairytale BS,than go along with it.

And we just learned that even Porton Down was unable to prove their BS.Theresa May has to resign after this international embarrassment.

Yes, exactly. This entire affair is a fabrication by MI6 (most likely) to derail any movement away from the bigger plan for Peace on the Korean peninsula and the Middle East.

This is worse than the MI6 Trump dossier.

It was so obviously BS from the get go. So Theresa May isn't the one to resign. The news media who failed to establish the facts, do their jobs of factual investigation and adversarial journalism - they failed us and should suffer for being irresponsible. Theresa May was just trying to manipulate us and not even on the pretext of serving Britain.

How can the Russians at once be omnipotent and complete rank amateurs?

I mean they're overwhelming civil society across the planet and yet their MO is to do things transparently connected to them?

Make sure you drop some Russian characters in that hack so they know it's us. Make sure you use the generic Russian nerve agent so it can be tied back to us.

It's all about jiujitsu with Putin. Putinjitsu, we should call it... it's all so fucking absurd.

Maybe I should tune in to my local CIA Director on NBC, MSNBC, FOX, or CNN to give me the truth on this matter.


In order for the Russians to have done this they needed motive. No motive, no crime. The beautiful thing is watching the narratives collapse under the weight of their obvious idiocy.

It's all part of the bigger game to provoke Russia into firing first to stop peace from breaking out around the world. Putin is nothing if not infinitely patient because he can see that he's winning the war of attrition.


Maybe the Skripals were going to poison someone else and they inadvertently poisoned themselves. Did they get this "cereal" as a gift? Who gives cereal as a gift?

Perhaps the British spy voluteered to be poisoned... that would be an unbelievably stupid career choice. More likely he's expendable in the view of the authorities like a vagabond on the streets but from a public relations perspective valuably connected to Russia.

If the UK/US is behind this (which is a near certainty based on their behavior), it is useful for a media scandal that Skripal lingers on for awhile before dying so the "story" may be prolonged and fanned, and so there remains the option down the line of blowing up the scandal by finally having Skripal die of the poison or even having the Russians come and finish the job.

But anyways the "story" did its job, and now Theresa May and the authorities will try to wiggle out of admitting they deliberately falsified the event for political purposes (which sounds better than wiggling out of admitting to an outright lie and hoax which the Salisbury incident really is).

Remember the "highly likely" "indications." This language allows them to backtrack without totally losing face. Only their professionalism and competence is called in question, not their patriotism, so it's ok. They're not elected, they don't get paid to do their jobs. They're elected because they manipulated the voters.

There's a satirical german article related to this topic: http://www.der-postillon.com/2018/03/putin-salisbury.html

Literally translates to:

Salisbury Poison Attack: British police find Putin's ID card at the crime scene

Imo this perfectly describes what happened. Even if the Russians had a reason to kill Skripal, why the heck would they use a Russian military poison? And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't fail if they really tried.

in my opinion, there is a need for follow-up investigation of the incident, do not immediately say wrong to another country, it could be with propaganda, or plays to drag other countries, because this must exist and continue to happen. the earth is only witnessed as a spectator, watching the people who continue to fight, whether to fight back, only peace brings peace and prosperity.

AK47 is good :)

Mantap dan bagus sekali post kamu ya saya sangat suka sekali...
Saya adalah @badriadi83 silahkan lihat post saya dan jika kamu berkenan berikan suara anda untuk saya, terimakasih....

Nice post. About the only thing clear at this point about this hopelessly confused narrative is that the Russian government was not involved. I keep coming back to the notion that this is all about power and the notion that those with the power to impose such a narrative have no responsibility that the narrative be factual, let alone make sense, rather power alone is enough. The Melian dialogue keeps coming to mind . . .

Reminds me of that Suskind article from back in 04:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

But, you know, Bush is cool now. He wasn't so bad in illegally invading the planet and unleashing omnipotently omniscient domestic and international surveillance...

So crazy. Thanks for your work @caitlinjohnstone.

Wow, this got downvoted? What the hell?

@ninjapiraterobot @heather2000 - you should remove your downvotes. It's a satirical comment. Bush isn't cool because he invaded the planet and unleashed domestic and international surveillance. That Ron Suskind piece is an historic piece that deals exactly with this kind of attempt at manufacturing reality.

Leaving us in the "reality based community" outside the realm of polite conversation just like this. This comment should not have been flagged even if it wasn't satire.

The flagging of this comment is Suskind's point.

These people are bad actors which have been consistently suppressing opinion with downvotes.

They certainly look to be that, don't they?

Scary situation here, actually. Might not make it through 2018.

That is the whole point of what they are trying to achieve. They are abusing the flagging system of 'goodwill' to silence (new users especially) opposing opinions, which will eventually drive them away from the platform. Not only that, but they are scamming the system in other ways to grow their accounts. It's just going to turn into another facebook where only mainstream views are allowed. If people don't kick up a huge stink about this NOW, then it will continue forever. Problem is that the stealth sniper tactics they employ with their smaller accounts does not hurt or hinder the users with bigger reputations. They can take the hit like its a little annoying mosquito. The constant downvoting of smaller users slows down the growth of accounts, because it hurts the reputation rating, which in turn affects the earning potential. Organised networks of sockpuppet accounts like this are going to destroy the platform.

I agree with what you are saying, however, I think it is the UK not the US that are pulling the strings, to try and bring the people together to revote against brexit (using security scare tactics) and form a European Army regiment, all working towards the new world order agenda... But i didn't say anything so shh LOL!

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