How our cross-chain bridge enables accessibility across chains / 我们的跨链桥如何实现跨链的可用性

in NutBox3 years ago


Cross-chain transactions are prohibitively expensive, owing to transaction fees, which hinder the free flow of crypto assets. As DeFi transaction volume surges in the bull market, cross-chain bridges are proliferating at an accelerated rate — a TVL (total value locked) increase of 89 percent MoM in October.

由于交易费用阻碍了加密资产的自由流动,跨链交易的成本高得令人望而却步。随着 DeFi 交易量在牛市中激增,跨链桥正在加速增殖 —— 10 月份 TVL(总锁定价值)环比增长 89%。

Glitter Finance enables accessibility across multiple chains to bring more value to the overall DeFi ecosystem. It bridges Algorand and Solana, two unique blockchain ecosystems, each with technological strengths that can be leveraged to improve the other.

Glitter Finance 支持跨链使用,为整个 DeFi 生态系统带来更多价值。它连接了 Algorand 和 Solana 这两个独特的区块链生态系统 ,每个生态系统都具有可以用来改进另一个的技术优势。

Glitter Finance

Glitter is a cross-chain bridge that enables users to transfer their assets across different chains. It provides the functionality to send your asset from one chain, for example, Algorand, and deploys it on another chain like Solana. Glitter also allows you to send your asset between any supported chains.

Glitter 是一个让用户可以跨链转移他们资产的跨链桥。它提供了从一条链(例如 Algorand)发送您的资产并将其部署到另一条链(例如 Solana)上的功能。 Glitter 还允许您在任何支持的链之间发送您的资产。

Currently, Glitter supports Algorand and Solana as its first two blockchains, with more chains (Polygon, Tera, and Cudos) planned for integration in the future. Glitter’s mission is to provide accessibility to all types of users, from small businesses to institutional investors.

目前,Glitter 支持 Algorand 和 Solana 作为其首两条区块链,并计划未来将整合更多链(Polygon、Tera 和 Cudos)。 Glitter 的使命是为从小型企业到投资机构等所有类型的用户提供可用性。

Our two key components 我们的两个关键组件

Glitter consists of two key components: Cross-chain protocols and Cross-chain smart contracts. Cross-chain protocols allow the user to assess the solvency of the chain their assets are on. Cross-chain smart contracts then facilitate the transfer of Glitter tokens ($XGLI) across chains.

Glitter 由两个关键组件组成:跨链协议和跨链智能合约。跨链协议允许用户评估其资产所在链的偿付能力。然后,跨链智能合约促进 Glitter 代币($XGLI)的跨链转移。

Glitter was built to be efficient and secure, utilizing both Algorand and Solana blockchains. Cross-chain smart contracts can be programmed to perform specific tasks on Algorand or Solana, weeding out the middlemen of the conventional financial world and centralized crypto exchanges (CEXes). The cross-chain protocols assess the validity of the chains and then move Glitter tokens between them.

Glitter 采用 Algorand 和 Solana 区块链,旨在提高效率和安全性。跨链智能合约可以被编程在 Algorand 或 Solana 上执行特定任务,淘汰了传统金融世界和中心化加密交易所 (CEXes) 的中间人。跨链协议评估链的有效性,然后在它们之间转移 Glitter 代币。

The cross-chain transfer of assets is one Glitter’s main selling points, allowing users to exchange their Solana assets for Algorand ones, and vice versa. Cross-chain transfers are also cheaper than on-chain transactions, making them more accessible to everyone.

资产的跨链转移是 Glitter 的主要卖点之一,它允许用户将他们的 Solana 资产换成 Algorand 的资产,反之亦然。跨链转账也比链上交易便宜,让每个人都更容易使用。

What are the Advantages of Cross-chain Transactions? 跨连交易有哪些优势?

Cross-chain transactions allow users to be able to move their assets from one chain to another’s and access DeFi services across multiple chains.

跨链交易使用户能够将他们的资产从一个链转移到另一个链,并跨多个链使用 DeFi 服务。

There currently exists an incompatibility among multiple chains. This leaves users’ assets stuck on a particular chain and creates extra cost to transfer the assets through multiple fees and stressful experiences. Glitter cross-chain solution, using the Algorand blockchain, provides chain compatibility. Users can transfer assets across different chains with lesser cost and fewer transactions, in comparison with the traditional means of using centralized exchanges.

目前存在多个链之间的不兼容问题。这使得用户的资产被困在特定的链上,并由于多种费用和有压力的体验产生额外的资产转移成本。 Glitter 跨链解决方案使用 Algorand 区块链来提供链间的兼容性。与使用中心化交易所的传统方式相比,用户可以以更低的成本和更少的交易在不同的链上转移资产。

Centralized exchanges are still the major way users carry out cross-chain transfer of assets across multiple chains. The likes of Uniswap and Raydium, which are DEXes (Ior decentralized exchanges) that sit on a particular chain, require users to move their assets to supported chains. These DEXes are already bigger than most CEXes today in terms of trade volume and user engagement. The need for faster cross-chain transfer of assets, with no difficult experience and costly means, is highly demanded by the users. This is what Glitter has made available, using secured networks and smart contract protocols, to allow compatibility among chains for seamless, cross-chain asset transfer.

