How Glitter leverages Algorand tech to implement its solutions / Glitter 如何充份使用 Algorand科技來推行其解決方案

in NutBox3 years ago


In the world of finance, cross-chain solutions are all the rage. It seems as if every day there is a new partnership announcement. But what sets Glitter apart from the rest? With its sophisticated bridge capabilities and design, Glitter bridges synthetic or wrapped assets into integrated yield pools, allowing for asset redeployment.

在金融界,各种跨链解决方案可谓方兴未艾。几乎每天都有各种新的合作伙伴关系公告。但是是什么让 Glitter 与众不同呢?凭借其尖端的桥接功能和设计,Glitter 将合成或包裹式资产桥接到集成收益池中,允许资产的重新部署。

Diving headfirst into AI and machine learning (DLN), which are collectively known as Deep Learning Neural Networks, is the next logical step. We provide traders a profit where previously there was none, and we enable wide adoption by developing a platform that works in tandem with them to help them succeed.

深入钻研人工智能和机器学习 (DLN),统称为深度学习神经网络,是下一个合乎逻辑的步骤。我们为交易员提供以前无法取得的利润,我们通过开发一个与他们协同工作的平台来帮助他们取得成功,从而实现广泛采用。

Glitter Finance's Leverage of Algorand / Glitter Finance 對 Algorand 的充份使用

Glitter Finance's success is partially due to the fact that it uses Algorand blockchain technology, which makes it possible to move assets quickly and securely. Algorand's algorithm is highly efficient and requires little computer power per node, making it possible to complete transactions promptly.

Glitter Finance 的成功部分归功于它使用 Algorand 区块链技术,这使得快速安全地移动资产成为可能。 Algorand 的算法效率高,每个节点所需的算力极低,可以及时完成交易。

Algorand is a blockchain technology company that has pioneered the practical Byzantine fault-tolerant (pBFT) consensus. This means that it can endure malicious individuals and achieve consensus without the need for a central authority as long as there is a supermajority of non-malicious holdings. It makes it an ideal choice for Glitter, which aims to build bridges between different blockchains.

Algorand 是一家开创了实用的拜占庭容错(pBFT)共识的区块链技术公司。这意味着只要有绝对多数的非恶意持有,它就可以抵御恶意的个人攻击并达成共识,而无需中央权威。它使其成为旨在在不同区块链之间建立桥梁的 Glitter 的理想选择。

Algorand is the first blockchain to develop a practical pBFT consensus algorithm, which has been successfully implemented in production. This algorithm allows for large-scale, high-performance networks that are still able to maintain decentralization. Glitter leverages this advantage to provide an efficient platform that is secure and scalable.
Algorand 是第一个开发实用 pBFT 共识算法的区块链,并已成功实现生产。该算法允许仍然能够保持去中心化的大规模、高性能网络。 Glitter 利用这一优势提供了一个安全且可扩展的高效平台。

除了 pBFT 算法,Algorand 还拥有丰富的开发人员生态系统,他们在其平台上构建应用程序。这让 Glitter 获得了丰富的人才和经验,可以利用这些人才和经验继续开发自己的平台。

In addition to its pBFT algorithm, Algorand also has a rich ecosystem of developers who are building applications on its platform. This gives Glitter access to a wealth of talent and experience that it can draw on to continue developing its own platform.

除了 pBFT 算法,Algorand 还拥有丰富的开发人员生态系统,他们在其平台上构建应用程序。这让 Glitter 获得了丰富的人才和经验,可以利用这些人才和经验继续开发自己的平台。

Additionally, Algorand leverages Zero-knowledge Protocols to ensure privacy. The company takes all the required precautions so that its protocol is not only efficient but also safe, including an analysis of external events and a focus on robustness. For Glitter Finance users, it means that their transactions will be safe and confidential.

此外,Algorand 利用零知识协议来确保隐私。该公司采取了所有必要的预防措施,使其协议不仅高效而且安全,包括对外部事件的分析和对稳健性的注意。对于 Glitter Finance 用户来说,这意味着他们的交易将是安全和保密的。

Thanks to Algorand, Glitter is able to provide users with a quick, efficient, and confidential cross-chain solution. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable way to move assets between different blockchains. Glitter is poised to become a leader in the field of cross-chain solutions, and with Algorand as its backbone, there's no telling how far it will go.

得益于 Algorand,Glitter 能够为用户提供快速、高效、保密的跨链解决方案。这使其成为任何寻求可靠方式在不同区块链之间转移资产的人的理想选择。 Glitter 有望成为跨链解决方案领域的翘楚,以 Algorand 为骨干,其前景不可限量。

Glitter is an end-to-end solution for trading, investing, and lending with synthetic assets. The Glitter protocols work together seamlessly to form a cohesive trading platform that can be accessed by anyone. As opposed to blockchain technologies like Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH), the Glitter protocol is specifically designed for the trading of synthetic assets.

Glitter 是一种端到端的解决方案,可用于使用合成资产进行交易、投资和借贷。 Glitter 协议无缝地协同工作,形成一个任何人都可以访问的有凝聚力的交易平台。与比特币 (BTC) 或以太坊 (ETH) 等区块链技术不同,Glitter 协议专为合成资产的交易而设计。

Cross-chain bridges are essential for the success of decentralized finance (DeFi). It is no news that the Decentralized Finance sector has been growing exponentially over the last year. GlitterFinance takes advantage of Algorand's blockchain technology to provide an efficient platform that is secure and scalable.

跨链桥梁对于去中心化金融(DeFi)的成功至关重要。去中心化金融领域在过去一年中呈指数级增长已是老生常谈了。 GlitterFinance 充份利用了 Algorand 的区块链技术以提供安全且可扩展的高效平台。

翻译自:How Glitter leverages Algorand tech to implement its solutions


Glitter Finance:闪亮的简易

Glitter Finance: 介绍 $XGLI 代币的用途和价值主张

[AMA问答] Glitter Finance x Boss Crypto Community (2021年11月7日)

Glitter Finance 投资者高亮: Space Capital


W.L.I Capital
ZBS Capital
Aegis Launchpad


关于Glitter Finance

通过与Glitter Bridge 的整合,Glitter Finance 提出了一个允许将一条链上的一部份锁仓代币(抵押品)重新部署到另一条链上产生收益的金库中的平台。 Glitter Finance 在新链上创建了抵押代币的合成版本,从而提高了整个平台的资本效率和流动性。

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