Mizu No Oto Week #7 Entry

in #haikucontest6 years ago

Photo by @F3nix

Hollow castle sleeps
beneath covers of ivy -
Specters dance the halls

       Thanks to @Bananafish for another round of the Mizu No Oto contest! Want to join but are shy because you've never tried to write a haiku before? Don't worry, this terrific introductory post by @Marcoriccardi gives a bit of history of haiku and some tips to get you going.

      To participate, write a haiku using the photo provided in the contest post as your inspiration. Then submit your entry, which can be the link from your blog or the haiku itself into the comments so that everyone can have the chance to read it. While you're there, check out the offerings from others as this community is all about sharing and interacting with each other!

Thank you @Omra-Sky for my sweet squirrple separator!

Follow the Bananafish Trail!
Art by @PegasusPhysics
squirrel world.gif
Join in the #haikucontest fun!
Thank you @Omra-sky!

ezgif.com-resize (15).gif


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😁 I raise my mug and give my thanks to you and @theironfelix! 🍺

That is really creepy--I mean that in a good way. It gives the impression of a grave, fitting for Halloween. I missed the ivy completely when I saw the picture. You throw the picture in a whole new light for me.
Quite squirrelly of you!

Thank you, Agmoore! To be told that one's work gave someone a different view is a terrific compliment! 🤗

F3nix's fantastic photo inspired an entire story in my mind. I had to reign myself in and remind myself that I was supposed to write a haiku. #distractedsquirrel 😅


Hi Brisby, thank you for your haiku! I would like to dance with those specters and remember their mortal life!


Grazie, Marco! It would be wonderful to join in their merriment! Imagine the stories they would tell...

I wouldn't want to dance with spectres because of what happens when the music ends..

La imagen de espectros bailando dentro de ese castillo, es verdaderamente espeluznante¡

¡Gracias por el cumplido! Esperaba transmitir ese sentimiento. ¡Espero que tengas un gran día!

Oh, I can definitely see those specters dancing! This is a perfect haiku for the image...a classic! Man oh man...I love this brisby!!!

Thank you Whatisnew! I'm so happy that you love it!! 😁🤗 Your poetry is always a joy to read so having you compliment it really makes me smile! Ever think of trying out this contest? (I'd love to read another of your haiku!)

It is a great photo and I wish I could wander inside and have a look around! Sad isn't it, that such a lovely building has fallen into this state?

I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday! 🌻

Yes, I was thinking about entering the contest a couple of weeks ago but I have to unclutter my mind first. Too much going on right now.

It sure is sad to have let that building go, but then again, we wouldn't have your amazing haiku. : )

You have a wonderful Friday brisby! (love that sunflower.)

You, my sweet friend, brighten everyone's day when you leave them a message! 🤗

As to the haiku contest, it's best to wait until writing one makes you happy. The contest will be there when you want to.

I really hope that whatever stress that is happening in your life right now takes a hike soon (leaving behind only good). 🙏

Hugs to you! Wishing only the best for you, your brother and his wife, and all your loved ones. 💕 (Side note: I'm sending some good juju vibes to your car too!)

HaHa! I thought I felt something...thanks for the good juju vibes and the hugs. My brother is much better and my poor SIL is scheduled for back surgery on Dec. 5th. Thanks for thinking about them. Have a good week ahead my friend. : )

Ah great, no heist shall be happenin' there it seems. Fo' sho'!
Fo' sho'.jpg

Killin' those kek frogs and making unrelated side remarks aside, I lik'd the haiku and how it blerrie strung a good scenery piece in a spoopy way. Anyways, welcome back to the @bananafish realms. Time to see yah chop, yes yah, back in action and being a kerel with the other potassiumnites. Upvot'd and resteem'd.

Thank you, kind Felix, for your warm welcome and fine compliments! You're right. Any greedy trespassers would be regretting their choice right quick.

My thanks as well for the support you give to the Bananafish Tribe each and every day. I !tip my hat to you in appreciation!

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