中心化交易所仍然是用户跨多链进行资产跨链转移的主要方式。 Uniswap 和 Raydium 之类的 DEX(去中心化交易所)位于特定链上,要求用户将其资产转移到所支持的链上。就交易量和用户参与度而言,这些 DEX 已经比当今大多数 CEX 规模来得更大。用户对快速跨链资产转移的需求,排除繁琐的体验和昂贵的途径,是用户的强烈需求。这就是 Glitter 所提供的,我们使用安全网络和智能合约协议,允许链之间的兼容性,以实现无缝的跨链资产转移。

Security and Speed Cross-Chain Transactions with Glitter / 使用 Glitter 进行安全和快速的跨链交易

Glitter’s cross-chain transactions offer a viable alternative to off-chain transfers using CEX in terms of speed and security, which is beneficial for both businesses and individual users. Cross-chain transactions allow Algorand-based projects to deploy their tokens on Solana and vice-versa, thus providing them with a wider user reach and the ability to bring in new token holders. In addition, this allows cross-ecosystem exposure, where fans of one ecosystem can now move their assets easily and securely, to formerly inaccessible networks.

Glitter 的跨链交易在速度和安全性方面为使用 CEX 的链下转移提供了可行的替代方案,这对企业和个人用户都有利。跨链交易允许基于 Algorand 的项目在 Solana 上部署他们的代币,反之亦然,从而为他们提供更广泛的用户范围和引入新代币持有者的能力。此外,这允许跨生态系统曝光,一个生态系统的粉丝现在可以轻松安全地将他们的资产转移到以前无法使用的网络上。

Integrating yield farming on Algorand, Solana / 在 Algorand 和 Solana 上整合收益农场

Enterprise clients and individuals use Glitter’s integrated yield farming across Algorand and Solana, allowing them to assess the profitability of different yield farms before deploying their assets. Using Glitter Bridge’s cutting-edge technology that leverages algorithmic precision and AI (Artificial Intelligence), users will be able to predict which yield farm does the best, and Glitter bridge will then deploy or transfer the asset from A to B (On the actual product).

企业客户和个人在 Algorand 和 Solana 上使用 Glitter 的集成收益农场,使他们能够在部署资产之前评估不同收益亦农场的盈利能力。使用 Glitter Bridge 的尖端技术,利用算法精度和 AI(人工智能),用户将能够预测哪个收益农场表现最好,然后 Glitter Bridge 便将资产从 A 部署或转移到 B(在实际产品上)。

This is another example of how cross-chain transactions allow businesses, like Algorand-Solana based projects, to expand their user reach and create intuitive user experience.

这是跨链交易如何让企业(如基于 Algorand-Solana 的项目)扩大其用户范围并创造直观的用户体验的另一个例子。

Glitter’s solution includes integration of yield farms from Algorand and Solana. Cross-chain assets for MVP will allow users to experiment with yield farming on both chains.

Glitter 的解决方案包括整合 Algorand 和 Solana 的收益农场。 MVP 的跨链资产将允许用户在两​​条链上试验收益农场。

At Glitter Finance, we are excited to be a part of the blockchain revolution, and we will continue to develop products that make it easier for everyone to access multiple chains.

在 Glitter Finance,我们很高兴成为区块链革命的一份子,我们将继续开发产品,让每个人都能更轻松地使用多个链。

翻译自:How our cross-chain bridge enables accessibility across chains


✨ About Glitter Finance ✨

The vision of Glitter Finance is to increase capital efficiency between cross-chain bridges, by re-deploying synthetic assets created by the Glitter cross-chain bridge, into yield pools integrated into the Glitter Finance Platform.
✨ 🪙🔗🌉🔗🪙 ✨
A cross-chain bridge bridging multiple L1 ecosystems including Algorand, Terra, Polygon and Cudos.
Incorporating AI and machine learning in the Glitter Finance Platform will create an algorithmic trading platform, which will help novice traders.

⚖️ $XGLI Token Metrics ⚖️

Total Supply: 125,000,000

Seed: 10,000,000 (8.0%)
Strategic: 15,000,000 (12.0%)
Public Sale: 2,500,000 (2.0%)
Team: 25,000,000 (20.0%)
Advisors: 2,500,000 (2.0%)
Liquidity & Incentives: 37,500,000 (30.0%)
Marketing: 5,000,000 (4.0%)
Treasury/Reserve: 27,500,000 (22.0%)

Layer 1 Chain: Algorand

🪙 Glitter $XGLI Token Functions 🪙

👉The ability to list a new yield farm
👉The ability update the treasury fees for yield
collected from the redeployment of user assets
👉The ability to update cross-chain transfer treasury fees
👉The ability to update oracle addresses
👉The ability to choose a new admin, such as a DAO controlled
by the community
👉The ability to spend assets from the Treasury

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Glitter Finance 投资者高亮: Space Capital

Strategic Partners

R8 Block Capital
W.L.I Capital
ZBS Capital
Solster Launchpad
Aegis Launchpad

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