Businessactivity | @Cactusgens | Today we will talk about a sale of a varied combo between plants and decorative utensils.👊 | 10% rewards to BusinessActivity

in Business Activity3 years ago (edited)


Hello, happy and blessed day to the entire community of entrepreneurs and business activity entrepreneurs. It is an honor for us to once again make an entry where we show our commercial activities, each one developed in our area, how the decoration of spaces is through green plants, either succulent cacti and ornamental plants.

Today we will talk about a sale of a varied combo between plants and decorative utensils.

When we started our brand, one of the things that we like the most, Dani enjoyed us through the sale of each of our products was to be able to make our customers happy by receiving each of their plants, whether decorated as finished arrangements or liberated plants, those that They come simply mz vs pressure on the face to receive them for us it is really satisfactory that gives us to understand that we are doing a good job and we get ourselves doing the activity that we are truly passionate about and that as a brand it does not give sustainability since it does not simply We sell a product but we are establishing a new home, whether it be an office, a party, a corporate event, there we are present through each piece and each of our designs.

That is why it is vitally important to always carry out our work with love, whatever it may be, as long as you do it in this way you will obtain excellent results.

Those who live in Venezuela icons in the industry when they see this lady in the photograph can easily locate her in any of the corporate companies that are in Venezuela, whether it is an oil company with heavy machines or administratively, our client is Mrs. María, a lady who is dedicated and works in the human resources area is because of her that she is always present in each of the activities within her company where she works regularly, we sell her approximately twice a month, she always calls us and buys us a combo of succulents because it does it because within that company they reward the workers and their clients also by means of plant details, either for good work or excellent clients who are at the forefront with them. On this occasion, Mrs. María made us an order for 10 nursery succulents these are the ones that come planted in small number five glasses.


This time he was very precise in his request since he only demanded succulents avoiding the prickly cacti, additionally that among his requirement, if he could help them through decorative pieces, he specifically asked us for white pebbles, gravel number one, mecatillo and coconut fiber, these pieces he was going to use to decorate the pots that she had previously bought elsewhere, that is, we supplied her with the plants and the decorative combo that includes what we already mentioned above.

In previous opportunities we have made the arrangements for our client But this time it was a super fast request that I requested since they had to cover an event and did not previously have the resources but the budget that we attached was approved the same day of the event Therefore, he practically had to run to find everything he had previously requested, here on the platform, we want to describe the budget that our client had given him with a cost margin where they can see our local currency, the sbd and the steam used within the blockchain in this way you can consider seeing the costs of our products and take them into account if they are close to the area for possible sales we are fully open to deliver that lens products always hand in hand to our customers.


Coconut fiber 2mtrs. 👇


Mecatillo 4mtrs.


10 Succulent Units / Unit Price


Total Budget:


In the budget that we detail above, you can see the costs of each of the products that we offer to our clients.In addition, in the images that follow, we will detail which plants were requested by our client and you can see the size of each one. We deliver them in recycling containers or plastic pots. Each one is approximately 10 to 12 cm high, including the pot and the plant. Remember that the price varies depending on the size and thickness of each of the plants, for us it is a real pleasure to show you the content and commercial activities that we are having in our venture.

Graptopetalum paraguayenseIMG_20210327_120453.jpgGraptopetalum sedumIMG_20210327_120503.jpgSuculenta TexanumIMG_20210327_120533.jpg

We are eager to receive our first purchase in cryptocurrencies, which are used within the blockchain, without a doubt that will be very emotional when we make our first sale, we are working hard to get our first clients within steemit and we are sure that soon it will We will achieve I hope you had a happy day and grateful that you let us know your opinion at the end of this article.


Source Banners

¡We do not see in an upcoming Edition!

Some photographs were taken from our official page, you can see them in the following link. 👇

Have More Advice on Our Commercial Profile @Cactusgens

Business name:@Cactusgens
Owner's name:@gensequini
Business address:Barcelona, Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
About us:Link Presentation


 3 years ago 

Hola @cactusgens . Es realmente gratificante, ver en la cara de nuestros clientes , la satisfacción cuando compran nuestros productos. Espero pronto hagas tu primera venta en steemit. Saludos.

 3 years ago 

thank you we are sure it will be!

 3 years ago 

The clinetes, when they know your business, understand the life associated with plants and how valuable they are to be part of arrangements, gifts, prizes, give a change to spaces in general.

@cactusgens , A good job, to encourage the workers who are part of the coexistence group of your current client.

She chose the plants liking and guided by you, to be able to make the decoration.

It is great to see how your business prospers, the commercial activity that you carry out, is of great value to us, sales are a joy, because it achieves greater visibility in your local area, and a rapprochement of many people, to your business .

Thank you for the cost benchmark, we are pleased about that, because we see the dedication to manage the costs associated with the change.


 3 years ago 

Thank you for your advisory comments and congratulations on our business activity.

 3 years ago 

Every day you grow and increase your income. Congratulations.

 3 years ago 

When a job is done with love and passion, it always bears beautiful fruits, I am sure that is the case with your business.
The plants are beautiful and I am sure that you will soon receive your first client in steemit.
Greetings dear @gensequini

 3 years ago 

thank you friend a liked!

 3 years ago 

Felicitaciones @cactusgens por tus ventas, y atencion al cliente.

 3 years ago 

thank you friend a liked!

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